According to VLR this is how Bangkok will go.
Bangkok Participants: SEN, G2, TH, VIT, EDG, TE, DRX, T1
Swiss Round 1: T1 beat Sen, DRX beat TE, VIT beat EDG, G2 beat TH
Swiss Round 2: 1-0 teams: G2 beat DRX, VIT beat T1 having both G2 and VIT move to playoffs. 0-1 teams: EDG beat TE, SEN beat TH. TE and TH are out going 0-2
Swiss Round 3: EDG beat SEN, DRX beat T1. Sen and T1 are out while EDG and DRX are though to playoffs.
Playoffs Upper Semifinals: G2 beat DRX, VIT beat EDG
Playoffs Upper Final and Lower Round 1: UF: G2 beat VIT having G2 go to the GF and Vit go to LF. LR1: EDG beat DRX having EDG go to LF and DRX being out and getting 4th place.
Playoffs Lower Final: VIT beat EDG having VIT play G2 in the GF and EDG are out with 3rd place.
Playoffs Grand Final: G2 beat VIT having G2 being VLR'S MASTERS BANGKOK WINNERS and VIT finish in 2nd
Overall Standings:
1st: G2
2nd: VIT
3rd: EDG
4th: DRX
5-6th: SEN, T1
7-8th: TH, TE
Thank you to all that voted, if you didn't idk man figure it out.
Links to all the threads:
AMER Participants:
APAC Participants:
EMEA Participants:
Swiss Rd 1:
Swiss Rd 2:
Swiss Rd 3:
Playoffs US:
Playoffs UF+LR1:
Playoffs LF:
Playoffs GF: