Flag: Finland
Registered: April 24, 2021
Last post: February 16, 2025 at 12:25 PM
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How can you compare the two? They are completely different styles. Riot esport songs have always had cartoonish style to them. 3D models made on computer vs drawn animation. You will realize this when they start actually putting players in next year.

posted about 3 years ago

I think it has similar idea like Warriors song (first LoL Worlds song). They are just random gamers who will one day do great things just like the agents (aka become pros). No specific players since the history is so short still.

posted about 3 years ago

Actually pretty good song and cool video. Not on LoL level yet, but its understandable.

posted about 3 years ago

True, but its understandable. Since there's only been 2 major tournaments and there isn't many agents to make references. Just imagine Jett with TenZ's face lol. Maybe next year we will get esport stuff. It was still good.

posted about 3 years ago

What's wrong with that? Completely normal breakfast. Maybe should have 2 breads instead of 1, but outside of that its fine. Also tastes really good. What do Americans eat for breakfast? Bacon and pancakes? I prefer this way above those. I guess it tells a lot when some people in the comments were calling the bread "burger" lmao

posted about 3 years ago

I mean just go watch LoL RISE, Warriors, or Phoenix song and their music videos and you would most likely understand. I don't know will Valorant's production be as high though. But overall usually good music with insane music videos that are full of references to pro players. But I think Valorant won't go that far yet.

posted about 3 years ago

I heard that Sentinels won. Envy got second after getting beaten by Sentinels in a close matchup. yay had the most kills on the server, but rest of his team were lacking. Surprisingly TenZ wasn't the superstar on Sentinels... but Dapr was. In my opinion he should rename himself "Vapr" considering that his stonks from Iceland to Berlin went (up) \ (down) and then from Berlin to Champions (down) / (up) making the V letter.

posted about 3 years ago

From Valorant some of my favorites (Masters 3/Champion players):
Stax, starxo, takej (kind of similar to my name idk), Laz, Soulcas, BuZz.

From CSGO (that came to my mind)
Device and kennyS are my 2 favorites most likely

LoL (has bunch of cool names):
Faker, Caps, Humanoid, Carzzy, Elyoya, Showmaker, Perkz, Hylissang etc

There's bunch of cool names that I missed or would even rate higher than these* Perkz is maybe my favorite of all because it comes from his surname Perkovic and it sounds badass and looks nice visually like perkz, Perkz, PERKZ all look cool.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

True... Liquid will get last in their group. Calling it now. I have such a good track record with predicting stuff like this. Sentinels will 2-0 them with ease and Liquid will get max 6 rounds. Individually Liquid just isn't good and their players will whiff a lot, while Sentinel/KRU/Furia are insane aimers and never whiff. Sentinels will get back to their form and perform. I'm even planning on betting money on them. Also all the other EMEA teams will get eliminated first. Acend will choke, Cned is onliner, Gambit was fluke, nAts got just lucky, Fnatic doesn't stand a chance... calling it now I'm 100% sure about this!


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

He has always been inconsistent player. Has moments where he looks like god, but at the same time has some really disastrous low level moments as well. As Jett OTP he never strike'd me as anything more than decent Jett in EU, but he has clearly gotten better and more comfortable with the game. His OP play has always been top notch (even though inconsistent at times) and his rifling has improved a lot. Nowadays his ability to flex is crazy. Playing so many roles in high level is impressive. Even his Jett looks better than before and I feel like whole Liquid plays better around him when Jett (for example in Iceland it looked bad). I don't know how much he IGLs since I think its still shared within the team, but that is still impressive. Also in every video and stuff he always hypes team up and stuff like that is really positive. He gets a lot of hate, but is still surprisingly often in top of scoreboard. If he can keep up similar performance as in LCQ and RedBull (IMO their best/2nd best player there) TL can go really far. Also he is pistol round god.

posted about 3 years ago

Decent pieces, but sad loss for Giants. They started to look really decent with this roster. I don't really know how the roles go though. Avova smoker, Mixwell Jett, nukkye duelist, Meddo sentinel, but I'm not sure about hoody and his role in this team. I guess he needs to learn Sova.
nukkye, fit1nho, avova, ambi/hoody, meddo would have been my G2/Giants mixture, but obviously they have their reasons and most likely trials results etc.

posted about 3 years ago

At least NA can say NA > EU for 1 day

posted about 3 years ago

This is from IKEA*, but its pretty good option for PC desk (non adjustable unless you buy extra feet though).
Google IKEA gaming desk hack, aka buy x2 IKEA Alex drawers and put IKEA Karlby countertop on top of them. I bought this combo just earlier this year and it truly is really good and sturdy. And it only costs like 250 euros. It was just one of good options that I found after trying to look for new desk. Maybe not for you, but just example.

posted about 3 years ago

I don't know is this a joke or what but CSGO is the harder game currently.

posted about 3 years ago

T1, TL

posted about 3 years ago

what time do you wake up at: 2PM
hours AND rank on valorant: maybe 300h, unranked
your favorite food: pizza
your current status (employed/student/other): jobless

posted about 3 years ago

5Head move, in 1 year K-Corp could move to LEC and build super roster with Rekkles. + apparently he gets 500k per year

posted about 3 years ago

Patu is my irl nickname (common nickname for people named Patrick here) and I added "j" to end to make it unique and it suits it pretty well.

posted about 3 years ago

In my opinion that is what makes LEC (especially) and LCS more interesting and hype. Everyone knows that LCK and LPL have really high chances of winning, so their roster moves aren't as interesting. Like knowing who is joining DK as their new top isn't really that interesting because they are going to be good no matter what. While both LEC and LCS (less) are in a field where they still have small chance at winning, but aren't dominate so roster shuffles are interesting, because we are still waiting for that superteam to take it home if you know what I mean. Like knowing how good Vitality and Fnatic looks on paper for example brings hope. Also better domestic competition makes regions stronger. And its logical that western fans are more interested about western teams and players.

posted about 3 years ago

Overperforming experienced 100T beat underperforming inexperienced Acend on LAN*

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe as of late, but Bonecold is really good with rifle. Got worse during Berlin and after it, but if he gets back to form then he is good.

posted about 3 years ago

wait wtf this crowd is also pretty huge at least for tournament like this

posted about 3 years ago

Fnatic is worse than rest of EMEA/NA/KR, but tbh I could see them winning over any other region.

posted about 3 years ago

No offense, but you can literally just go in-game and find it yourself. That is one of the most basic crosshairs ever. Most likely 2 thickness, 3 length, cap 1(?). Like just try things if you dont find answer.

posted about 3 years ago

im beta but im no pussy so fuck you

posted about 3 years ago

Oh I didn't know about that. I'm just talking about the final hug scene. Like her sister leaves and she just decides to join "bad guys" out of nowhere. Ofc it could be logical reaction from kid in shock and she doesn't know that they are bad people (?), but felt weird turn of events and I think many in chat agreed with me. Overall the accidental betrayal was good.

posted about 3 years ago

common Netero L

posted about 3 years ago

LAN keloqz was so good, sadly he wasn't able to perform as well online. Fitinho is good player though. Dunno about the 2nd one, because role wise maybe Ambi, but Koldamenta was IGL(?) and Ambi wasn't so I'm not sure about that. Good that they keep Avova and nukkye though, you don't want to lose those.

posted about 3 years ago

Really good series so far. Really cool world and most of the characters are interesting. I have never been huge LoL guy, but its still interesting to see these characters and their backgrounds etc. Really like the small brutality as well, really makes the world feel cruel. I think the very ending of episode 3 was maybe little weird or felt rushed, but outside of that the story has been great.

posted about 3 years ago

Valorant crowd wouldn't be as good though. There is just so much passion and culture in CSGO.

posted about 3 years ago

Not only GOAT of CSGO, but GOAT of FPS

posted about 3 years ago

Its not downplaying. Jamppi is fragging really well and on top of that he plays all sort of roles and flexes for Liquid. Scream only plays duelists, while Jamppi plays Jett, Sova, Killjoy, Astra etc.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

that will haunt him, but tbh deagle is deagle

posted about 3 years ago

Best of luck and hopefully everything sorts out (if true) <3

posted about 3 years ago

Why tf redbull valorant final and csgo major finals has to come at same time. 2 insane games.

posted about 3 years ago

Soulcas was one of the firsts to "master" Skye, so maybe he will do same with Kay/o. His flashes has been so good time to time.

posted about 3 years ago

If TL wins this Jamppi deserves MVP 100% (outside of maybe cNed). He's been so god damn good this tournament. Been playing different roles and almost always top fragging.

posted about 3 years ago

50 ping isnt high

posted about 3 years ago

Dapr. He is just toxic and his whole "Dapr" personality wraps around trash talking and acting arrogant. Obviously I don't hate him, but he is most dislikable Valorant personality. Kind of same with zombs.

posted about 3 years ago

When Jame vs Scream?

posted about 3 years ago

Nope. Its just cooler when you know some of the characters and can see their past.

posted about 3 years ago

You can watch episode 1-3 on OfflineTV Twitch channel btw

posted about 3 years ago

Actually good 1st episode. I didn't expect much, but I want to see rest of the show. Interesting world and characters.

posted about 3 years ago

clock is 3am already start pls rito and all this for fucking gun buddy

posted about 3 years ago

Worlds is like FIFA World Cup/EUROs. Don't really care for the game/sport, but its still must see.

posted about 3 years ago

Xeppaa was playing like his best tournament in LCQ. There is a chance he will not play as well in Berlin. Obviously this could happen to anyone, but Xeppaa isn't proven yet.

posted about 3 years ago
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