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Registered: March 5, 2021
Last post: February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM
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pay $9.99 to watch the vct stream for 1 hour, 3.99 for each subsequent hour

posted about 2 years ago

sorry DRX, but FPX with 3 days of prep?

FPX 2-1

posted about 2 years ago

when did they start the replay? I saw the OT from 12-12

posted about 2 years ago

I don't get this point, why wouldn't XSET want to replay the round when they are playing in the biggest tournament of the year and it came out they lost because of false information given out because of a bug. Rewatching the round, you can clearly see Dephh thought there was a player in heaven and that put AYRIN and Zekken in a 2v2 against Ange1 and Shao, and if Dephh knew that there was nobody heaven and he didn't have to watch it he would have been in perfect position to trade out AYRIN's death, then possibly get traded then that kill gets traded by Zekken peeking from main. I bet if FPX was in the same situation they would have replayed

posted about 2 years ago

The Zekken Cryo BcJ core better stay together, incredibly talented core, bring in a nice support player and IGL and they'll be golden

posted about 2 years ago

let us cope in peace

posted about 2 years ago

are there any actual NA fans that don't accept that FPX won still?

posted about 2 years ago

Sticking to the B hit when you know their whole team rotated already is pretty insane, misplay by XSET and FPX capitalized perfectly gg

posted about 2 years ago

I had to drive home from school after 3 PM, I'm a little private school snob and I go to school an hour away

posted about 2 years ago

I just got back home from school how long was that tech pause??

posted about 2 years ago

lmfaoo that's hilarious

posted about 2 years ago

this one's a fucking throwback, NV pre-yay with Mummay and kaboose

posted about 2 years ago

For me either FPX or Optic

posted about 2 years ago

Nagz and not Nats?

posted about 2 years ago

Valorantle #48 5/8

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posted about 2 years ago

bro she is BARKING wtf

posted about 2 years ago

I remember going into listening to Sour half as a joke, but by the time I listened to it I fell in love with it. Maybe it's just because we are both very similar, being Fil-Am teenagers but I felt I could actually relate to the music and her struggles portrayed in her music than other artists in the same genre

posted about 2 years ago

something about DRX feels different this tournament, maybe they'll break the 5-6th curse by getting 4th this time

posted about 2 years ago

Kendrick Lamar
Tyler, The Creator
Playboi Carti
Olivia Rodrigo

posted about 2 years ago

The College Dropout is probably my most favorite

MBDTF a close second, MBDTF artistically is a far more impressive project than TCD, but TCD is just so much fun to listen to

posted about 2 years ago

I used to drink bang, I'm a better person now

posted about 2 years ago

idk trembo I call my homies "mi amor" and I'm not dating them

posted about 2 years ago

idk bro if you chill w her why not, if you didn't fw her then don't go for another one

posted about 2 years ago

it tastes like piss, just drink something like a red bull if you really need caffeine, or just drink water and be healthy

posted about 2 years ago

I just think that having a dedicated chamber player is a terrible idea, chamber may bot be meta forever and the players I picked I think could fit literally any meta possible. Double duelist? Zekken and BcJ do that. no duelist? put Zekken can play Kay/0, xeta can play all the initiators, and BcJ can play Skye or Fade. Not saying that yay, cryo or dicey aren't amazing, it's just that my personal concept of a superteam includes their dominance no matter what agents are good

posted about 2 years ago

plus Scream isn't exactly known to be the biggest brain player of all time, if they can get maybe Redgar or maybe an IGL from a team that didn't make franchising, they are one of my favorites for EMEA league

posted about 2 years ago

we're def getting another 2 Loud vs Optic matchups in playoffs

posted about 2 years ago

Masters 2 Reykjavik, but yeah ppl overlook it bc the talent wasn't as good as now but that happens in every game, why should M2 2021 be overlooked. SEN beat every team laid in front of them

posted about 2 years ago

get an IGL, they already showed they have the talent to compete when they have fuckin Scream IGLing, if they can get an actual IGL on board they can be a world beater

posted about 2 years ago

100T vs SEN, even though 100T lost like 90% of the time

posted about 2 years ago

I was choosing between Stellar, Dephh, and Steel, but Stellar is more flexible than Dephh and on a better team than Steel

posted about 2 years ago

FNS, Vanity, Stellar

posted about 2 years ago

Zekken-primary duelist/entry
bang- smokes
xeta- primary initiator
BcJ- flex/second entry
Stellar- igl/fill whatever

coach- Sean "seangares" Gares

This is only not using any optic players, if I included them I'm putting Marved in for bang and then reorganize roles to put Yay in on chamber/jett OP

posted about 2 years ago

LB 1st round are residentsleepers, but after that the good teams are up against each other with their tournament lives on the line

posted about 2 years ago

traditional sports are different from esports for the crowd, in traditional sports there are home and away teams, and the home team is expected to have the advantage on their field because of their crowd and less travel time. For esports everyone has to travel and the crowd is expected to be neutral or at least have fans of both teams and not just a huge majority for one team. Obviously it doesn't always end up that way but that's the ideal

posted about 2 years ago

you just have no spice tolerance

posted about 2 years ago

as a 100T fan, Asuna isn't even top 3 in NA sadly, too inconsistent to be considered that. Maybe top 5

posted about 2 years ago

I heard the plane food from Turkiye to LA isn't terrible

posted about 2 years ago

counter ratio

posted about 2 years ago

they should have a stickied thread about vlr.gg user v0sotros

posted about 2 years ago

I just compared East Asia LCQ with South America LCQ

posted about 2 years ago

y'all should be thanking me for why we have team flairs


posted about 2 years ago

what the fuck does this mean

posted about 2 years ago

LATAM are in a similar situation to JP where they have only 2 teams that are good, and LATAM still doesn't have insane viewership

posted about 2 years ago

in the past LCQ tournaments, EA and EMEA had very similar viewership, with EMEA barely beating out EA's peak viewership by 2k and average viewership by 20k. EMEA was 2nd behind NA and destroyed APAC, so to say they have bad viewership is obviously wrong

posted about 2 years ago

Major region- region with multiple contenders in international tournaments (not necessarily championship contenders, but talented teams) and have enough viewership to back it up

minor region- regions with only one or two real contenders for tournaments, viewership doesn't necessarily matter but usually they have low to medium levels of viewership

Major regions- NA, EMEA
Minor regions- APAC, KR, JP, BR, LATAM
APAC- doesn't have very good viewership, and only PRX are a world class team
KR- no viewership, DRX are literally the only good team
JP- great viewership, but ZETA and NTH are the only decent teams and they aren't true title contenders
BR- decent viewership, only LOUD are world class
LATAM, decent viewership, LEV and KRU are the only good teams
NA- best viewership in the world, 1 consistent championship contender in Optic and multiple world class teams (The Guard, 100T, XSET)
EMEA- very solid viewership, FNC and FPX are consistently in playoffs and other great world class teams (TL, M3C, arguably G2)

posted about 2 years ago

Will diffed Derke when they played, ez4thieves

posted about 2 years ago

who is WOWMAN?

in math: my solution ➗
in history: my king 👑
in art: my muse 🎨
in science: my oxygen 💨
in geography: my world 🌎

posted about 2 years ago

this is the difference of knowledge vs intelligence

sure, according to the pure dictionary definition a slur could include calling someone a piece of shit, but in modern society, a slur is commonly agreed to be a word or phrase meant to degrade a group of people, like the N-word for black people, the C-word for Asians, the B-word for Latin Americans, or the R-word for disabled people

posted about 2 years ago

fantasizing is so much fun huh

posted about 2 years ago
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