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Registered: July 4, 2022
Last post: October 21, 2024 at 6:02 AM
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a genuine joy to watch, happy fpx finally got to prove why they were at the top of emea the last 2 splits would have still preferred prx to take this just so they have a guaranteed win before they end up splitting

posted about 2 years ago

The yay thing is way harder to judge since Guild just avoided him SO well only giving him 6 fk/fd on defense (where yay usually pops off). Compare that to 11 and 13 vs Prx and Drx respectively (and ye his acs also just slumped whenever they were on defense since guild were the ones deciding who they fight)

Suygetsu wasnt underpreforming on map 1 (the one that pretty much just decided the whole match) so i dont see this being relevant
(suygetsu litteraly won fpx the map by just walking into B-Lobby and killing 4, it was anyone's game otherwise)

posted about 2 years ago

I mean what other logic would you use xD none of us are gonna vod review the entire event to make a biased af "true" power ranking that just stays in hypotheticals

But yes you could put Guild over Fnc because they had a closer game vs FPX and ignore that, while it was a close map 2 with OT, Guild did worse vs prx

And same thing with optic, they did better than FPX than Optic, did almost the same vs prx and beat optic in a head to head

Problem with that is that you just stray SO far away from the only unbiased team ranking we have, results, that it just doesn't hold any value anymore since its all just personal opinions

posted about 2 years ago

I wouldn't say they're exactly unstable; a new org for sure but they're in quite a few esports now and they got a ton of big sponsors (they got CocaCola this week for example) so its a steep upwards trajectory for them atm
It just depends on how much riot wants to gamble taking a rapidly growing org or if they'd rather take an org that's been established for longer
The main reason I see them taking the chance is that guilds been a staple of EMEA valorant, they've been there since the start and have been in tier 1 consistently, as well as owning a tier 1 female roster, so theyve shown investment

posted about 2 years ago

Not really, lets look at the best EMEA team each international event
Reykjavík 2021 - Fnatic as 2. Seed (there were no extra slots for eu at the time compared to NA & Br)
Berlin 2021 - Gambit as 1. Seed
Champs 2021 - Acend as 2. Seed
Reykjavík 2022 - G2 as "1." Seed

The extra slots def help keep the EMEA scene as big as it currently (in regards to # of teams) is, but it doesn't directly influence placements

posted about 2 years ago

https://youtu.be/OvCt6Ms4hLQ?t=1911 from the press conference
Dudes just having fun

posted about 2 years ago

-viktor +food

posted about 2 years ago

Riots script writers just couldnt let BARBARR take all the attention away from the players so guild just had to go

posted about 2 years ago

Great run, shakey run as always but thats what makes optic optic and in all honesty id be boring if it was any other way
Looking forward to seeing them at masters

posted about 2 years ago

like don't get me wrong angel has an.... interesting playstyle for the champs he plays, but he really isn't a bad aimer (like his playstyle didn't develop because he kept getting diffed his entire career)

posted about 2 years ago

Id also add Payen (https://www.vlr.gg/player/1092/payen) to it, he was def a huge part of why both Noble and tsm-A was so consistent despite never having "star" players sticking with them

posted about 2 years ago

let me feel good about knowing how to play a map smh but yes its a 5 man rush a simulator

posted about 2 years ago

icebox is def the worst map when it comes to competitive (see the g2 comp being one of the most viable comps winrate wise) but in ranked id take icebox over split any day, at least i know how tf imma get on site without losing 4 people

posted about 2 years ago

tbf if you only watched playoffs youd be disappointed too, hes been pretty calm performance wise

posted about 2 years ago

What do you mean us silvers cant provide helpful feedback about pro games?!
In all honesty im sure if a pro player goes on a public forum after a game they know what level of stupidity theyre getting themselves into xD

posted about 2 years ago

True 0,96 kd in playoffs is so bad, a true t1 player would go 1,4 at least
Like look he's the second best igl from the 4 that were left, with angel and fns preforming SIGNIFICANTLY worse than him when it comes to fragging and I wouldnt say either of them are doing bad atm.

posted about 2 years ago

well ye, drx is unbeatable (especially vs other asian teams) until their not, and from that point onwards they're just out of the tourney
its why you need to watch kr to be able to judge how good teams are since scores are really bad to properly show that in the region.
I guess you could also technically use the last chance qualifier to gauge how good koreas other teams are, but the sample size is just so low that idk if its really worth much
But yes its 100% the region with the biggest difference between the best and the 2nd best team imo, but not nearly as big as people want to believe

posted about 2 years ago

based on this tournament I actually wouldnt say so: fpx have played all maps this playoff and except for haven and breeze have had close games on all of them

optic only played 4 this playoffs and with how their fracture has been going will probs use their ban on that from now on (theyve played all maps throughout the entire tourney though so they dont have a perma ban, which is good)

posted about 2 years ago

Even Korea isn't a 1 team region; they dropped sets against both Nuturn and Onslayers and last challengers were pushed by multiple teams (7th best team in Korea https://www.vlr.gg/101881/drx-vs-cnj-esports-champions-tour-korea-stage-2-challengers-w4)
They just dominate domestically against the "established" teams that they scrim a lot

Apac is just hard to judge how close they are due to prx trying out so many comps in officials, however their local competition in bleed consistently takes a map off them when they meet, and the title for 2nd best team is such a tossup between xerxia, bleed, secret and onic

I dont watch br since they dont have english streams so uuuuh

And lastly NA... look if you actually think NA is a 1 team region then the baits got to your head and you should close vlr and watch some vods
No its no EMEA where you literally cant say which 3 teams make it out at the start of a split, but dang they had some good matches and optic getting second twice in a row now should be an indicator of how high level the rest of the teams are

posted about 2 years ago

because its not been ruined by "fans" aka people who actually watch their regional games and it tends to be the bandwagoners who are annoying af.
its like how there are a ton of insufferable fnatic and optic "fans", despite both fanbases being chill af 2 splits ago

posted about 2 years ago

I mean yesnt, imo no regions in themselves deserve a slot, simply because we have way too many regions in EMEA for it;
however every region should feel represented and thats where i feel like turkey should be getting a team in, just based on historically the language barrier being an issue for a lot of Turkish players joining international teams (since id be worried they'd end up significantly underrepresented from a player-base -> pro player ratio)

posted about 2 years ago

Super hard to say whos the best plyer this masters tbh
Ardis is currently the best player stat wise after that insane performance vs drx
Then Forsaken Jinggg have been tearing everyone a new one
Marved is the perfect example of the "support meta" , where as mechanics and spacing get better the entries will start having less and less direct kills with pressure shifting to the supports to trade and clutch
(And im sure there's more players that could be considered especially since i dont have yay in there but id say those 4 are the current standouts for me)

posted about 2 years ago

while yes they def didnt feel on form aim wise during the match (with just way too many clutches from fpx) if you watch the game youll also see that fpx was really prepared for set plays drx has.
And considering those tend to be the swing rounds which decide who snowballs with money (in the case of for example vs optic) losing them and being forced to eco is just gonna wreck your overall performance
A team which relies on prep and set plays like drx will always struggle the further they get into the tournament since they have to show more and more strats

posted about 2 years ago

I do think they belong here since there just so good at recovering from losses;
it just takes so much pressure out of non GF matchups since you know they'll get value out of the second chance
And well they're just preforming tbh so except the Guild game where guild just had really good reads they've looked really good

posted about 2 years ago

that is an understatement xD
peeps just out for blood this masters, bcj cant stop catching strays either

posted about 2 years ago

oh yea i dont think anyones pretending that fnatic played like the team we were so hyped to see
we'll have to see if they can bounce back optic style or if they stay at this level

posted about 2 years ago

Lothar is doing a vod review atm so you can check out the vods if you want to see why fnatic lost
(Just be aware its lothar on his own stream so hes hyper critical, but its still good insight into both teams mistakes)

posted about 2 years ago

Oh 100%, if NA/EU/literally any region was riled up against a player to the point where people find it necessary to send death threads you can be sure people would be talking about this too

posted about 2 years ago

There is a difference between a culture taking parts of foreign culture, adapting and integrating it into their own, and being forced to take parts of a foreign culture (while your own just has no need for it currently since it isn't causing issues).
Wishing for "western culture" (not that you can even define such a thing currently) to be template for all other cultures is just plain destructive.

posted about 2 years ago

That isn't exactly relevant for this situation though, assuming there would be someone mentally ill enough to consider causing harm to players then having to travel to the event really isn't gonna be what stops them.

posted about 2 years ago

The reason its "dumb" is because you NEVER put money on Guild in a big event; qualifiers theyre unstoppable but as soon as stuffs on the line guild becomes a coinflip...

(Guild still win this though, i need more barbarr cam)

posted about 2 years ago

"BuT baITiNg ANd "TraShTAlK" bOoST vIEwerShIP"
People sharing their enthusiasm and supporting their team is great, but sadly way too many people here result to putting down other regions instead of finding reasons why their own is great and deserves the hype.
In all honesty I'd (/imma) just avoid this forum till the event is over, you're just not gonna have fun

posted about 2 years ago

ye especially rough since fpx is a team that heavily anti-strats
just unlucky

posted about 2 years ago

FPX is a anti-strat team that changed their comp up week to week -> you cant antistrat them yourself
This worked amazingly in a weekly format like you had in EMEA since there was prep time, but is def pushed to its limit when you only have 1-2 days to prepare.
We'll see if them having a full roster is gonna help them out.

posted about 2 years ago

He's on Alliance so same level as baddyg currently (though idk if theyre gonna stick with their full Danish roster after that amazing stage)

posted about 2 years ago

Unlikely that they can shut them down the same way. They did the 100t vs yay and that's not gonna work when your opponents are the ones running at you.
Super duper slow vs aggro is gonna make for a fun game. (Also i wanna see more Barbarr cam ngl)

posted about 2 years ago

The brackets being terrible is just a result of them being a random draw; the more clauses they add the more they're gonna get accused of favoring certain regions (for example by switching drx and guild to limit eu eu matchups -> screwing prx over by putting them into a historically bad matchup)

posted about 2 years ago

Drx becoming champion would be a nice change of pace with the current region wars
7/8 accuracy

posted about 2 years ago

The problem with using KRÜ to gauge LEVs performance is that they're 2-1 down in series wins against them this stage (2-0 during play-ins, 2-1 during week 3 and then 0-3 during GF) despite having both of KRÜs former coaches (aka info galore).
That being said they have cracked players, a proven coach and time to actually scrim emea teams and adapt to an international meta, so I'm looking forward to seeing them do damage vs the "favorites".

posted about 2 years ago

ye sorta why i pointed it out^ xset looks super promising and should make for some fun af matches

posted about 2 years ago

The great thing about optic is that they're a team that can bounce back during a tournament; that's the reason so many analyst settled for them over teams like fnatic (who we've yet to see lose so we have no idea how they'll be able to react) or xset (though i feel like we have guard to thank for pretty much no one predicting them)

posted about 2 years ago

now now Brexit didn't physically split the continent yet (that's coming next year dw)

posted about 2 years ago

just dont be on his team in ranked and youre good

posted about 2 years ago

The schedule is pretty good tbh from an "organizing" standpoint
Since Riot wants less than 4 games a day (for example during Apac playoffs people were complaining about viewer fatigue on twitch) what we have now is pretty much the only option to get the whole thing into 4 days without having teams play 2 series a day.
(Adding a 5th day would solve the extra day drx/xerxia have over their respective opponent atm, but still would leave it "unfair" in terms of prep time between the 2 separate groups)

posted about 2 years ago

Yea, due to the lack of helpful answers, imma make a quick build for you too;
this is based on the German market (since I know the shops here and because pcpartpicker doesn't have a Croatia for whatever reason)

For 800€ you can get a full "low budget" current-gen pc
https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/fMsNv3 for example (like ofc you're gonna have to look what sellers locally have, but for a general idea)
The i3-12100f is the current budget King of cpus, finally replacing the 3300x (if those even existed)/10100f
And for the gpu I just went for the cheapest rx6600/ rtx 3060 i could find (i should note technically the 3050 or even the 6500 xt are options, but since both are slower than even the 2060, I'd avoid them if possible budget wise).
The power supply is also on the low end, but I don't believe in overspending on a higher-end one with the hopes of needing it in the future when you're on such a low budget.
And the rest is just standard stuff with the case being a cheap af 50€ thing cause it at least cools the pc. If they already have old pc parts use them here!

Now you'll notice that my recommendation is spending a lot more on gpu than cpu despite, as Azzlack correctly noted above, Valorant being a cpu intensive game. The reason for that is that based on my experience, the 12100f can handle 1080p 120fps Valorant without any problems (with the 1% lows being at ~130 on my friends system), so you might as well get a proper gpu for other games.

posted about 2 years ago
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