Flag: Saint Lucia
Registered: July 31, 2021
Last post: September 23, 2023 at 11:49 AM
Posts: 11

Try olive oil and bread. If doesn't help then ER

posted 8 months ago

I was scrolling or actually just lookiing down to find this comment.

posted 8 months ago

If that's the case, then it's a significant loss. He's shown promise, and hasn't been in the game for long. However, I wouldn't fault him if he's chosen to further his education or smth.

posted 8 months ago

Be careful with running as this form of exercise is known to strain your kneecaps, especially in someone who is out of shape/240 lbs; it could even lead to an unfortunate injury, which will remain sort of unnoticed but for sure will be felt later in your life. Essentially you can always substitute running with bike pedaling exercise, or any other form of stationary machine exercises to condition your muscles first, if you decide to move on to running later. Or you could ignore runnig al together and continue pedalling the bike macines for the all duration of your training cycle and it will help you burn enough energy to lose weight, if your diet is in check.
Remember, consistency is the key, so don't overexert yourself.

posted 8 months ago

If that's their final roster lineup, it seems pretty good. It doesn't sit squarely in the mid as you suggest, but more leans towards a controlled high, with Cryo, Eeiu, and Zander favoring a slower, tactical approach compared to the somewhat faster style of Asuna and Bang. This combo have enough potential.

posted 8 months ago

Hopefully, he'll secure a contract in the near future because he's an excellent player, and has a few more years to consider.

Prior to LEO, Shao, cNed, Sheydos and Hoody, there was always ScreaM's Sage, who was renowned as the most formidable Sage player in the game.

posted 8 months ago

I think he was referring more to talent in a way of some reservoir of creative and unique ideas that is challenging to fully exhaust. People with exceptional talent can achieve heights of tremendous creativity and innovation while continuously being original in their representations under the right circumstances.

posted 8 months ago

Both teams, if you will, choked at one moment or another, but sociabLEE looked exceptionally good. In general, Turkish teams play aggressively, similar to Faze's "Smeag" style which can catch teams off guard. Therefore, you can expect lots of duels versus Turkish teams, and this is most likely what happened in the first half when FPX couldn't handle them.

posted about 2 years ago

You clearly don't know TURKISH style.

posted about 2 years ago

If FF had won, you wouldn't say such BULLSHIT.

Learn to love the sport and RESPECT >>>BOTH<<< teams!

posted about 2 years ago

The're was an issue at the beginnig but they had found a good form and composure to win the map eventually - FF pick btw

posted about 2 years ago