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Registered: April 24, 2021
Last post: May 19, 2024 at 2:17 PM
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posted about 2 years ago

So why bring it up when its literally irrelevant? Anyone who follows different Valorant regions knew from the start that Vision Strikers could make a deep run. In my head they were A tier team with pretty much every EMEA and NA team outside of G2 (Sentinels being only S tier team).

posted about 2 years ago

I hope you realize that these odds are just made by some system that uses it's own ways of counting the odds of each team winning the whole thing? Those numbers are irrelevant outside of showing which regions might be the strongest and which might be the weakest. If I'm not wrong they had F4Q at like last or 2nd last and that doesn't make any sense for anyone who follows different regions. And even that order makes complete sense if you look at Iceland placements NA#1, EMEA#2 and KR#3. They can't detect how teams from different regions actually match up.

posted about 2 years ago

If you only watch region's wins and loses then yes. But, if you actually watch the individual matches then not. I've said many times that SMB is struggling, but outside of that Gambit, Acend and G2 really aren't.

posted about 2 years ago

Sentinels NA #1 winning over G2 EMEA #4 is expected. Gambit were dominating 100T, but ended up choking 10-3 lead on match point map. And their mental was just boomed on Split. Vision Strikers played really really well against Acend and they were super prepared for every move Acend made. Both teams played really high level of Valorant, but VS had the better read and were able to win. I didn't predict this to happen, but it was completely possible. SMB is performing bad and that is what I'm going to say. We literally only had 1 proper NA vs EU matchup, since you really can't count SEN vs G2. And 3 KR vs EU matches were G2 won over F4Q twice and VS won over ACE. And Envy is in pretty free group tbh and they were expected to get 1st seed. That is not copium.

posted about 2 years ago

Outside of SMB not really. Unless PRX or CR pulls the biggest upset ever there's going to be 3 EMEA teams in the playoffs and the games there are going to be single elims. 100T had all the chances of winning over Gambit (I actually predicted them to win) and VS had all the chances of winning over Acend (they were clearly underrated based on predictions and their gameplay against ACE). G2 was put into same group with Sentinels, but managed to win both of their games against F4Q. EMEA isn't struggling unless you expected them to dominate every region. OUTSIDE OF SMB!!

posted about 2 years ago

I'm not too sure about that. There is reason why NA, KR and EMEA were and still are the favorites. If you watch domestic games SEA looked way weaker than these 3 regions. Same for LATAM, BR and JP. You just simply can't say "SEA is better or as good as EMEA" after watching Bren vs Paper Rex and Gambit vs Acend domestic games for example. This time around SMB didn't quite meet their EMEA performance for a reason or another while Paper Rex looks way better than what they did domestically.

posted about 2 years ago

Nah. Everyone was expecting NA to be the strongest region this time around even based on the fact that they have Sentinels. Gambit could have won their game against 100T and were dominant on first half of the game. Sadly they choked and 100T clutched. Acend had bad read on VS while VS knew exactly what Acend was going to do. Bad individual performances from majority of Acend players as well. G2 isn't the greatest, but they would win against most of the teams outside of NA, EMEA and VS. Huge overreacting from people. And LAN SMB seems to be pretty weak.

posted about 2 years ago

SMB are onliners and PRX are playing pretty well. EMEA will make comeback you will see. Gambit and even Acend still has great potential.

posted about 2 years ago

If SMB played like this during EMEA they wouldn't have made it far. Like wtf is this level of gameplay?

posted about 2 years ago

I never run so I don't have data

posted about 2 years ago

You need to take the groups into consideration and the amount of games and against who.
Heat vs Envy, ZETA
F0rsaken vs VS (weaker VS)
TenZ vs G2, F4Q
Yay vs VK, KRU
Asuna vs HL, Gambit

posted about 2 years ago

post useless shiet and get upvotes

posted about 2 years ago

Acend, VK, Gambit

posted about 2 years ago

No hate towards PRX, but I think people are really overrating them after their close game against VS. VS were doing pretty default stuff against PRX and still managed to take the win. It was clear that VS had spend most of their time studying Acend and making strats against them instead of focusing on PRX. SMB also struggled a little against Acend, but as long as their players are somewhat awake they should just be able to team diff PRX without much of difficulty in my opinion.

posted about 2 years ago

Currently maybe T1 and Team Liquid. FaZe, G2, FPX and Fnatic are good candidates as well.

posted about 2 years ago

can't go wrong with nitr0 or zombs

posted about 2 years ago

SMB 2-0 PRX (VS didn't care for PRX that's why it was closer than we thought)
VK 2-0 KRU (Close game, but Heat diff)
SEN 2-0 G2 (G2 could take a map, if Sentinels play too similar to their past matchup or if Sentinels doesn't care that much)

posted about 2 years ago

I come from future
----[nV vs ACE]
----------------------- [ACE vs SEN]
[SEN vs GMB]
------------------------------------------- [ACE vs 100T] ------- [ACE]
---[100T vs VK]
----------------------- [100T vs VS]
-------[VS vs G2]

MVP: Cned

posted about 2 years ago

that's true. SEA > LATAM makes sense.

posted about 2 years ago

NA > EMEA > KR > BR > LATAM > SEA > JP (maybe swap LATAM and SEA). KR only has VS, so that's why they are below EMEA.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean they could have a shot against Envy. Realistically they either want to face against Vivo Keyd/Kru as #1 seed or against Envy as #2 seed.

posted about 2 years ago

Koldamenta is the IGL of G2 and used to be the IGL of Acend. Also Soulcas was the main IGL of Team Liquid with Scream, and now he is secondary IGL on Team Liquid. Also Soulcas is still young and I feel like he will just get better and better at IGLing. He is smart player. Soulcas is best candidate for the initiator/IGL role IMO.

posted about 2 years ago

Boaster is good because he is IGL and his Sova is decent, but I'm not too sure about his fragging power. He looked good on that field during Iceland, but domestically he hasn't looked that good fragging wise. Now when I look back at it I would most likely take Soulcas over anyone else. He can frag, still has one of the best Skyes and he has even played Sova on maps like Ascent. He would need to play and learn Sova more, but I think he has potential. He also used to IGL for TL and at least to my knowledge he calls quite a lot in TL to even this day.

posted about 2 years ago

ScreaM has better aim and he is more carry than Nukkye, but Nukkye's agent pool is better. ScreaM never plays Raze and I feel like its essential for flex player to be able to play that agent. And I feel like learning Phoenix for Nukkye is easier than learning Raze for ScreaM.

posted about 2 years ago

Why not? He is one of the best sentinel players EU has. The fact that Fnatic signed him for 3 years tells a lot. Only someone like nAts would top him. pAura is good contender as well, but I see more potential in Magnum.

posted about 2 years ago

EU super team:
Entry - Cned
Rifler/flex - Scream/Nukkye (Phoenix or Raze)
Controller - Avova
Sentinel - Magnum
Initiator - Koldamenta/Starxo/Soulcas (depending do you want Sova or Skye specialist, Soulcas best fit IMO)
I would pick Chronicle for initiator role if he speaks good enough English
And even though I think nAts is best sentinel player EMEA, I would still pick Magnum, because I don't know how nAts would work on this team. Also some of the players would need to learn new agents. For example they don't have proper Viper player.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

G2 win over nV, GMB win over Sentinels and Acend win over 100T

posted about 2 years ago

Going according to plan

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA teams still have decent chance at making it far. This is exactly what happened in Iceland. Both EU teams dropped to lower bracket pretty early while NA were on top bracket, but NA team ended up getting eliminated before EU team did. GMB could win against VS/nV. Acend still has a chance at beating 100T/nV. Copium or not that can happen. And now they have time to go through their mistakes.

posted about 2 years ago

Tactical defeat. They want to face Sentinels and now there is a bigger chance of that happening. Also Cned was getting offers from SMB, so Acend decided to eliminate them before that could happen. 200IQ if you ask me.

posted about 2 years ago

They are trying to get into VS's head. Or it was just ritual to activate Acend's true potential.

posted about 2 years ago

I love PlatChat

posted about 2 years ago

This. 200IQ. Why show true potential and strats on seeding games /s

posted about 2 years ago

Acend looks so lost idk like if they had no idea how VS likes to play. I hope they didn't only look at VOD of Paper Rex vs VS.

posted about 2 years ago

Bind is Acend's best map as well

posted about 2 years ago

I think their biggest advantage is their prior experience. EMEA teams for example are full of young players with minimal experience. While NA has bunch of players with tier 1-2 CSGO background.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah like why people like DrDisrespect and Valkyrae have rights to stream when they don't stream a single game. Would be much more useful if they gave them to streamers who actually watch the games, instead of riding on name value. Maybe they will watch finals only?

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA just tactically losing. G2 will eat Envy first round of elims, GMB will eat Sentinels, Acend will come to who ever survived. SMB kind of lacking, but they could come for 100T if they wake up. SMB said "no" to this plan... but hopefully they change their minds.

posted about 2 years ago

I think it came down to the fact that Gambit always struggles closing games. They were pretty much going 5v4 (Jamppi had like single digit kills as Jett) against Team Liquid on Icebox and they had huge trouble closing it out even though they were clearly in control. They also struggled closing their game against G2. And now they couldn't close it out against 100T. Typical Gambit choking, but hopefully they will fix that.

posted about 2 years ago

Seems like in general EMEA teams have weaker mental or overall tend to choke under pressure. I don't know is it due to lack of experience or what, but that has been clear disadvantage so far. Team Liquid, Gambit even Fnatic in a way. While I feel a lot of NA teams so far perform better when it matters.

posted about 2 years ago

D3ffo underperforming bad and nAts' impact isn't that high either.

posted about 2 years ago

D3ffo actually got LAN buff

posted about 2 years ago

I think they lost against XSET, but no stake domestic games are kind of whatever.

posted about 2 years ago

1-2 is a W

posted about 2 years ago

Don't start this. Maybe if G2 beats Sentinels and Gambit beats 100T, but not now. There's still big chance that Sentinels wins and there's even possibility of 100T winning.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't know and why even stay there that long? I guess he didn't hear the drone due to white noise, but that was really bad play from him. Possibly cost them the map. Moment he heard the drone he should have dashed and smoked away.

posted about 2 years ago

This is true, but let's not forget that they lost 1-3 against Acend and even that one win was on Ascent that is known as G2's strongest map while Acend has struggled on it. Even the difference between those 2 is huge.

posted about 2 years ago

Typical Gambit choking. If you don't follow EMEA: Gambit tends to choke when it matters. They were in control most of the game, but ended up losing stupid rounds.

posted about 2 years ago
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