58 -> 377
34 -> 183
27 -> 106
62 -> 461
83 -> ?
someone find the number pls
edtheking12 [#16]math class
what maths
or is it something lower than that
horse69 [#17]what maths
or is it something lower than that
its just pattern recognition
brobeans [#23]From first glance, the ones is first num’s ones minus 1
Hundreds is first num’s tens minus 2 and min 1
It doesn't follow a linear pattern exactly (nor does it seem to fit other basic curves) which is what I would expect from the whole numbers -> y = 9.4547x - 146.08 with a R^2 of R² = 0.986.
This means 83 would be 638.66 which isn't a whole number either.
I would guess there is some hidden arithmetic equation at play. potentially based on the order of the numbers you gave
edtheking12 [#22]how did you get that
58 -> 377
34 -> 183
27 -> 106
62 -> 461
83 -> ?
I will refer to the left number as X and right as Y
1) ones digit
X's ones digit is 1 larger than Y's ones digit (8-1 = 7, 4-1 = 3 and on)
so for 83, it will be 2 --> ??2
fairly straightforward
2) tens digit
first X's tens digit(5) + first Y's tens digit(3) = 8, thus 34 --> 183
5+3+2 = 10, 106 and on
so for 83, it will be 5+3+2+6+ 8 = 24, ?42
3) hundreds digit
genearlly, Y's hundreds digit is 2 less than X's.
but we see an exception: 27 --> 106
if we go back to how we got the tens digit, it was 5+3+2, 10. here, we only used the 0 for our solution, and dumped 1. I though that 1 back there should come back here, making it 2-2+1 = 1, 27 --> 106
so for 83, it should be 8-2 = 6, but remember, we dumped the 2 from 24 in tens digit, so 6+2 =8
Now, there are some faulty reasoning in my solution
love_trial [#29]it would be devious to just keyboard slam a bunch of random numbers and say find the pattern
there is a positive correlation so at least some pattern exists
love_trial [#29]it would be devious to just keyboard slam a bunch of random numbers and say find the pattern
horse69 [#28]58 -> 377
34 -> 183
27 -> 106
62 -> 461
83 -> ?
I will refer to the left number as X and right as Y
1) ones digit
X's ones digit is 1 larger than Y's ones digit (8-1 = 7, 4-1 = 3 and on)
so for 83, it will be 2 --> ??2
fairly straightforward
2) tens digit
first X's tens digit(5) + first Y's tens digit(3) = 8, thus 34 --> 183
5+3+2 = 10, 106 and on
so for 83, it will be 5+3+2+6+ 8 = 24, ?42
3) hundreds digit
genearlly, Y's hundreds digit is 2 less than X's.
but we see an exception: 27 --> 106
if we go back to how we got the tens digit, it was 5+3+2, 10. here, we only used the 0 for our solution, and dumped 1. I though that 1 back there should come back here, making it 2-2+1 = 1, 27 --> 106
so for 83, it should be 8-2 = 6, but remember, we dumped the 2 from 24 in tens digit, so 6+2 =8
Now, there are some faulty reasoning in my solution
- my solution fails to explain the 7 in tens digit for 58 --> 377. i just said that the first value was given a random number
- My solution only works if the order matters; for most of these problems, order often doesn't account for the answer, but that was the only way i saw the answer
- the number becomes invalid if ones digit is 0 , because 0-1 = -1, we can't have that. similar errors could occur with hundreds digit
BUT, for the given numbers, i didn't come across any error solutions, so i speculate im right? maybe idk
This is just a big waste of time if you dont have the 'correct' aswner by whoever elaborated the question
firefirefirefire [#32]This is just a big waste of time if you dont have the 'correct' aswner by whoever elaborated the question
firefirefirefire [#32]This is just a big waste of time if you dont have the 'correct' aswner by whoever elaborated the question
Some people like puzzles
horse69 [#34]ok
bruh i appreciated your effort, i was just commenting that this kind of question opens the door for diverse anwsers that only people who made know
brobeans [#30]there is a positive correlation so at least some pattern exists
anyone can post a bunch of numbers that trend in the same direction doesn't mean there's an intended pattern in there
firefirefirefire [#36]bruh i appreciated your effort, i was just commenting that this kind of question opens the door for diverse anwsers that only people who made know
i wasnt intending to disagree with you