I ate a shit ton of eel yesterday and now I have small sharp bone stuck in my throat
how tf do I gett it out
everytime i swallow it hurts
wtf see a doctor I thought this would be the obvious first step.
its not that big of a deal its just been annoying me for the last day and it seems l ike a simple enough issue that everybody has experienced at some point
tell a doctor: No Ask vlr: yes
im a doctor. i suggest sucking sum d
call a doctor or take it by ur hand or sm
Try to like mash some rice and make a ball with it (smaller than a tennis ball...) and try to swallow it with some water....
this worked, thank you
im glad!! I thought you would find this to be weird but trust me it worked for me all the time
I got you Drop your addy
Kirya known throat expert
u can confirm?
Try olive oil and bread. If doesn't help then ER
Do the glizzy overdrive thing