Flag: United States
Registered: April 19, 2022
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 7:22 PM
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yeah FNS+Chet duo is the difference maker. i feel they have enough to anti-strat everyone and win the whole thing after so many matches

posted about a year ago

sad flair

posted about a year ago

u can make ur own list. i just think EG is in a better form right now and LEV kinda dropped the ball. I feel M80 is more consistent and OXG was 4th last split + top of their group rn

posted about a year ago

i dont think they are top10 after being 0-4 but u can include in ur list

posted about a year ago

Post your top 10 americas teams (challengers included) so far based on performance. I dont follow BR Tier 2 scene but would love to see how u guys think the Union and others rank
mine :

  1. LOUD
  2. Cloud 9
  3. M80
  4. NRG
  5. Leviathan
  6. Guard
  7. EG
  8. 100t
  9. FURIA
  10. OXG Esports
posted about a year ago

yeah but comparing EMEA - Europe, Middle East and Asia to a single country (Brazil) isnt fair, is it? Proper comparison is Americas vs EMEA.

posted about a year ago

EG is looking stronger than 100T... I think there is no way EG lose to MIBR.. infact they might even beat NRG if ardiis decides to sleep again

posted about a year ago

why is this guy guarenteed spot in 100t roster through so many changes? he niether has the clout of tenz nor is he as good as nrg's som

posted about a year ago

did u know yay is from Fort Wayne - Indiana

posted about a year ago

2K posts in 40 days... this kid needs help

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

cant wait for EDG or some guangong tigers to win majors/champions this year and we can all start with the TIME TO LEARN AMERICAN/BRAZILIAN/EUROPEAN memes for anyone who plays shIt


posted about a year ago

looks like he is a mature/sensible guy from the way everyone commented on his tweet. sad things didnt work out

posted about a year ago

yeah he replacing one of aspas or derke for sure

posted about a year ago

I said in comparison, which means relatively. I didnt say the discussion on other teams doesnt exist but SEN in general is discussed more. No one was talking about dephh if he sucked in a match for XSET - even if they did it was short-lived, but now everyone is talking about him. I feel this constant scrutiny is something Rob isnt able to handle and wants to make changes quickly to satisfy his "fans/viewers/followers".

posted about a year ago

ok what about the fact that no NA org gets scrutinized and criticized as much as Sentinels? Id infact argue its probably the most discussed Valorant team - anyone who underperforms on SEN gets hated with 10000s of tweets. vlr and reddit threads. In comparison where were the tweets/threads on EG or even G2 right now?

I think Rob Moore and his management just succumbs to the online pressure - which again is not comparable with others

posted about a year ago

i think its tarik in NA atleast

posted about a year ago

i dont think she can still play with tenz, the skill gap between immo 1 and immo 3 atleast in NA is huge. Shazam drops 30+ in most of his games with his gf

posted about a year ago

haters will say its tenz playing with voiceover from kyedae... in other news if i was getting 10s of 1000s of dollars for streaming a game - id atleast try to be good at it. I do understand some of the jealousy/hate she gets - if she isnt even immortal why do so many people watch her?

posted about a year ago

if SEN lose to Kru without dephh, it will be enough to prove dephh was not "THE" problem

posted about a year ago

I dont think SEN can beat Furia.. but if SEN ends up losing to Kru without Dephh - i think it is sufficient to conclude that dephh was not the entire problem. There are more issues there and most likely wont be fixed for LCQ or the rest of the year. I already know most SEN fans will not agree even if that happens and say some stupid shit like ohhh they didnt have time to practise with new IGL

posted about a year ago

first thing mce does is remove players that will make SEN fans mald, i dont even think most of their fans care if they win as long as certain people play

posted about a year ago

can they drop right now? dont they need 6 people in the roster if yes can they pick someone up now as 6th?

posted about a year ago

does it matter cause they aint making it to playoffs right?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

not a waste of my semen 😩💥😖😵

posted about a year ago
  1. CLOUD 9
  2. NRG
  3. SEN/EG

LOUD/LEV dropping the ball and crashing out

posted about a year ago

smol reptile

posted about a year ago

just to see what people are talking about them - they act like they dont care about us but sometimes all they care about is being called a GOAT by a VLR vermin. We in their heads 24/7 rent free

posted about a year ago

do they even play the same agents? Sova maybe but Sacy plays that better than both of them. trent has been playing viper, zekken does not. zekken plays raze, trent does not

posted about a year ago

marved did not want to play and yay chose c9 - hows that SEN's fault?

posted about a year ago

according to Kyedae and a few others - SEN has done everything they could to help him. His mental health issues have been present for over 1.5 years according to Shaz. You cannot sue SEN for asking him to stay at his room or firing him when he was in jail - that stuff is in his contract.

posted about a year ago

yeah maybe but i do feel its more than just an IGL problem for SEN at the moment - i dont think they have any chemistry as a team

posted about a year ago

was guard better than XSET last year?

posted about a year ago

when is LCQ? is it before Tokyo?

posted about a year ago

EG losing to MIBR does not look realistic

posted about a year ago

i dont think imports will work in NA. Sacy is good but its tough for the guys to adjust with the cultural differences and it seems most of the time they are too nice to each other. Sometimes it is important to shout/be mad at each other to work together as a team.

posted about a year ago

He is actually not wrong here. Even from the "backs against the walls" video that was released by Sentinels- it didnt seem like Sykko was talking about strats at all - he had a PPT saying stuff like "we should talk/comm together" - seemed like a corporate manager/ people management guy - who doesnt understand the nuances of the game but knows how to talk out of it - sometimes these guys easily fool the upper management guys

posted about a year ago

poverty stricken fan talk. he has a championship under his belt + rolling in cash - you are the one crying

posted about a year ago

true and lets not even talk about sinatraa

posted about a year ago

No rebuttals or refutals have been provided again proving I am right and you are not. Considering no new information but useless definitions, baseless and unresearched links, shifting of goalposts and inaccurate conclusions to drive a false narrative are all you have without directly refuting anything I've mentioned. I will respond for the last time - let it be known just because I am not continuously responding it does not mean you have refuted anything. If you wish to continue on this path you can just copy past the below arguments for the rest of the thread and reply to it yourself.

first 3 books - wrong - doesnt refute anything especially the fact that the BEST in BR go to play in BEST in EU when it comes to football but the BEST in EU go to play in the BEST in INDIA when it comes to Cricket. Confuses the concept of national teams and leagues to somehow drive an absurd point. You saying something has been refuted by pasting a few definitions doesnt refute anything at all.

book 4 - wrong - provides stupid examples of stealing and murdering and completely misses the entire point of how BEST EU clubs can and will discriminate on the basis of nationality, race, religion if they wish to and there is nobody who can hold them accountable - already provided enough examples of how this has happened throughout the history, happens in DEMOCRATIC countries in the present, and infact continues to happen quite noticeably in smaller EU football clubs to this date. There is no law protecting the victims here - a better (although foolish because u are incapable of understanding nuanced arguments ) example would be if in Brazil it was easy to shoplift and not be caught and it was only ur integrity which would be questioned - how many people would get away with it? Similarly cases of discrimination are not obvious like murdering people or even stealing/looting in the daylight - those examples dont justify how DIFFERENT laws and enforced DIFFERENTLY in DIFFERENT countries - some states ACTIVELY discriminate people on various grounds. SO not discriminating people is NOT bound by LAW - and it is appreciable if people are inclusive. If this doesnt get inside ur thick skull please get an adult to reread so that u can understand,

yeah yeah yeah as i said everything u say has implicit meaning which carries clear meaning... u built a whole fucking book saying how BR is not "completely" protectionist thats why u enjoy several options to buy several goods and services which is not correct at all. if u just google u will find 10000 links of how BR is protectionist and it is indeed the lack of local options which makes a country open up to international trade - again this is not something which is wrong but natural in the interconnected world we live in and being jingoistic about it is just foolish.

posted about a year ago

tell me you havent seen yay on jett before chamber meta without telling me you havent seen yay on jett before chamber meta

posted about a year ago

first 3 books - wrong - doesnt refute anything especially the fact that the BEST in BR go to play in BEST in EU when it comes to football but the BEST in EU go to play in the BEST in INDIA when it comes to Cricket. Confuses the concept of national teams and leagues to somehow drive an absurd point. You saying something has been refuted by pasting a few definitions doesnt refute anything at all.

book 4 - wrong - provides stupid examples of stealing and murdering and completely misses the entire point of how BEST EU clubs can and will discriminate on the basis of nationality, race, religion if they wish to and there is nobody who can hold them accountable - already provided enough examples of how this has happened throughout the history, happens in DEMOCRATIC countries in the present, and infact continues to happen quite noticeably in smaller EU football clubs to this date. There is no law protecting the victims here - a better (although foolish because u are incapable of understanding nuanced arguments ) example would be if in Brazil it was easy to shoplift and not be caught and it was only ur integrity which would be questioned - how many people would get away with it? Similarly cases of discrimination are not obvious like murdering people or even stealing/looting in the daylight - those examples dont justify how DIFFERENT laws and enforced DIFFERENTLY in DIFFERENT countries - some states ACTIVELY discriminate people on various grounds. SO not discriminating people is NOT bound by LAW - and it is appreciable if people are inclusive. If this doesnt get inside ur thick skull please get an adult to reread so that u can understand,

yeah yeah yeah as i said everything u say has implicit meaning which carries clear meaning... u built a whole fucking book saying how BR is not "completely" protectionist thats why u enjoy several options to buy several goods and services which is not correct at all. if u just google u will find 10000 links of how BR is protectionist and it is indeed the lack of local options which makes a country open up to international trade - again this is not something which is wrong but natural in the interconnected world we live in and being jingoistic about it is just foolish.

posted about a year ago

I have indeed presented decent arguments and stated facts all across my early posts, for which you have responded through false narratives, half cooked unresearched shit , shifting goalposts to drive absurd points.

The mere fact that the majority of the best football players in BR play for best in EU instead of staying back and playing for the best in BR refutes all stupid claims of BR clubs being stronger. The links you pasted to show these are unresearched articles and dont refute my claim at all. An actual rebuttal would include links of how the majority of the best football players who play for Brazil national team play in Br league - which is not true so there is no available rebuttal for this argument. This is enough to claim that best in EU is better than the best in BR. I went on to show how BR benefits from this arrangement but none of the proceeds are being used to challenge the status quo in football leagues - again that iffhs link does not refute this claim.

My introduction of cricket and olympics (again nobody cares if BR doesnt know about it or play it - the sports, music and art followed by countries depends on their cultural history and saying stupid stuff like "oh football is played more" makes no sense) shows how countries with population and a wealth divide have defeated and overcome countries with higher overall sports budgets. England for example won the last Cricket WC but most of the Englishmen play in India for their cricket league and NONE of the Indians play in England cricket leagues anymore (this was not the case before). There is a reason why Riot is trying to give China the 3 slots in Valorant majors - they see alot of growth potential and these countries have shown in the past that they can take charge when they start supporting a sport/esport. Brazil has similar problems related to poverty and an advantage in population when compared to wealthier European countries but has failed to challenge the status quo in football leagues for so long. Matter of fact, countries with no history in Football from the Middle East are doing more in signing relevant players. ------------- I know what your stupid ass rebuttals are going for everything here, you will nitpick stupid shit like a nerd and point oUT how I purposely generalized stuff like "HOW CAN U NOT MENTION VATICAN CITY WHEN U TALK ABOUT EU" when to any layman it is understood that if someone is talking about EU clubs they dont mean each and everyone of them. On the contrary your stupid and region baiting OP has generalized statements - it does not mention u exclude BBL, FUT etc in valorant, niether does it specify that oh there must be 3 or more players for u to be able to call it a "national" team to cheer for it -- u included those information and called it "its obvious xDDDD" after u were called out on it. In the same spirt i could also say that I was obviously mentioning only the rich EU clubs - there is no rule as to what can be generalized and what cannot be ---- here you are just twisting the rules to suit urself without making any sense at all.

I have already mentioned clearly that laws are not universal and also mentioned how historically not acting in a discriminatory way towards people was neither a law nor an expected behavior and gave several examples of states which actively to this day discriminate on the basis of nationality, race, religion and dont let players from diverse backgrounds to play in their leagues/sports or even in their music and art industry. Some of these are advanced nations with a constitution and a democracy, not just psycho states with dictators. So your entire point of people acting according to their laws is not appreciable is not a rebuttal at all as people within that state are not held to the same enforcement of the law as the state itself or the influential people in that state. AGAIN - the best clubs in europe CAN AND WILL act in discriminatory fashion towards Brazilian footballers if they wish to and they will not be answerable to anyone - the fact that they dont is not bound of the law of their or anyone's state so NO they are not just respecting their law but rather being nice and benevelont and there is nothing wrong with appreciating that in today's world filled with psycho jingoists like u.

There are tons of other arguments which u brought into this shit like BR apparently not being a protectionist state and then somehow tried to correct it by saying "oh no i did mean this, i meant that - its so obvious!! again most ur arguments are just that - when u say something there is implicit meaning behind it which is obvios but im not allowed to freely use terminology. You are making up things, its like ur acting like a judge in this whole thing which is why everyone feels like a defendant to you - but for me and most people in this thread ur the defendent and the downvotes show that. i am free to share whatever information i like whether its about me being drunk or w.e - its not a fucking courtroom its vlr.gg and i dont need to repeat myself several times if u miss the point or have difficulty in reading comprehension - thats ur problem not mine so i will be copy pasting my replies to show u have not answered or refuted anything

posted about a year ago

yeah bro ur right and im wrong.. JUST KIDDING LMFAOOOOO ur wrong + braindead

book 1 wrong - u just went from sayin u wanted to know everyones opinion who cant support own country to idc about APAC. Nothing was apparent or obvious in ur arguments - it was region baiting and the fact that everyone called it out shows that u did not succeed. i know the reason behind it too - its the pent up anger after the whole world shat on BR for their crowd behavior and their comparison with EU crowd - so u made a thread basically saying "oh u dont know whats it like to support ur own country!!!1" -- yeh yeah yeah i know ur gonna say "u cannot know my intentions!!! where is the proof!! its ur personal belief" - this aint a fucking courthouse ya clown - there is proving and then there is knowing - everyone knows ur just baiting.

so am i falling for this bait by constantly replying to ur bullshit arguments? - nah honestly its an EMEA bait thread by a brazilian who is getting shat on - so its 2 birds at once for me so yes i am downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn to keep replying LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - ok im abit drink

book 2 - wtf was this? u just admitted to being wrong or something? reread my original post on the laws not being universal and then read ur bullshit - biggest contradiction ever.

book 3 - wrong i already told u can google for more examples i aint gonna sit here finding articles for rebuttals cause im not a lawyer getting paid by the hour. a simple google will tell u that - also since ur so big on understanding "clear" and implicit meaning behind everything - oh wait thats a privilege u only accord to ur own arguments and not others!! I have to be clear when i say EU - i cant just say idc about countries in EU which dont play football but u can use broad terms like EMEA - how dare i forget that... hmm but if u had a bit of shame - u would understand brazil, china and India have alot more than population in common which is why i picked up those countries' examples. You wouldnt admit to it but Europe is much more developed and wealthier than BR which is one of the major reasons why the "BEST" in EU is better than the BEST in BR in various terms in football - again idc about baseless links its just a fact which is proven by how the BEST in BR majorly go to the BEST in EU rather than staying and playing for the BEST in BR. This does NOT happen in Cricket in India - an example of how BR should focus to turn things around.

Narrating what you think is happening in this debate won't make that thought true. Saying "I refuted" - when you only give opinions that are immediately rebutted in the next post, doesn't change reality or make an argument valid - yh ill paste this here cause u saying something doesnt make it so either . bro is just cooking up stories in his mind - calling me a defendant.. if anything the accusations on 90% posts on this thread are on ur insincere and region baiting OP so who really is a defendant? you have written so many books trying to claim ur innocence but u havent sold 1 to anyone.

posted about a year ago

agree, the team chemistry is really OFF. removing dephh wont even solve any problems or bringing tenz back. C9 is an example of how if 5 players click together its better than having even 5 champions/masters winners

posted about a year ago

fuck it - Just remove the whole squad and bring in like tier 3 collegiate players who are hungry. 5 no namers with chemistry is better than slapping different world champions and see if it sticks........ i think there is ego and too much respect for each other in that team that no one calls out other players' shit performance out. I think this is why C9 is winning cause MCE is the boss and everyone listens

posted about a year ago

3 champions and losing to EG is just insane.. i think everyone just plays nervous on SEN because its extra pressure or something.. dont ask me why it doesnt work for LOUD

posted about a year ago

lets just delete all agents and call it cartoon cs im downnnnnnnnnnnnnn

posted about a year ago
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