we see from Acend leaving the Tier 2 system due to (I assume) concerns with money
They are an east team. They are in one of the most fucked leagues, both in terms of viewership, org involvement as, as well as sponsors (due to the viewerbase being very split between countries and just low)
There also seems to be a bigger problem brewing in East atm that we arent aware of as the public yet. I sadly havent been able to track down anyone whos more involved with east yet whos willing to answer some questions about wtf is going on.
So this has close to nothing to do with the issues of t2 as a whole (since we see other regions compressing to combat this).
Starting a discussion because of it is great, however its definitely being taken out of context.
With what happened with the Guard, we are going to eventually end up seeing orgs just stay out of Valorant until there is a proven roster, then buy that org for a tournament or two in the hope that they might win, then remove their investment. Now that we got the ruling that players who do not have an org can choose an org themselves to represent them, (G2 taking the place of TGRD), there is LITERALLY no reason for teams to invest in a team in Tier 2 before the 2nd stage of Valorant Tier 2, after we see what teams are actually good (see DarkZero/TTR).
Why would any org (except guard who already had the roster when their owner lost any and all interest in esports) buy a roster and then drop it right when they get the biggest reward you can find in esports? That seems counter intuitive. Guard did a gamble and (allegedly) tried to sell their roster, playing chicken with riot. They lost. I highly doubt we'll ever see anything like that again.
The concern here should be much more about orgs that dont meet the criteria to ascend into t1 and have to drop their roster because of it.
That being said to quote Leo Faria (https://twitter.com/lhfaria/status/1830985817193410775) "there's no question that orgs in Challengers are the first in line whenever slots open up."
- If a team from Premier ends up winning Ascension, then an org will have effectively "bought" their spot into Tier 1 Valorant, rendering this entire system useless
- Teams immediately dropping rosters after they fail (OXG), and letting the rosters play without a salary before coming back into the scene to try to swoop up a spot.
Oxg is a horrible example since they were just dropping a ton of teams in all esports, presumably due to financial struggles in general (as foreshadowed by the RL drama).
But yes this is correct and should be one of the big concerns. A combination of systems seems to address this pretty well though.
First off you will notice when looking to emea that most leagues require a team to find an org to join. So it is exceedingly rare for a team to be able to pick up an existing roster mid season.
Then combine this with the new 3 split format (idk how each region will implement the points, but teams that play the entire year will be heavily favored) incentivize that you dont just fill a relegation spot in split 3 and make it to ascension from that.
Obviously there will be exceptions and maybe teams will try to abuse them, however thats for the TO to figure out and implement a system to create a healthy scene. Especially in NA where there are SO many orgs this shouldnt become and issue in the long term.
(I should note that if NA mandates orgs for t2, the salary will obviously drop even lower which will suck for players, so its not as simple as just saying "eyyyy yeeea we only want orgs from now on". This was more to give ideas how others are currently solving the concerns)
There is a loooooot of work to be done by both TOs and Riot to make sure the scene becomes sustainable and Polaris last year, and (presumably) East next year should serve as a grim warning to Riot that they do need to put effort into this.
But the changes coming in 2025 look like significant improvements and I think people need to really engage and think about them.
The one thing I do want Riot to focus on is to mandate that every region has a t3 curcuit. Theyre dirt cheap to run since you dont need streams or shit like that, but just make sure you fund a small TO that can run regular tournaments and provide an alternative to premier into t2.
Premier is great but it cant replace t3 otherwise you will never grow any grassroots.