Meanwhile rrq clowning
kaesra [#9]he is edging us
One hint for now.
As I said before, it is possible another org could beat RRQ to the punch on signing Lmemore and Tehbotol.
equinoxyy [#13]language could be the problem tho, idk if meteor can speak english or not
Maybe another translator middilemen like joxjo nth
Pogtestic [#16]Maybe another translator middilemen like joxjo nth
idk man, its quite hard for team, if its need 1 player to translate rather focusing on gameplay. not a fan of player translating ingame, but on paper, meteor + lmemore is 10/10
equinoxyy [#17]idk man, its quite hard for team, if its need 1 player to translate rather focusing on gameplay. not a fan of player translating ingame, but on paper, meteor + lmemore is 10/10
Hope they can speak english doe, would be hella hype.
equinoxyy [#13]language could be the problem tho, idk if meteor can speak english or not
they can make it work i think
archetype [#15]Wait, I normally am pessimistic on SEA/KR mixed rosters but if it's Lmemore...
totally agree, Lmemore and maybe monyet is someone i'll heavily recommend to any KR team, still young, and very talented
Pogtestic [#18]Hope they can speak english doe, would be hella hype.
yes, xnfri joxjo can speak english, idk about meteor
equinoxyy [#20]totally agree, Lmemore and maybe monyet is someone i'll heavily recommend to any KR team, still young, and very talented
KR talent is insane, the depth is strong, but players like Lmemore definitely earned their spot in a KR team. He and Monyet were the stars of ONIC G and I'd like to see them stack up to the East Asia competition.
archetype [#22]KR talent is insane, the depth is strong, but players like Lmemore definitely earned their spot in a KR team. He and Monyet were the stars of ONIC G and I'd like to see them stack up to the East Asia competition.
archetype [#22]KR talent is insane, the depth is strong, but players like Lmemore definitely earned their spot in a KR team. He and Monyet were the stars of ONIC G and I'd like to see them stack up to the East Asia competition.
Yup, but what if they also pick up tehbotol, as this suit them more, controller in east asia isn't that many,
maybe tehbotol - controller
Lmemore - flex
Meteor - duelist/chamber
Joxjo - initiator
monyet - main duelist
Derialy - flex
xnfri - initiator/duelist
JiangLi [#24]But why ? Unless GenG throwing a significantly bigger bag than RRQ . Then there's a problem of comms which will plague them
bro living in 2022 and still think language barrier is a major problem.
deadSQUAD [#26]bro living in 2022 and still think language barrier is a major problem.
it is a problem.
deadSQUAD [#26]bro living in 2022 and still think language barrier is a major problem.
Are you stupid or what ? It may not be as big of a problem for sea players ( still a big problem) but for east Asian countries yes it is
deadSQUAD [#26]bro living in 2022 and still think language barrier is a major problem.
Well even Crazy racoon had that kind of issue bro.
deadSQUAD [#26]bro living in 2022 and still think language barrier is a major problem.
nonton podcast glhf son makanya bang. ibaratnya lu jaga di site nih terus mau minta bantuan teman, terus lu gagu mau ngomong apa yaudah lu bakal diebol2 di site karena ga tau mau ngomong apa
definitioNvlrt [#30]nonton podcast glhf son makanya bang. ibaratnya lu jaga di site nih terus mau minta bantuan teman, terus lu gagu mau ngomong apa yaudah lu bakal diebol2 di site karena ga tau mau ngomong apa
tapi ini common knowledge, tanpa harus nonton glhfson juga harusnya tau sih, bayangin aja kalo lu main compe, gausah jauh2, ini ke bahasa inggris aja, yg gua bisa dan mayann lancar, kalo lg posisi hectic, akan susah comms jelas,
equinoxyy [#13]language could be the problem tho, idk if meteor can speak english or not
U don't need to speak English just click the head... easy
deadSQUAD [#26]bro living in 2022 and still think language barrier is a major problem.
It's easy when u just click the head . Language no problem
kaesra [#9]he is edging us No more waiting.
Ullyr [#33]U don't need to speak English just click the head... easy
not wrong if ur playing in a below gold ..
Seulgi [#35] No more waiting.
W Seulgi L RRQ
Seulgi [#35] No more waiting.
alr gave us the scoop for us vlr folks
Man didn't forget his roots
W iKyoto
Seulgi [#35] No more waiting.
thanks seulgi love u
JiangLi [#39]alr gave us the scoop for us vlr folks
Man didn't forget his roots
W iKyoto
Can't forget about the people that brought me to where I am now. Would be nothing without you guys and your continued support even if i fucked up with AECL <3
equinoxyy [#31]tapi ini common knowledge, tanpa harus nonton glhfson juga harusnya tau sih, bayangin aja kalo lu main compe, gausah jauh2, ini ke bahasa inggris aja, yg gua bisa dan mayann lancar, kalo lg posisi hectic, akan susah comms jelas,
kalo cuma coms “one A one B one mid” nenek gua juga bisa -glhfson😭😭
PeterGriffin [#44]i hope ID players go to somewhere else instead of rrq. so rrq can stick with their tier 2/tier 3 players and get destroyed in league
jadi mau Global Embarasment apa RRQ dulu yg mau mau diebol duluan
sleeek [#46]just learn their language lmao
just learn the basic callouts LMAO
prob gonna took months to get used to it
TheUnkilling [#45]jadi mau Global Embarasment apa RRQ dulu yg mau mau diebol duluan
GE justru lebih niat bikin tim drpd RRQ, sampe impor AYRIN buat IGL. RRQ? buyout aja mikir2 waokaowkoawoaw
TheUnkilling [#45]jadi mau Global Embarasment apa RRQ dulu yg mau mau diebol duluan
Setidaknya GE lebih niat
JiangLi [#28]Are you stupid or what ? It may not be as big of a problem for sea players ( still a big problem) but for east Asian countries yes it is
it's not that hard to learn basic english bro, you don't need perfect grammar for it.
TheUnkilling [#45]jadi mau Global Embarasment apa RRQ dulu yg mau mau diebol duluan
GE niat sih kan rencana nya cuma 2 dari tim skrg, skrossi sama LF kyknya, sisanya ambil dr luat, AYRIN udh, 2 lg APAC player
definitioNvlrt [#30]nonton podcast glhf son makanya bang. ibaratnya lu jaga di site nih terus mau minta bantuan teman, terus lu gagu mau ngomong apa yaudah lu bakal diebol2 di site karena ga tau mau ngomong apa
ya makanya belajar bahasanya, yakali lu udh digaji masih gabisa jg belajar bahasa baru minimal inggris basic lah.
equinoxyy [#31]tapi ini common knowledge, tanpa harus nonton glhfson juga harusnya tau sih, bayangin aja kalo lu main compe, gausah jauh2, ini ke bahasa inggris aja, yg gua bisa dan mayann lancar, kalo lg posisi hectic, akan susah comms jelas,
ya kan itu posisi lo cuma main fun jd wajar kalo lo ga mendalami bahasa inggris buat in game. tp kalo udh ranah pro harusnya udh bukan masalah besar krn namanya bahasa semua bisa dipelajarin walaupun butuh waktu.
deadSQUAD [#57]ya kan itu posisi lo cuma main fun jd wajar kalo lo ga mendalami bahasa inggris buat in game. tp kalo udh ranah pro harusnya udh bukan masalah besar krn namanya bahasa semua bisa dipelajarin walaupun butuh waktu.
bro, gua kerja dan main pun selalu pake iggris sm tmn gua, jadi mostly gua udah kebiasa, but kalo lg ribet bgt lu di kepung, bisa lupa tuh apa yg mau diomongin, yg harusnya lu bisa comms sesuatu, pelajarin bahasa juga ga semudah itu bro wkwk
FlyingDoggoWoweeClap4 [#49]just learn the basic callouts LMAO
prob gonna took months to get used to it
yup. My friend doesn't understand English so he asked me to teach him basic callouts. He's able to play with immortal and radiant with that basic callouts. Besides, it took him another 6 months to get better at speaking English due to the sudden exposure of communicating using English.
equinoxyy [#58]bro, gua kerja dan main pun selalu pake iggris sm tmn gua, jadi mostly gua udah kebiasa, but kalo lg ribet bgt lu di kepung, bisa lupa tuh apa yg mau diomongin, yg harusnya lu bisa comms sesuatu, pelajarin bahasa juga ga semudah itu bro wkwk
nah lo bisa lancar kan di kerjaan pake bhs inggris? karena lo lakuin itu professionally dan tiap hari jd terbiasa. itu yg ngebedain. ketika lo ngelakuin itu untuk kebutuhan profesi, lo pasti akan try hard untuk belajar biar bisa nunjang karir lo, tp kalo cuma for fun ya seadanya aja gaakan try hard. udh banyak lah contoh player profesional yg berhasil ngatasin masalah bahasa. awal2 mungkin ada yg kesulitan tp lama2 jg terbiasa.
Kowloon1st [#50]GE justru lebih niat bikin tim drpd RRQ, sampe impor AYRIN buat IGL. RRQ? buyout aja mikir2 waokaowkoawoaw
RRQ uda dikasi pilihan gampang biar bisa bikin superteam indo malah mikir" mau mix sama player tier 2 🥲, pake di trial semuamya lgi wkwkw kocak. Emg ni Org baru pertama kali ngerasain scene esport level internasional yang sebenarnya.
deadSQUAD [#60]nah lo bisa lancar kan di kerjaan pake bhs inggris? karena lo lakuin itu professionally dan tiap hari jd terbiasa. itu yg ngebedain. ketika lo ngelakuin itu untuk kebutuhan profesi, lo pasti akan try hard untuk belajar biar bisa nunjang karir lo, tp kalo cuma for fun ya seadanya aja gaakan try hard. udh banyak lah contoh player profesional yg berhasil ngatasin masalah bahasa. awal2 mungkin ada yg kesulitan tp lama2 jg terbiasa.
ya itu point nya, gua udh pake untuk kerja aja, kalo pas lg ribet bgt ttp aja tuh gabisa selancar mother tongue lu.
MantapMas [#5]So that's why Nexi passed the trial👀
if lmemore will sign the contract with rrq
nexi = out
deadSQUAD [#53]it's not that hard to learn basic english bro, you don't need perfect grammar for it.
Typing English is easy . Everyone can do that . Not every can speak English while getting pinched in a 2v5 scenario
TheUnkilling [#45]jadi mau Global Embarasment apa RRQ dulu yg mau mau diebol duluan
Global Embarassment and Ragu ragu Qontol
User011098 [#71]No way they going to recruit Indonesian player "language barrier"
mostly phillipines player playing game are irresponsible speak english. not all but majority cant speak english and always only talk putang ina mo gago
User011098 [#71]No way they going to recruit Indonesian player "language barrier"
No way Gen G recruit Philippines player "Low Skills player"
yamigamidark [#73]mostly phillipines player playing game are irresponsible speak english. not all but majority cant speak english and always only talk putang ina mo gago
Majority he say lmao 🤣🤣🤣
ZivaQT [#74]No way Gen G recruit Philippines player "Low Skills player"
No way theyre going to recruit indo low iq people 🤣🤣
JiangLi [#70]Typing English is easy . Everyone can do that . Not every can speak English while getting pinched in a 2v5 scenario
except if they are professional player who train everyday and been on 2v5 situation hundred times a day.
equinoxyy [#62]ya itu point nya, gua udh pake untuk kerja aja, kalo pas lg ribet bgt ttp aja tuh gabisa selancar mother tongue lu.
jangan samain kita dengan pro player bro. player profesional kerjaannya tiap hari main game, jadi tiap hari bisa puluhan kali ngerasain situasi ribet di game yg mana lama2 akan terbiasa. coba aja lo denger mic check tim2 internasional ya pasti udh pd terbiasa pake bhs inggris di situasi apapun.
tp ya semua balik lg ke player masing2 mau belajar atau engga.
koromast [#82]so lmemore and meteor on same roster??? W for comp but an L for people who wanted gen.g to stay with a 5 KR roster.
there's multiple source that said geng want an english speaking roster so it does make sense if they go for international roster
Marcusgeez [#85]there's multiple source that said geng want an english speaking roster so it does make sense if they go for international roster
i dont see the problem with it tho, thats exactly what paper rex did and they are looking good so far.
Marcusgeez [#85]there's multiple source that said geng want an english speaking roster so it does make sense if they go for international roster
Are you trying to say Kr people can't speak english?