Flag: Brazil
Registered: September 20, 2024
Last post: March 9, 2025 at 6:42 PM
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it depends on how v1nny performs as an IGL, but im not expecting much from this team either

posted 4 months ago

being alive itself is already a gift

posted 4 months ago

Eu posso até estar errado, essa é a lógica que eu tenho hoje apenas. Pode mudar rápido, mas sinceramente to com bastante fé nesse rank

posted 4 months ago

Yeah, it depends on criteria. But i would choose aspas in any day. I'm just saying choosing demon1 is fair enough, because he's also a beast with the character.

posted 4 months ago

É justo, aí vai de critério mesmo

posted 4 months ago

Pior que não maninho, EU acho o aspas superior na jett pela mov dele, mas o Demon1 de Jett é um absurdo real também, diria que ele tem a melhor ult de jett do mundo, não acho loucura achar ele melhor no boneco em si não (mas como jogador geral não tem debate o aspas é melhor)

posted 4 months ago

imagine going back to 2023 and showing that to platchat

posted 4 months ago

havoc pra mim vai ficar muito mais confortável em duelista e com o peu e o raafa vai voar. esse time vai ser uma the union 2 bem mais cascuda e superior, pra mim vai ser muito bom. lev eu acho que teve um downgrade nas duas mudanças e pode bater um pouco a cabeça internamente, mas foi algo particular meu mesmo, pode ficar acima sim. kru eu não confio nada no adverso de IGL e manter o mta pra mim é um erro

posted 4 months ago

Fúria CHOCARÁ o mundo. Lev e Kru admito que talvez seja um hot take mas esses times tão fedendo pra mim

posted 4 months ago

It really isn't lol

posted 4 months ago

another BRA71L common L

posted 4 months ago

not really to be fair, i see everyone more comfortable.

mwzera already played as initiator, havoc was clearly uncomfortable on sentinel and was originally a duelist, heat wanted to become a sentinel before joining kru and was learning... to me it will fit a lot better now

posted 4 months ago

they meant that it's only not at the bottom because of potter, as the team is the weakest on americas on paper

posted 4 months ago

Dude, if this team wasn't able to be good with Aspas, they won't be with Demon1.

I mean, top 3 in champs is pretty good to me.

I do think the team seems worse, but it wasn't really bad this season at the end

posted 4 months ago

fair enough, but Loud and EG are way too high and MIBR and Furia are too low. Loud will very likely be the worst brazilian team this season

posted 4 months ago

lets fucking go #c9sweep #c9win

in seriousness tho. i don't know what to expect of this team. who knows, they might be great. but i will never believe in a roster that has xeppa

posted 4 months ago

I agree at least with your top 5, but i think Loud is too high. While they do have a lot of firepower and a great core, an questionable IGL could ruin this team, and V1nny is very questionable rn. I'd be careful putting them over 6 rn. Fúria looks much better on paper to me

posted 4 months ago

What do you disagree here? I'm open to debating

posted 4 months ago

Furia cant be that high, NRG clears

It could happen, but i'm being cautious with NRG because 1) I don't know if Mada and Verno will perform the same level on T1 Lan and 2) I don't know if FNS will come back to his prime IGL form. But if this team looks good enough on the first few games i'm bumping it to top 1, actually. Furia is massively underrated, their split 2 was great, they fixed a lot of problems from there and the team looks better than before in almost all ways. Im putting them above NRG and MIBR because of experience, but both could be above them.

Sentinels will be top team

Sentinels definitely has the team to be on top, i'm doubting their psychological work. Sacy and Tenz were pillars on the team on leadership and their replacement is two more inexperienced players. N4rrate specially seems like the guy who tilts very easily. I'm putting them above 100t and G2 because the two rosters feel like clear upgrades to already good cores, while Sen is debatable. But it could go pretty well, and that's why they're in my top 3.

Mibr overrated

Aspas + Nzr + Frod is a GREAT combo, Artzin looked very good this last season, and Cortezia and Xenom are two very exciting prospects. How is top 6 (!!!!) overrating this team?

2g overrated

2G looked very good on ascension, and has a lot of fresh talent, mixing with good leadership. Top 7 seems good enough to them. But again, between 7 and 11 it's very interchangeable, so if you think anyone should be lower, it definetly could be.

Loud overrated

You really think anyone after Loud will be better than them? Maybe Lev and Kru, sure, but C9 and EG? Really? It isn't that much of a stretch to say they'il fight for playoffs lol

Lev heavily underrated

I agree this might be my hot take, but i don't think this LEV team is that good tbh. I don't like Kingg igling, i don't like Itopata, C0m looks too inconsistent, i do not trust Demon1 as a full time duelist and i dont' know Natank but he looked average in a average team last season. Yeah i know, the team might shake up with roles a bit, but i do not trust the coaching staff enough to do that the right way. I do like tex a lot tho

posted 4 months ago

Sen eu deixei abaixo pq acho q é um time que vai pecar muito no psicológico, Sacy e Tenz ajudavam muito nisso e saíram e agora só tem o Zellsis e o JohnQT, o N4rrate parece meio tiltado e o bang caladão. 100t manteve a base boa e se pá melhorou com o Zander, tá sendo meio subestimada

MIBR eu deixei abaixo da Fúria quase pelo mesmo motivo, acho que a experiência pesa pra Fúria, Xenom e Cortezia ainda não tem xp de franquia e quase todo mundo da Fúria já tem a pegada do Tier 1 (menos o Raafa que por si só já compensa sendo bem experiente)

NRG é uma incógnita pq não sei se o Mada e o Verno vão performar a mesma coisa na LAN do tier1, ou se o FNS vai voltar a ser um dos melhores IGL, mas se encaixar esse time fica muito forte

posted 4 months ago

I'm open to debate it lol what you don't like there

posted 4 months ago

LEV is nowhere near worse than loud lol

I think they're pretty close tbh, maybe it is better but maybe it isn't, it's pretty interchangeable. I only put loud above because i like it more as a team

posted 4 months ago

Does top 4 make it to champions? I thought it was top 3 + points

Either way Furia is being massively underrated, i think NRG might be better (very close to each other) but otherwise is def a top 5 team

posted 4 months ago

bro weren't you brazilian five minutes ago what happened

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Now that all the americas rosters are pretty much locked, drop your power rankings. To me, Americas look STACKED, very difficult to predict who's going to be on top or even classify to playoffs. Mine right now looks like this, but the difference between each team is very small (specially between 7 and 11, which are interchangeable), and the only two teams that look clear as day are G2 and EG:

  1. G2 (Jawgemo - Trent - Valyn - JonahP - Leaf)
  2. 100Thieves (Cryo - Eeiu - Boostio - Asuna - Zander)
  3. Sentinels (Zekken - N4rrate - JohnQT - Zellsis - Bang)
  4. Fúria (Havoc - Mwzera - Raafa - Khalil - Heat)
  5. NRG (Mada - Verno - FNS - Ethan - S0m)
  6. MIBR (Aspas - Artzin - NZR - Xenom - Cortezia)
  7. 2Gaming (Silentzz - Gobera - Zap - Lz - Pryze)
  8. Loud (Dgzin - Cauanzin - V1nny - Pancada - Tuyz)
  9. Leviatan (Demon1 - C0m - Kingg - Natank - Tex)
  10. Kru (Keznit - Mta - Adverso - Mazino - Shyy)
  11. Cloud 9 (Oxy - Xeppa - Rossy - V1c - Moose)
  12. EG (Sym - Derrek - Nature - Supamen - Yay)
posted 4 months ago

he's great. needs to prove himself on tier 1 but really deserved a shot. had a really good split 2 on stellae

posted 4 months ago

Updates: Furia, Loud and 2G locked, MIBR updated

posted 4 months ago

I agree, i think its aspas, but i do think saying demon1 is not absurd

posted 4 months ago

Jett is debatable on either aspas or demon1 (both valid answers)
Kayo i think saadhak is better
Fade is Leo (maybe Sova too, is debatable)
Omen is Mako
Skye is Cauanzin
Kj is alfa and Cypher is nats (Less is a better overall sentinel to me but he exceeds on Viper)

otherwise good list

posted 4 months ago

aspas - cauanzin - nzr - pancada - shyy

posted 4 months ago

mwzera himself said it on stream that havoc will be the duelist and heat has been spamming sentinel on ranked

posted 4 months ago

havoc might be actually retarded and the dumbest player ive seen in franchising

made me chuckle ngl

havoc under raafa and peu's wing was really good, but it was tier 2. he might be the classic dumb aimer duelist we need tho. ngl i got a lot of expectations on him and this team. mwzera and heat have a lot of synergy and khalil might reach his random yearly short peak of greatest player of all time in an actual important moment this time

posted 4 months ago

like i said potter dont make miracles

almost the same team with an great duelist like jawgemo havent even reached a single playoff (only in kickoff but they had a huge advantage there)

the team now is arguably worse, with the same core, a massively worse duelist and a maybe-same-level-maybe-better sentinel (i confess i havent seen yay playing since C9 but i cant see him being worse than apoth), while everyone around got better

theres absolutely no way this team goes well. at most they will fight for playoffs again, but probably be bottom tier. people seem to forget potter, while being great, don't work that well when she doesn't have a starplayer duelist, just see how 2023 was before demon1. sym is not the same level at all

posted 4 months ago

T2 Americas teams all have insane duelist.

You do know they got Sym right

If you think "Sym" and "Insane duelist" belong on the same phrase without a laugh you might have brain damage

posted 4 months ago

neymar will play at brazilian league by 2026

sources: trust me

posted 4 months ago

po, contratar tres controladores é esculacho kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted 4 months ago

BRA71L moment

posted 4 months ago

blowz is 16, he can't play yet. shion isn't considered i guess because nzr is already initiator and igl, but he could do flex. artzin don't wanna do sentinel anymore and swag switched to initiator if im not mistaken (he hasn't been playing well for a while too)

posted 4 months ago

he was planning to, but the franchising opportunity came up

posted 4 months ago

me too tbh, he has more experience on the role

posted 4 months ago

artzin was great as sentinel but he doesn't want to do it anymore apparently

posted 4 months ago

i wouldnt say by far but a strong contender

posted 4 months ago

nah xenom controller is great, he stepped up on stellae this split

posted 4 months ago

MIBR will very likely have Aspas and Nzr next season, 80% chance of deal. They're trialing Cortezia and Xenom for two of the spots, Sentinel and Controller respectively. The team may be:

Aspas - Nzr - Xenom - Cortezia - (Initiator/Flex)

I'd say the last spot is probably Artzin, Frod really likes him. What do you think of this team?

posted 4 months ago

probably they will record the announcement this week and release the next

posted 4 months ago

Po, se ele for mal com esse time da KC é pra aposentar mesmo. To achando bem forte

posted 4 months ago

KC is building a pretty impressive roster, expectations are high

posted 4 months ago

The GOAT just landed at France. Expecting KC announcement probably this week or the next

posted 4 months ago
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