Flag: Indonesia
Registered: October 11, 2021
Last post: August 8, 2024 at 3:02 AM
Posts: 71
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I would say SOME of his opinions are good/true. But his act, the way he conveys his message, the way he portrays himself is just utter bullshit and borderline toxic in my opinion. He can say very motivational things sometimes, but the rest of his takes are just straight garbage. For me Jordan Peterson and the guy that goes to colleges and debate with the students has better advice. Personally tate is just not it

posted 6 months ago

G2 comps is way too good in this map bro, there is so much utility compared to PRX. nobody can hold an angle cause of all the util. PRX need to change comps

posted 6 months ago

I like how they talk about their mistakes and like everyone saying their minds. I really like how D4v4i really knows the problem and really wants to fix it. Same with Mindfreak, hope they can get their shit together for champs. A little more discipline will make these guys champions

posted 8 months ago

For pro play -> I kinda dislike how GE is just going full international instead of only having 1-2 import. GE getting into franchising now doesn't have any impact don't India eSport situation since they only have 1 Indian anyway.

For comp and regular play -> A lot of Indian I meet in SG are super toxic and IGL wannbes. I appreciate you want to try IGL, but I don't need you micromanaging my ass.
->Indian does a call
->1 Person doesn't do the call exactly how he wants it
-> listened to him, lost the round
-> Throw and blame it on us

I'd rather you shut up and just play the game

posted 8 months ago

zeus would put this kids in their place and line them up, which is precisely what PRX needed

posted 8 months ago

yo where you at brother

posted 8 months ago

Need an amazing IGL that is able control the nerves, over peeking, and impatience. I believe that if there is a Zeus of valorant, he will be a perfect fit

posted 8 months ago

They need a lot of stuff. An assistant coach. I think if there's a guy like Zeus, he would be perfect for this team. A loud, strong, guy that can help ease the nerve, have that leadership aura, and overall a nice guy that understands the mentality. Just have a better fragging potential than zeus did.

posted 8 months ago

suka suka OP lah mau bikin thread pake bahasa apa. inikan forum inter. Mau dia minta indo come tapi dalam pakai bahasa inggris supaya yang lain ngerti juga bebas. "atensi lu biar orang2 pada tau biar nama dia jelek" kalo xcurrate mau jaga image, lebih baik ga usah ngomong aneh aneh atau lebih aware lagi orang lagi streaming ato engga. Its not your job to keep his image, its his own fucking job.

posted 10 months ago

I will never address non binary with how they want. I will call them What I want to. Fuck them

posted 10 months ago

Nah CS's t2 is still ass compared to val's. Especially when it comes to other region beside EU,CIS,BR. Val's t2 is not doing good but is a step toward the right direction

posted about a year ago

Live chat CS here. I know that feel bro. And then i queue valorant again after. I might be a masochist

posted about a year ago

isn't the original CS was first to 13 rounds or smth? then it changed to first to 16. I remember reading someone saying this when Val first came out

posted about a year ago

what is this take? what is this logic? if your team loses , stay because of how well played the other team did. if your team wins then cheer for them. that's common fucking sense. If your team loses you leave? god damn that's the most idiotic take ever.

posted about a year ago

I am already thinking im gonna wait and buy an account that matches my previous rank man. the grind isn't worth it

posted about 2 years ago

I lost 26 times already this act, this is the worst fucking losing streak I have and I am about to lose it man. fuck this act

posted about 2 years ago

p3 imm 273rr

posted about 2 years ago

+1 every action have a reaction. jangan nutup nutupin. kalo salah ya harusny ada konsekuensiny. If he can own up to his mistakes then his career wont be too affected.

posted about 2 years ago

TBH, when they were just shouting the welcome to my tutorial shit, I just turned off the stream man. I know there's like banter and stuff but you do not need to go to generalizing. Rly seems childish and unprofessional. I get standing by the team that you support but sometimes you gotta take the shit as well you know.

posted about 2 years ago

BerserX should absolutely go, underperform for a whole ass year alr

posted about 2 years ago

on point i guess. besides EU, CIS, BR. there's barely any competition. A lot of things are better in Valorant. but god damn does CS esports hits different. the histories, the storylines, the crowd, the clutches, the crazy plays. its almost magical

posted about 2 years ago

no lol

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

baru tau kalo jadi ceo tu gampang. tinggal pake rambut kribo merah, makeup putih, lipstik merah sama idung tomat

posted about 2 years ago

holy shit you're right. I can't wait for GE to kick RRQ's ass.

posted about 2 years ago

Ragu Ragu Qontol

posted about 2 years ago

yep for MOBAs i think its kinda okay, but FPS on the other hand.. yikes

posted about 2 years ago

As much as I've been saying that i want RRQ to lose, its still my country's org , its sad seeing it not committing when given the opportunity.

posted about 2 years ago

nah its a good move for ejay, but a shit move for RRQ. mix roster dont do well in fps. but i guess we'll see

posted about 2 years ago

get that, but as history has seen a mix nationality roster has not been kind to FPS. look at CS, major winners mostly consisted of 1 nationality because the comms are way easier and the habits are known. its a great take but when you have an opportunity of making a superteam consisted of 1 nationality you gotta take it man. look at astraliis ffs

posted about 2 years ago

kekny bukan ewok dah yang pny keputusan. kalo dari ewok pasti diia plih org org onic dlu tpi ini kekny emg manajemen ny yg otakny kebanjiran

posted about 2 years ago

watching RRQ get fucked by GE is now my reason to watch RRQ.

posted about 2 years ago

I hope wherever the indo superstar goes they go up to ascension and kick RRQ's ass again and again to remind them that they are dumb AF

posted about 2 years ago

bener uga, kekny gw bakal sneng banget liat boom naek trus bantai rrq. top level entertainment right there

posted about 2 years ago

Global Embarassment and Ragu ragu Qontol

posted about 2 years ago

ID players they trialed are rumored to be bought out by east asian org alr. and this anger a lot of ID fans obviously cause they got the players but they dont got the dick to buy them out

posted about 2 years ago

RRQ gapernah masuk ke liga sebesar ini, jdi kayakny mreka takut takut ( ato emg pelit ajg) utk buyout player. coba mreka liat kayak csgo yg org org tier 1 ny ga takut buat buyout siapapun. RRQ emg gapernah dianggap t1 di PC games apapun jadi ga pernah merasa kayakny. cuman ttp aja decision making mereka lambat, player ready tpi mreka masi ragu ragu, yaudala tinggal tunggu taon depan. taon ini kalo rrq bisa top 15 aja kagum gw

posted about 2 years ago

yeah they really dont change anything from copenhagen. every other team can just wait in spawn while prx push on attack

posted about 2 years ago

Love PRX
Hate FPX

posted about 2 years ago

damn gotta call the mortuary, you just killed a man

posted about 2 years ago

how did xerxia went from head to head against optic and now playing like 1 rando 5 immo stack man

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

mate, i think you either should invest in a mirror or actually see the threads in vlr when it emea vs na.

posted about 2 years ago

i agree, but they need to adapt man ffs they are falling into the same hole over and over again

posted about 2 years ago

i dont think its hopium man Optic is an absolute beast on lower bracket, i think its gonna be a rematch grand fiinals agaiin

posted about 2 years ago

i dont get the comms in onic right now, they just ignore all corners and peek to their deaths man ncslasher is just running around without any clearing

posted about 2 years ago

indo team lose 1 map then mental then play without checking corner and pushing with knife out lmao

posted about 2 years ago

wait what esports is NA better than EU at ?, i only watch valo, dota, CS and on those 3 NA is only alive in valo.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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