Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | September 20, 2024 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 5:12 PM |
Posts: | 3185 |
Furia: Added Cortezia
Loud: Added Zap and Silentzz as trials
2G: Added Xand as interest
mibr has an female analyst if im not mistaken
i wasn't here yet but i remember how crazy twitter was lmaoooooooo fun days
mibr during that first like three games was absolutely legendary, they almost win fucking loud, the streets will never forget
Onur cada hora fala uma coisa nunca sei quando ele tá falando sério ou não kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mas se for é muito bom, vai moldar uns talentos bons
Tinha rumores que ele queria ir pro EMEA, mas deve ficar na loud por enquanto
Loud: Bom planejamento, não vejo o stk solo coach como uma boa ideia mas no geral acho que a org tá pensando bem no futuro com sato e lukxo, em montagem de elenco em si não tá tão ruim quanto muita gente fala não
MIBR: Por mais que eu ache o Palla ótimo, não dá pra montar uma line em torno do duelista, entendo o desconforto dos players
LEV: Aposto que é o BZKa comandando
They probably are betting on Cauanzin IGLing if V1nny doesn't perform well
fair enough but im like 90% sure heat will play in furia
why the fuck is mibr above furia
If TL or LOUD classify, one of them. If not, probably G2
I don't like that move at all lol but i hope i'm wrong
LOUD: V1nny almost confirmed as IGL; Snw added in trials; Added Lukxo as possibility (interest); Stk will likely be the head coach; Dgzin less likely
Honestly i think he doesn't really go anywhere. Unless LEV drastically lowers his buyout. I think every team already invested on a duelist, the few who doesn't won't pay that much
EMEA: Vitality
AMER: G2/2G (the G brothers)
Zellsis is also great and essential for hyping the team up on-server, but just for the backstage videos you can see how Sacy was essential to keep the spirit of the team
Sacy, miles ahead. N4rrate has better firepower, but Sacy is a god tier second caller, support and leader for the team. People won't realize how much he was a pillar for the team until they play again
Honestly i like this idea a lot. Maybe with the improved engine they will be able to make an actual interesting player contract like that lol
Against mibr and eg
Honestly, Furia is building a pretty good roster and not many people are seeing that
It's not going to win anything, is Furia, but it's going to fly high
Socio-cultural enviroment. Women gaming culture is something very recent, so they're still catching up to 30+ years of male gaming culture. And at the same time they're still fighting for a non-hostile enviroment to play. There's still is a gap but is much more mental than natural abilities itself
to early to tell. it depends on internal team management and how they're planning the season. but i think they'il definetly be better than this year. it just comes down to vinny igling on how much better they'il be
i don't think every org in franchising combined has a 400m budget for valorant lol
Cypher is great, the only differential to me is that he needs to be on the spot to use his abilities lurking (like the cage), which means if he makes enough noise the enemy will know. Viper and Astra can be anywhere, so they can easily mislead and be more sneaky
S tier (Has abilities that straight up help lurking):
Viper, Astra
A tier (Don't have abilities to help lurking but don't affect the team by lurking):
B tier (Maybe can affect the team because of ranged habilities, but can be good if used right)
Killjoy, Chamber, Sova
C tier (Could work sometimes)
Jett, Reyna, Yoru, Clove, Vyse (?)
D tier (Only with ult or combined abilities)
Omen, Fade
F tier (Don't)
All others
Yes but 2nd Lockin + 1st VCT Americas + 3rd Champions (we ignore tokyo) was also insane for a team that was a bunch of kids with two fathers (saadhak and frod)
sorry i just miss 2023 loud they had such a great potential :(
Well, i was talking more on the geography side of things. I think ignoring it is the issue. But in any way, ignoring population also is a issue. Looking at the future, Valorant is growing more and more. Americas as a whole has more population, and therefore a higher celling of players and public. Eventually Europe will grow on a much more slower rate. They should've invested in developing the separate regions, but instead they chose to concentrate everything in one place. This is better in short-term, but worse at long-term.
I also don't think player base should matter that much to pro play when most of it is concentrated on low elo and basically the same amount goes to pro play independently of how much players it has
Because then it would develop the region and more people would come to play. And player base is irrelevant when only a small amount goes to pro play. The 1 million players from Iron to Diamond weren't going to make any difference in the high level
uniting the entire americas as one continent when EMEA as a region (considering that all teams are from Europe and Turkey, if you don't consider Turkey europe) is smaller than South America alone (maybe even Brazil alone) is certainly a Choice
Pior que acho que nem tem muito mais o que falar, tudo já ta quase definido, maior mistério agora é quem é o HC da loud
me too. twitter will probably be back on brazil some time on the next couple of weeks at least
Noyn and Bruno Povoleri are the GOATS of brazil
aspas don't learn anything he just wakes up one day knowing
that entire loud 2023 roster(besides saadhak) was under 20 years old
Very nice list
Less alone could have like three or four performances listed
Like, while i understand your choice, i think Less on icebox vs Optic on Reykjavik upper finals was my favorite performance of his of all time
And i would like to add Sacy on Champions Grand Finals. Team's top fragger as initiator, 80% KAST, and at least one important clutch at every single map won. Him on Ascent specially was a fucking beast
that's why i thought lev will eventually lower the buyout, aspas wage will still be big even on bench and they can't afford both at the same time, and there's no chance they will want aspas on the team after he basically forced his way out
LMAOOOOOO cmon aspas stop being a pussy go to europe jfc why are you going to CHINA
aspas goes back in time and saves 2023 mibr with ReginaldoMeister, the Wizard
it should. but i also think aspas set himself up a little bit. i mean, it's pretty implicit, he's no IGL
i mean they got fucking kicked out of vct i dont think bleed is a very smart org
He chose Bleed probably (and im saying this as speculation and my opinion, not information) because of money + the only team that would pay the buyout + he REALLY wants to live on APAC + they probably said he would have a lot of power on team building
He's been unhappy on the org ever since they kicked nzr. They're friends and he really wanted to play with him, then they kicked him out of nowhere and he didn't even knew, so he was like "wait a minute wtf" but let it go
Then apparently he really wanted Frod to coach the team after Goked left, but Lev didn't really made any effort for it (Frod was AC on MIBR and would later on become HC), so he got pissed again they didn't hear him
Then after the season he was like "well what a weird year let's make some moves for the next one" and Lev was like "yeah lets do this" but they haven't asked his opinion on what to do and he apparently was pissed of and then he started to seriously consider leaving
So basically he thought he would have more power on team decisions and they didnt really care what he thought (all of this was reported by bruno povoleri at the time)
jawgemo when he realizes he got confused and signed to 2G instead of G2
Now that less and saadhak left he can finally return to Loud. Leviatan loans aspas, in exchange they never send another brazilian there ever again. Aspas comes back to Loud, gets like top 3 on champions again, gets reminded of how shitty life can be when youre poor and goes back to Lev happy
????? na notícia literalmente não diz isso em lugar nenhum
Fala que as Organizações tão conversando com o JOGADOR e tem que se acertar com a organização DEPOIS
e que a lev só libera sob pagamento da cláusula, coisa que a matéria ainda deixa claro que NÃO TINHA ACONTECIDO
Yeah, Aspas put himself in this situation tbh. He did almost the same thing with loud lol