be locked in a room for 24 hrs with:
1) babysasuke and nutable 2) subreezy and yessirkii 3) shownu and trembo
1 eu stinks
kill myself 🔥🔥🔥
TrialRunnr [#3] kill myself 🔥🔥🔥
that is option #4
how big is the room
3 sounds like a fight waiting to happen
1 They got based asf takes
locked in a room with any vlr user is a big NO
I will gladly take canadian healthcare if im stuck with these mf. Subreezy is cool but Yesserski nah fuck that
Ewww all of those mfs stink 🤢
I'm sure these people are actually good irl but they just come to vlr to bait people and have horrendous takes for the sake of it
Anything but number 1.
You just know those guys are going to be obnoxious af.
skrossi and domination
3 i dont have to do anything they will beat eachother up
1 would be like watching gay porn
there is always a backup 🙌
all ik is ain’t NOBODY choosing 3 💀💀
isnt subreezy chill
Stuck with Yessirskiiii and Subreezy 😩