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Registered: May 7, 2024
Last post: October 25, 2024 at 9:39 PM
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Make VLR Great Again

posted 1 month ago

She is literally a girl

posted 1 month ago

In every major religion there exists the so-called "golden rule": treat others like you want to be treated. This is a core value that billions across the globe strive to perfect in their lives, and for good reason. Even if you're not religious it's a very good rule to try to follow.

Why should you be humble? Well, let me answer your question with a question: would you rather be around those who are humble than not? If so, then be humble! Or at least try to be :)

posted 1 month ago

Got it ty

posted 1 month ago

You're like the fourth person I've heard say godspeed. What does it mean lmao

posted 1 month ago

Appreciate the shoutout, dude :)

posted 1 month ago

Don't worry, I also suck at every game I've ever played—and it's a broad spectrum too, ranging from VALORANT to Geometry Dash to Brawlhalla of all things.
As for that second one, I've never heard of that kinda thing. Is it a condition or just a side effect of the treatment?

posted 1 month ago

I stand very happily corrected :)

posted 1 month ago

Maybe one day. I only ever played for a high school music course, but I still have the mouthpiece and ligature I used, plus a few unused reeds, so I guess a sax is technically all I need :)

posted 1 month ago

Morocco's a super cool country from what I've seen. Have you ever visited?

posted 1 month ago

Looking forward to it

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Woah, that's so cool

posted 1 month ago

Oh wow. I thought most places had a ban on travel to Ukraine. What did you go there for, if you don't mind sharing?

posted 1 month ago

Don't act like you wouldn't've right clicked

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

"Got mine"

posted 1 month ago

Isn't that 100% rng

posted 1 month ago

I appreciate bees for giving me great feedback on each thread I post in my balancing agents series

posted 1 month ago

I try very hard not to do it, but sometimes I simply have to just to be able to focus on my own game. I do lose more on average when muting everyone, though, so do with that what you will

posted 1 month ago

A "new phase" could mean a LOT of things, man. It could be as simple as shifting the power between him and the coaches

posted 1 month ago

Here are the KDAs from Asuna's KAY/O Ascent games in Split 2:


Do you see the kind of numbers he's putting up assist-wise?

posted 1 month ago
  • You can't dodge his flash (you actually can in some cases but I'll give it to you) but you can shoot it
  • It gives you the general direction of the players but if you're flashing through a smoke then it can be difficult to tell exactly where they are, especially if you have to go off sound cue
  • Wingman does give you an advantage in planting the spike but if he goes down then you can be in a bad spot (Bind is a decent example of this)
  • His ult is good; it's like most ults, where the minimum value is pretty low and the maximum value is very high

Overall, he's a great agent, but he's not broken per se

posted 1 month ago

No way to tell. For all we know a 5 stack of ranked demons could win Ascension through Premier

posted 1 month ago

He needs to perfect his Harbor fr

posted 1 month ago

It's not overpowered, per se, but it's a very good ability nonetheless. It's definitely what you want to be creating your setups around

posted 1 month ago

Vyse does NOT look like a ranked agent. And either way she's not even out yet so how would we know

posted 1 month ago

Keiko duelist
Soulcas recon initiator
Jamppi flash initiator (+ KJ on maps where nAts goes Viper like Icebox and Lotus)
AvovA controller
nAts sentinel

posted 1 month ago

Why are you stalking Jinggg's mom on Instagram is the real question

posted 1 month ago

Plus with the info Vyse gives you with the flash, you could easily run single initiator

posted 1 month ago

We could see Killjoy Vyse comps next year similar to the Cypher Deadlock ones we saw this year

posted 1 month ago
How are these? I personally really like the second one

posted 1 month ago

How do we have Saint Pierre and Miquelon but not San Marino

posted 1 month ago

Hamsters like to keep to themselves and live for up to 3 years; guinea pigs like to be social and live for up to 7 years. Not sure how valid that information is but that's what I've learned

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Dude, I hope you're alright

posted 1 month ago

That's all really really cool, man! Congratulations on getting married :)

posted 1 month ago

Fair enough

posted 1 month ago

I agree with this take. I find a lot of value running solo Astra in solo queue, especially on maps like Haven and Pearl

posted 1 month ago

You don't have to participate if you don't want to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

posted 1 month ago

Interesting! I also skip a stair while going up just because it's faster; I'm kinda scared to do it while going down though lol

posted 1 month ago

Very interesting

posted 1 month ago

He's a Spanish comedian/actor who died in the spring of 2021. The emote's still used because it's iconic

posted 1 month ago

Sounds to me like you're a slow learner

posted 1 month ago

IKEA furniture assembly. I will literally clear my entire schedule and spend 3 hours putting together a TV table whenever I get the chance

posted 1 month ago

That's more than fair. Reed instruments can be insufferable to play

posted 1 month ago

Nice! I played alto sax from 2022-23, but haven't since. Which one did you play + where did you start?

posted 1 month ago

That's a decent idea, but he's kinda just a pocket pick for now

posted 1 month ago

Good to hear :)

posted 1 month ago

I call bs

posted 1 month ago
1 •• 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 •• 162