fair enough
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | September 20, 2024 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 6:42 PM |
Posts: | 3187 |
Pancada is not in his best form
disagree, i think only his viper looked a bit rusty, but he played well on almost every map this split (or at least as best as he could with a very messy team)
Tuyz is mid player and always misses easy shots
i agree he's not a fragger, but he's a really great support player and exceeds at a more passive playstyle. at sentinel taking less engagements and a more tactical role he will maybe be great
Vinny is not good in terms of mechanics
disagree, he's not great but he's pretty fine, last year he was good enough with Red. like i said if he's a fine enough caller he has firepower enough to make up for him
this team will need good cohesion and I don't think they will
what makes you think that?
IIRC the rule is:
Classify to Champions: keeps their spot (if both classify, the one with the best result is the one who keeps the spot; The worst one goes to ascension)
Classify to playoffs: Plays ascension again and has a shot to defend their spot
Neither: Gets relegated
I mean if they do get aspas and a good team for him it clearly will be, but i do think all four brazilian teams look strong even if they don't get him
Maybe an unpopular opinion but i don't really like bzkA that much tbh
Nah, there's still good enough players for other teams. And like i said it doesn't matter, G2 will be at champions and 2G will at least be at americas playoffs, so at the very least they will play ascension and win again if they need to
A lot of people are overreacting a little bit with Loud changes. Yes they lost Saadhak and Less, and there's no way to match their value, but i think the team will work with more synergy now. 2024 Loud clearly had a lot of internal issues, such as undefined hierarchy, lack of tactical alignment within the team, rushed decisions, lack of trust, mess on roles... The team will definitely be much more organized and clean now on paper. So what can it achieve? The lineup will likely be:
Dgzin - Cauanzin - V1nny - Pancada - Tuyz - Stk
With Lukxo and Sato as subs maybe going to the main team after kickoff.
Tuyz is probably playing Sentinel. The core Cauanzin, Tuyz and Pancada is very strong, and adding Dgzin it has a very good firepower. The only doubt is V1nny calling, as individually he was pretty fine this last year. But if he calls fine enough, i think this team could reach at least playoff. Furia 2023 had a much more messy team with an also unproven IGL that reached playoffs, even if it was not in a very good shape. The thing tho is that americas seem more stacked than last year, every team seems to had a step up on the roster (even MIBR, if they do get aspas), so it can be a lot difficult. But i think this team will be returning to basics and this is good. There's a lot of firepower and it's hard to doubt that.
If Loud don't do very well on kickoff/split 1, then i think the plan B will be Lukxo and Sato replacing Dgzin and V1nny, with Tuyz going to Flex, Lukxo to sentinel, and Cauanzin as IGL, which i also think it's a good roster and would be better than this year. There is a good chance all of this don't work at all and every team is terrible, but i trust this core and i think the planning is already miles better than this season.
The biggest question to me, and something that could ruin the entire season, is Stk. Loud apparently want to keep him as a sole coach for the season, which i have mixed feelings on. While i don't think 2024 can be blamed on him or Peu at all, i like Peu more than him and i think he's too unproven to do it alone. On the other hand he clearly has a great relationship with the team, so maybe they asked him to stay. Who knows, maybe he deserves the shot, 2024 was messy and he had no time to prove himself. Time will tell.
TL;DR: I think Loud will be fine and better than 2024, probably reaching playoffs and going 4-6th place to me
It doesn't matter who wins americas ascension next year, both 2G and G2 will stay at tier 1 in 2026
Eles não podem jogar no VCB, vai ser no LATAM sul
whats her age? every generation has at least one surprisingly big random thing
that would be probably the worst roster in the history of franchising
some people said he trialed at loud on late 2023. idk if its true but i do think there was some interest
Updates: Added Aspas to MIBR (not a joke) and Nzr rumoured
this is a bait account but aspas is actually trying out for mibr LOL
damn thats rough
well i dont really know how good lukxo's english is so i can't say
wait what happened to heat i'm not updated on this
fair enough, i disagree but i understand why you think that. guess we'il see if it happens
that's pretty much it, but i think demon1 will try raze again (not based on anything just guessing)
there's still a few. the problem is that both aspas and lev are clearly playing the long game and if no one give up both are gonna get fucked. but lev is the one who will lose the most, so they will have to eventually lower the buyout to make at least a bit of cash or they will lose a lot of money
i don't believe his manager at all lol
like i said on #3 i think lukxo would be controller in this scenario (he already plays omen quite a lot)
there's like <10% chance aspas actually plays at lev next year lol
i think lukxo could play controller, he regularly also plays omen and he already played astra and harbor (also hes familiar with viper as a sentinel and could play her on controller maps)
Leviatan is on the fight to get Lukxo, the sentinel for Galorys that played on ascension this year. They're racing against Loud, MIBR and Kru to see who can pick him, and he's taking his time to decide. They apparently want him to be their 6th player until he completes 18 years on March and play for the main team.
Maybe if the tier2 had other ways of being profitable they weren't going to need charging that much lol
im not a main but i think breach is pretty fun to play. you can just tilt your enemy to death with him
the meta is still to be defined. there will be major agent changes on the next few updates until december. they are probably just messing around to develop chemistry and trust between teammates, not to be taken seriously
Tu leu o que eu mandei porra ele saiu da furia pq já queria ser duelista lá e eles queria o mw de duel, ele não se moldou pela loud não
Saadhak is in brazil rn he said he's fixing some legal stuff (probably visas) but he's already teasing it so i would say probably in a couple weeks
Bom, se ele sentia isso internamente eu não sei. Mas o fato é que ele se colocou no mercado como DUELISTA, ele fez trial de DUELISTA, logo ele queria ser DUELISTA., e a loud nem duelista queria e contratou ele pq ele foi bem na função nos treinos. Ficar supondo por ficar supondo eu posso falar que o Cauanzin queria ser coach e o Pancada queria usar crack
Loud has been for three years on valorant and this was the first time they weren't top3 in the world. Until split 2 their results were average (top2 kickoff, top4 masters, reached playoffs/6th place on split 1), and it would be an ok year where they could learn a lot if they sticked together, and maybe still reach something on split 2. But the org didn't trust on the process and decided to just throw everything into the air. There was a lot of stress and rumours, qck left, pancada came, less almost left too, saadhak somehow became duelist. Then it became an absolutely dogshit of a year
They signed a sentinel instead of duelist
Tired of this narrative. qck WANTED to be a duelist, he left Furia because of that, and he trialed on loud as that. He was doing well on scrims but didn't translate on actual games. This happens. But it's not Loud's fault for choosing him.
Loud and Saadhak are at fault on how they handled their split2. There were clearly some internal problems and they tried to just do the easy way out and put glue and replace pieces in the worst way possible instead of working on their chemistry and playstyle. But the way the roster was built at the time wasn't wrong at all.
dgzin maridao 777 putodistanbul pretin provocant vulgo o futuro MVP do champions paris
chorei de rir com o print dele rindo depois kkkkkk mobinha ta se divertindo
pior que isso foi antes, red tava com um suposto time fortinho e mudaram, agora o pronets ta bem melhor msm
Essa line da The7 deve ser a MIBR academy ou nem?
e o gigantesco jway finalmente estreando no vcb
Duelist: 2024 americas split 2 aspas
Scan Initiator: 2023 leo
Flex/ Flash initiator: 2023 Saadhak/Champions 2023 Ethan
Smokes: 2022 Mako
Sentinel: 2023 Less/Champions 2023 Boostio/Madrid 2024 Johnqt
IGL: 2023 Saadhak/Boostio/Johnqt
Yes, she exceeds by being a great squad manager and potentializing every player individually through the collective. But that is always limited by the squad she chooses to play. Sometimes the ceilling isn't too high and we got just competent enough players.
2023 EG was a squad with good players that became great with her + the addition of a generational talent like Demon1 that truly changed the mindset of the team. 2024 lacked the individual greatness of the team, was a more budgeted version that always got limited by having less talented players (and Jawgemo alone can't carry a team)
My point is: i think shes overtated because sometimes people treat her like she's the main cause for EG success, but she's only one factor. That 2023 run was insane for a number of equally important reasons. But she's still great and will win another major trophy as soon as she has a better squad (if she even wants one)
I mean yeah theres always someone who pops off specially because potter works a lot with potentializing otherwise hidden talents but im talking more on general terms. EG 2023 was an exception because most of them were very good shooters
while i do think she's a bit overrated, all her rosters are pretty budgeted and do way better than expected, even if they don't suceed very much. her teams have very good collective teamplay and generally fall short on individual firepower
i don't take any managers word seriously
i was a defender of swapping Tuyz and Qck's roles or Qck and Less's roles, but these mfs are legit harassing him
Invalid opinion
but also loud fans fucking suck most of the time lol
to só brincando kkkkkk mas não sei quem é rubkkoide, daonde veio ele?
also the 6th player not being 5th is probably because of age issues what makes me believe is a star prospect from ascension which means finally Sato on franchising
Leo thinks many teams did not live up to what was expected from them in franchising.
MIBR on thin ice rn