according to liquipedia oxy was born april 2005, while cauanzin is august 2005
i understand forgetting cauanzin as he's been on t1 for a longer time but its insane how young he is
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Registered: | September 20, 2024 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 5:12 PM |
Posts: | 3185 |
according to liquipedia oxy was born april 2005, while cauanzin is august 2005
i understand forgetting cauanzin as he's been on t1 for a longer time but its insane how young he is
BUT it is the one that is the farthest monetary wise.
I honestly do think he would be open to return now that less and saadhak left and he would want to play with pancada tuyz and cauanzin again but maybe im reaching lol
It would be the funniest outcome possible for this whole situation
3rd interest is also unknown and the one aspas likes the most, BUT it is the one that is the farthest monetary wise.
I'd bet my entire house is either MIBR or LOUD
Qck - Sentinel
can we please stop pretending he was good on the role. if anything artzin was better with a way worse roster lol
I feel like he can be great. His biggest problem is his mental and Loud has an insane internal job with a great psychologist, so he would fit well there. I'm really excited to see him play there tbh
Not joking, Furia has a pretty solid team and could surprise a lot of people
I think this is the better option, but i dont know what they're thinking right now, not 100% sure on who to trust, so i guess we can just wait
I dont really know how reliable is this information but everything about loud planning is kinda shady right now, some reliable sources are reporting completely different things and its confusing
Vi um rumor que eles querem DG e V1nny de subs pro Kickoff (e masters se classificarem) e depois vão de Sato e Lukxo qdo eles fizerem 18 com o Cauan de IGL e o Tuyz de flex
DG não aceitou essa ideia e n fechou ainda, v1nny ja ta dentro
Ah sim li errado kkkkkkkkkkk boa contratação apesar de achar que ele merecia franquia
Furia não tava fechada com o heat?
loud x edg masters earlier this year. edg made 5 rounds in 2 maps, two pistols, one bonus, one eco and one anti-eco. loud dominated every single full armed round except edg's eco. it slapped edg so bad they won a freaking champions after this
oh i didnt know that LMAO than it really is just a random ass suspension
honestly seems targeted. there's no way they really banned him for "leaking" one year old vods. id say probably nrg got pissed for his tweets and searched for contract technicalities and bitched out on riots ear until they fucked him up lol
i like gobera so im also happy with this decision
2G: Gobera will likely be the sub for Spike while he can't play
Galorys: Added rglM and Prozin, both very likely to become players on the org
Acho que esse time tá mostrando sinais claros de cansaço. Um split ruim pode ser só vacilada, dois já mostra que tem algo de errado. As vezes o core só não tá mais dando certo mas não sei dizer o que tá rolando internamente
i love her i just think shes too inconsistent sometimes
on the other hand i think she and daiki have an insane soul level connection and it would be too hard to replace that
they're all great so i think they could bounce back and make it work, but i think, currently, only daiki has tier 2 level on the team
Isaa sempre foi o elo fraco mesmo, acho que ela fazia a função tática dela muito bem pelo menos mas individualmente sempre foi ok com alguns lampejos, nunca alcançou um certo potencial... Se for pra alguém sair ela tem que ser a primeira, mas não sei o que tá rolando internamente lá também
5%? Aspas really doesn't want to stay on Lev and they're probably already building the roster without him but i guess if he doesn't get any offer he'il just get benched and maybe eventually play again
Não sei se precisa necessariamente de alguém melhor individualmente, mas ta claro que é algo interno e que a dinâmica da equipe não ta encaixando mais, e talvez alguém encaixe melhor agora
Agora que o ano da TL basicamente já acabou (apesar de ainda ter VCB 3): O que fazer com esse time? Sinto que esse core já deu o que tinha que dar, o teto de evolução parece ter sido o primeiro split do GC e elas só tem piorado desde então... Quais reposições vocês fariam?
Eu sinto que a Daiki tá bem acima desse time particularmente, pra mim já tá na hora dela cavar vaga no VCB (apesar de achar que tá numa zona de conforto na Liquid e que ela não vai fazer isso)... Se manter, acho que ela precisa separar da Bstrdd que pra mim sempre foi bem irregular, moldar o time no core Daiki - Bizerra - Joojina... E com o palestra aparentemente se aposentando por um tempinho, traria o FLSH
I don't understand your point? TL won GCBR like 6 consecutive times, including one time against this very same MIBR roster, and they are still winning on head-to-head against this core of players (Sayuri-Srn-Mel, from 00nation to Legacy to MIBR). They were miles better than the entire brazilian scene, including trans people, for a very long time. You're talking like they weren't the all time favorites and like they're suffering some kind of injustice, but that wasn't a problem a few months ago when they were winning. Truth is, they just got worse while MIBR and other teams got better. It happens, deal with it.
Yeah, sadly GC's scene is very controversial sometimes and people deal with it in the worst way possible
It's more about the tone and discourse. While i think Bizerra meant for SRN only, there's a lot of people who talk about Jelly on the same way, and Bizerra's tweet accidentally ends up hurting her too
while i understand that srn has a complicated past and many people may dont like him (i dont like him at all for many shady reasons), bizerra's tweet was very unfortunate. it ended up also targeting jelly (to me the best player of mibr and a very nice person) which is also trans and never really did anything wrong to anyone. bizerra was one of my favorite players of the GC scene so im very disappointed rn, its just a very messed up thing to do and she should deal better with losing
mibr just got better (whole BR scene in general) and TL is burnt out, sadly i don't think they qualify
Weird role and agent pool and sincerely not the best option to "waste" an import
Close enough welcome back twitter
Why are you talking like he would 100% say that. He didn't say anything you don't know what he was thinking you just created on your mind and took it as truth. Jesus it's saturday morning go have some fun
mibr time muito esquisito, não consigo gostar não, só torço pela jelly
liquid pipocou demais aqui, acho que esse core já deu, daiki tinha que subir pro vcb
hahahahahahahahahahahaha como que alguem toma essa virada
mand dando o tapa cebando agora
Less? Aspas? Tex? just say you hate brazilians bro (pancc is fine to hate tho)
G2 - Shazham
SEN - Rob Moore
100T - Asuna
C9 - Vanity
EG - Potter
It does to an extent, but that's the average FD number that most players have. If he was too defensive on attack it would compensate, but it actually exceeds others that are considered offensive. The numbers don't add up
Disagree with this. Boaster this year had more first deaths per round and as much (or even more) first kills per round as IGL's with "praised aim" like Kingg, Valyn, and JohnQT. If anything, stats-wise JohnQT is even more "defensive" than him (which is fair cause he's a sentinel) but no one questions his firepower at all, because he has the highlights. Boaster does have a firepower issue, that he compensated with other qualities such as good calling and great clutch rate
Qck no longer on plans for Galorys, trialing for both MIBR and 2G.
fns looks like he just came back from the war lmao
common chet W
also why FNS and ethan seem so uncomfortable lmao poor guys