My aim is goated but my teammates stops me from ranking up
My aim is goated but my teammates stops me from ranking up
And then we look at your top 3guns. Vandal. Guardian. Sheriff. You use guardian almost as much as you use Vandal. Obviously you're going to get a high hs percentage. The fact is you're still in silver three and there are people who have been in silver with the same teammates as you who have made it out. Instead of crying about teammates, why not change what you can about iow you play? Don't you dare blame your teammates, even if you have 50% headshots percentage, even if your teammates are bad. You wouldn't be in silver if you improved how you play. And I'm not talking about aim, because you are a prime example of how you need more than aim to rank up.
you must be playing with your brain stem disconnected tbh. you're clearly doing something wrong if you're stuck in silver, your headshot % means nothing. i'm only diamond but I can get out of silver without using a single piece of util and just shooting. if you were good enough to not be in silver, you wouldn't be in silver. it's not your teammates fault.