Flag: International
Registered: April 24, 2023
Last post: March 24, 2025 at 3:45 PM
Posts: 97
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This is an awful assumption. Ranked and pro play are not the same. Lots of players play differently in ranked because they are just having fun or messing around. I've seen many people who were pretty toxic to randoms in ranked but worked well in an actual comp environment.

posted 20 hours ago

In terms of calling strictly, Boostio or FNS.

posted 1 day ago

I think some teams are very locked in on trying to follow the meta since they feel like they need to be the best since they are at the highest level of play. Obviously that doesn't matter that much because tier 1 teams are not perfect. The fact that 2G is in tier 1 proves this.

posted 1 day ago

Is zap the best player of all time?

posted 1 day ago

Why is Jerk no longer playing for them. It still says he is on the roster but Ali is playing for him instead and I haven't found any statement that says why he isn't playing.

posted 1 week ago

Calling someone an "ugly bitch" is an insult that doesn't necessarily have a specific discriminatory aspect to it. This has to be bait.

posted 2 weeks ago

Babybay is actually pretty analytical compared to most of the casters for valorant. I don't know how they decide international event casters though so maybe he just got unlucky.

posted 1 month ago

I mean he's right but still, if no one is trying to take a chance on you, you gotta do it yourself. Took too long to do that but I'm glad he backed up his talk.

posted 1 month ago

Inspire has always been a solid player, 100T loss was not really his fault. He's just hated for his attitude.

posted 1 month ago

He's a solid raze and you can't really bait on raze. Also his aim is average, pretty much like Asuna's, it's not like you really need great aim for the role they play anyways.

posted 1 month ago

Yeah, but I think he has a point, the first game technically doesn't matter if you lose the subsequent which is kinda unfair especially since this is meant to be a new season, should act like a fresh start for teams but it is what it is ig. The whole kickoff idea is kinda stupid in my opinion and masters 1 should not be worth less than masters 2 by a size standpoint

posted 1 month ago

Thats kinda the problem with having a 12 team bracket, you cant really organize it properly without giving one team an advantage, probably why they should've had previous stage to cut it down to 8 but would take too long ig

posted 1 month ago

Fr, this guy will crouch spray every possible fight and it gets him killed in fights that are easily on his advantage, I don't know why but he still gets some kills so Ig it is what it is.

posted 1 month ago

He was good 2023, and then just went back to being decent, but Ig people glaze players like demon1 and yay for that too. Still, I don't think he was a terrifying force in 2023, just played his role fine and had a good chemistry team, wasn't like a demon1 run.

posted 1 month ago

The NA one or the EU one?

posted 1 month ago

I've always thought he was just an alright player and idk why he was dodging the blame for the 2024 roster, not that it was his fault. Why do people praise him so much when he's really just a decent player, not amazing or awful, almost unnoticeable in most games I feel. Also, does this guy ever not spray, if it works it works Ig, but I swear this man crouch sprays everything.

posted 1 month ago

I dont understand why the leagues have such different scheduling, maybe slightly different dates and times locally makes sense. But why did Americas have 4 days in week 1 while every other league had 3?

posted 2 months ago

why is babybay so hated, sometimes he messes up but he is much easier to listen to than most of the eu or apac casters imo

posted 2 months ago

I'll take what I can get.

posted 2 months ago

Also the attack side play honestly just messed them up. Way too slow if you are playing against a stall comp like 100T

posted 2 months ago

I wonder if it's because of the way he plays. You always see him do stupid stuff and have it work. The phantom usually does shit like that tho, probably why he only uses it.

posted 2 months ago

The gunplay is still technically a tactical shooter, but recently, more new characters have had ults that provide wide status effects across a portion of the map. So, I wouldn't say it is becoming less tactical shooter-like but rather more ability-focused, such as Overwatch. However, this game has had abilities that have done this type of thing since launch, it just seems that they have been adding more in a quick time frame. I think the real problem is that ults are too easy to farm and combining them can sometimes guarantee rounds if you play them right.

posted 2 months ago

Cope, but i believe

posted 2 months ago

Is Abyss the shortest lasting map in the map pool. I can't think of any map that got taken out that quick, basically only like 6 months.

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Is the new season system gonna be a year based thing like what fortnite adopted to? The new act is being marketed as Season 2025 Act 1, which means I guess they are giving up on the episode idea. If so, do you think each year will have 4 acts or 3 acts.

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Bro, I used the word release in the sense of asking whether or not Athan published an official answer. Never did I say Athan got released, did you even read the message?

posted 2 months ago

did Athan release why he chose to not play in the main roster.

posted 2 months ago

Sus, but doesn't have a crazy high hs percentage or anything, even a radiant smurf doesn't win every game in imm lobbies. You cant carry past a certain point, so idk, could be having a generational run, would be more telling to be able to watch his gameplay.

posted 2 months ago

Crazy to witness everybody just acting like this stuff doesn't matter after Kyedae admitted to potentially attempting to ruin this guy's life. Tbf, we don't know what she sent the uni team but either way, I doubt she was trying to message them for any other purpose besides trying to get him in some sort of trouble.

posted 2 months ago

This name is generational hating.

posted 2 months ago

It's aiming until immortal tbh.

posted 3 months ago

I wonder why Valorant commits to only having 3 major tournaments in the whole year. This format is incredibly boring to observe and that's probably why they are allowing gambling sponsors soon.

posted 3 months ago

Idk ur region, but gl Ig. NA is like 600 rr I think.

posted 3 months ago

What rank are you right now?

posted 3 months ago

Some people still work on Sunday?

posted 3 months ago

Wouldn't 8 pm be a better time for Chinese viewers because 3 pm people would still be working?

posted 3 months ago

Not optic but pretty much the same roster.

posted 3 months ago

I'm pretty sure optic forgot to defuse one round in like 2022. That is the closest I can see in the sense of C9ing in valorant. For attackers maybe forgetting to plant the bomb with 1 person still alive on the other side.

posted 3 months ago

Kazakhstan and Rankers

posted 3 months ago

Victor or Inspire would be interesting.

posted 3 months ago

How is he outdated if he still plays meta scan intiators.

posted 3 months ago

Not worth it, developing t2 is worth far more than risking GC. But if a team was going to do it, it would probably be Sen. Not really worth investing in for any other team though.

posted 3 months ago

All of 2024 NRG was blamed on Victor and Crashies when they are both still really good players, that system just didn't work and it's okay. Sometimes things happen and it doesn't work out. Hope Crashies shows people he is still really good and also hope that Victor gets onto team.

posted 3 months ago

Impossible to make every duelist played with all their kits. She got her time but I'm glad she's nerfed, hopefully instead of seeing Jett and Raze again, they try to buff the other duelists and make them more played, or rework some at least because if they keep neon's kit the same, it will be a nightmare to balance.

posted 3 months ago

People getting mad over a political situation being joked about makes literally no sense. What is the problem here?

posted 3 months ago

Ong bro, vanity, runi, and now mitch. This org loves dropping people and then picking them back up.

posted 3 months ago

He's not bad imo, not the greatest pick but to fix roles it is definitely not a bad choice. It's honestly just impressive how much c9 drops players and then picks them up again. Waiting for +yay - yay in 2026 at this point.

posted 3 months ago

Fulfill the prophecy.

posted 3 months ago
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