Flag: South Korea
Registered: April 18, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 10:04 AM
Posts: 2774
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bro almost threw that, just walked out like an npc

posted about a year ago

true, but that's still far from "respecting drx"

posted about a year ago

didn't even the casters say the entire brazilian crowd started booing as soon as the drx watch party showed up?

posted about a year ago

#100 hehe

posted about a year ago

Vision Strikers

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It's a bo5 btw

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

wait lol it actually was

posted about a year ago

Boba could really be anyone but it does originate from Taiwan. Riot owned by Tencent tho so... might geta bit politically nasty

posted about a year ago

Is there a link to the original video? It seems to be deleted

posted about a year ago

Name: pebo751
Date: Feb 19, 2022
Posts: 1

u can't be real lmaoo, who's alt is this? Whatever, clearly you know nothing about anti-cheat technology. Facts are facts, Val has significantly less cheaters compared to other games, especially other fps games.

I got friends cheating all the time, they're also good at it, not using things too obvious to get caught, even i used to do that

like come on kid lmfao, am I supposed to listen to someone openly admitting to cheating in their games?? 😂

just stop trolling and saying "there are a few not many" that is just bullshit

also tf? are you high what are you even trying to say

posted about a year ago

unlucky for the other Brazilians on this site who's flag is tarnished by you

posted about a year ago

lol sry i'll stop trolling. Yeah I heard about that guy too before, I think I even made a thread about it some time ago.

But the thing is, cheating/smurfing seems to be rather low on Valorant compared to a lot of games. Yes ik it can get frustrating (i'm also fairly high rank and I remember the nightmare of climbing through bronze/silver/gold, heck I remember even in my asc/immortal lobbies there were cracked top 200 players helping their buds) but Vanguard is pretty much as good as it gets for anticheat technology. New cheats are constantly developed and new anticheats are created in response, there will never be such a thing as being able to completely ban all cheats and tbh I think they've done a respectable job compared to other games.

As for smurfing, again there really doesn't seem to be much of a way to stop it. There's always the standard stuff like increase grind time to unlock in game feature like comp but the determined "her jetts" grind past it. Only somewhat reasonable solution i've heard is phone number verification, but that also comes with problems like what if you're young and don't have a phone or simply using parents' phone numbers.

just my thoughts :/

ps: sry for a bad welcome to vlr :,)

posted about a year ago

there are certain limitations to how many people you can queue with at different ranks

posted about a year ago

lmao you can't even 5 stack at "high elo"? Your little essay is riddled with inconsistencies.

posted about a year ago

a tldr for those who don't want to read all of it: "I'm bronze, I am better than everyone else, if I lose I make excuses and it's anyone else's fault but mine"

posted about a year ago

They're playing the map horribly, giving up so much info. Like the sova tries to drone b main on icebox every single round and kayo just knifes it and scans like 4 or 5 of them every round.
shows their lack of adaptation. Giants are just tunnel vision hitting site, and with zero presense on other side of the map its a free read for nrg

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

T_T so close

posted about a year ago

sure did bud :)

posted about a year ago

just in case...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

dang, guess u were wrong :3 hehe

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

not an ace

posted about a year ago

I will be there 🙂 Thanks!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you're so confident that the winner will go all the way to the final but someone who is confident in a winner of this game is "braindead" lmao your logic i can't

posted about a year ago

lmao winner has guaranteed finals appearance? And if someone thinks one team has an edge over another team they're supposedly braindead? Lmao and he calls himself an "intellectual"

posted about a year ago

300 mbps $160,000+ (not a joke being dead serious)

posted about a year ago

stopped reading at alitmanus

posted about a year ago

lmao ok

posted about a year ago

lmao 20 death jett (9 first deaths) with 5 kills across 22 rounds KEKW

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lol if it's just a guess, why make this thread?

posted about a year ago

how do you know?

posted about a year ago

thx should have realized

posted about a year ago

Or was I completely blind before

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Progress pics

posted about a year ago

i like pizza

posted about a year ago

lol why did this thread randomly get featured

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

By that logic Brazil (one team region who’s best team separated) shouldn’t be getting 3 spots either or zero team Turkey with their 2 spots.

posted about a year ago

Bose quietcomfort

bit expensive but top quality

posted about a year ago
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