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Registered: July 4, 2022
Last post: October 21, 2024 at 6:02 AM
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id prefer picking up one of the current top tier 2 duelists but ye that roster would be legit

doubt KC would do it though since their big thing is making all francophone rosters

posted about a year ago

he's on a team that should realistically be near the top or at the very least middle of the league, yet sits at the very bottom fighting with KC and TH over whos the worst team in EMEA
So naturally when a team full of potential falls completely flat many (me included tbh) turn to stats first and then he's the worst Jett player in EMEA
Is he the reason the team is doing this bad? I doubt it, but its pretty much impossible for us to actually know wtf is going on with this roster

posted about a year ago

2/8 with how riot uses the Logos (top text turns into blurry mess on stream)
6/8 if on merch - I miss having complex logos that you can actually print large versions on shirts (without the shirt being a "boring" shirt)

Dont end up liking their merch but I cant blame the logo for it at least

posted about a year ago

the point is we wont have redbull in EMEA this year? ye they might invite t1 teams like last year but that for sure wont be apeks

only announced offseason tourney we have in EMEA atm is another season of https://www.vlr.gg/event/1255/valorant-regional-league-france-revolution-coupe-de-france/playoffs afaik

posted about a year ago

bold of you to assume there will be offseason tournaments in EMEA

posted about a year ago

not really imo since japan already has 2 slots they're represented decently (and one of the 2 teams might be looking for new players), where as Singapore is down to a single player with Benkai leaving

I wouldnt be upset since Japan has the fanbase to make up for (in my opinion) overrepresentation, but I'd prefer to get a "new" region (so Bonkers, Bleed or Fancy)

posted about a year ago

turn on the national AC ofc

posted about a year ago

you dont wanna go to spain atm ngl

posted about a year ago

EMEA: Definitely Apeks since I wanna see Keiko in t1 and the team would fall apart if they dont make it due to like... 3-4 players being t1 ready
Apac: Gotta agree with the Bonkers pick there, I just want them to give the middle finger to Riot and their constant neglect towards OCE
NA: TGRD. M80 has been playing so well individually during the rest of the season that pretty much everyone should get picked up

posted about a year ago

oh yea ofc it is^ im just joking that the roster would preform better
but ye KC would aim to create a roster that can actually win an international which m8 just couldnt

posted about a year ago

Id assume KC snag a couple m8 players if they dont make it tbh
they also have 2 players who played in t1 in the past so if they're looking for "safe" pickups (considering the 3 t2 talent play unfortunately didn't work out for them this season) they're right there

or just take the entire roster, probably the more well rounded team

posted about a year ago

ye it should
rib has them separated, and while its still nowhere near perfect the ranking its a loooot closer to reality

posted about a year ago

Scarz wins
Nothing against Dplus, but I cant really cheer for another korean team to make it to Franchise, and just the chance for Riots least favorite region to make it with Bonkers is so worth it

posted about a year ago

prime gambit too^

posted about a year ago

looking forward to the boo and miniboo reunion next split, carrying TH to greatness

posted about a year ago

Realistically Riot will have to update the rules to make a distinction between Regions in Russia
It is unreasonable to expect someone to play with 200 ping just because they were born in the wrong part of the country, instead of getting to play on the Asian servers which are way closer to them

And while Grandfathering would work, and Riot have done so with people below the minimum age, I think that would just lead to issues further down the line

posted about a year ago

that ones on you and you should feel bad

posted about a year ago

"cringe comps" aint doing nrg any favors tbh

posted about a year ago

Id assume Riot, EMEA had (from an outside view, knowing nothing of the internal details) similar issues with their servers with Fnatic vs KOI being delayed thanks to it

posted about a year ago

well csgo's definition also requires Valve to sponsor the tournament for it to be a major so its still 0-0

posted about a year ago

There isnt any humanly noticeable delay between the AMD or Intel so this isnt expected behavior

hopefully its driver problem, so I'd suggest starting by getting all drivers from your Motherboards support page (in the early days of ryzen 5000 for example the Realtek Audio drivers were a bit wonky on MSI motherboards - however I havent heard of this being an issue in a while)
Realistically its USB related though since the 5000 series had huge issues with those on release and you might have gotten an old motherboard, I haven't gotten to test this myself due to nobody in my town buying pcs that are younger than 20 years but you can plug it into the USB slots right above the hdmi port and that should help
Unfortunately if that doesn't end up solving it you might have to update your motherboards bios, unless someone with more experience can help ya out on here ^^

posted about a year ago

That last round is actually heartbreaking - 1 round from qualifying only for it to end in a 1v1 and losing due to a missed smoke
GGs to MDR

posted about a year ago

the reverse EMEA
their first encounter was too dominant so I doubt it ended up mattering there, but if PRX make it to finals with their current form then definitely
prx was SO scary in pacific, genuine favorites for the event

posted about a year ago

the wall + team slow orb got him banned from playing sage

posted about a year ago

shao isnt even an initiator atm

posted about a year ago

The rematch buff is valid - lower bracket just op
Problem is they now have to (if nrg win) beat a lower bracket NRG late into the tourney, after just showing a huge amount of strats

posted about a year ago

yup, I just wasnt aware there was a link for it
I always assumed they had it specifically set up for media and not the "general public"

posted about a year ago

those being public is actually amazing

posted about a year ago

I think Sean Gares had a pretty good take on it during the last Daring Minds episode - https://youtu.be/g9B6k_WrT7I?t=1157

posted about a year ago

Im not exactly an analyst so idek
you can antistrat tendencies so ig that's the main point you'd go to vs prx, but im just wildly guessing

imma leave that up to the teams in champs when prx have their full roster, we'll see what they prepare

posted about a year ago

thats true^ but we also had com videos from the time and they also had everyone calling midround so its very similar to prx
sliggy also ranted mentioned that he had to take over all the IGL duties when it comes to pre-match preparation so I dont think its that different to the prx structure

and they also didn't do bad? like we have higher expectations of prx, but 4th, 3-4th in 2021 (and 7-8th, 7-8th in 2022) isnt that bad for international events - there's better results but its really not bad

Regarding the firepower: I definitely agree (hence why I also mentioned it as a major factor for prx) but liquid also cooked a tooooon xD they had some of the wildest comps and strats - they only went to Reykjavik in 2021 due to inventing the post plant meta, they got destroyed the qualifier before

posted about a year ago

liquid managed to be a pretty good for ages team without an IGL, so theres some precedent that it can work, and their playstyle also fits the team structure
so... probably forever? we'll have to see if they're able to adapt after a loss/hard antistrat, but realistically they should be able to

obviously they'll still be super dependent on individual skill, but that hasn't stopped them so far

the main worry imo is that they themselves will struggle to antistrat, which is a huge damper on actually winning an international event

posted about a year ago

Both teams get a lot better as you get into the tournament with more and more vods being available to anti
So while based on how both of them looked in their last game I'd doubt it, I do have a lot of hope to see them step up

And if they get back to old dominance then there's pretty much no way around El Classico

posted about a year ago

I don't disagree with the second part, but if you make a reactionary ranking you do have to consider that Loud just looked worse than fut

posted about a year ago

with a long time being 1 split

posted about a year ago

the problem is that they are 2-2 in matchups over the past 2 splits
basically, while I agree that EDG look way way better via eye test, the results really aren't convincing for EDG

posted about a year ago

Seems like its just beef about semantics and Mortadelo & his sources making false assumptions in Zeeks opinion
think its safe to say this will just end up being a nothing burger if Zeek makes a public statement since they're not actually contradictory


posted about a year ago

vakk is definitely one of the best FA players out there atm,
ended his Polaris run with a 500 acs map for a reason

he doesn't exactly fit the roles though, so we'd have to see him flex again which is a bit of a shame for a t2 player going into t1

posted about a year ago

thats a shame, EMEAs replays were the best by a decent bit

Pacific had good replays too though, so I'm not too worried that they'll be able to make it work

posted about a year ago

destruct1vee (https://www.vlr.gg/player/6559/destruct1vee) if he makes it to t1
hes been the best smokes player in turkey (imo, since FF doesn't agree and dropped him for Jlerst [whos admittedly also super good]) for 2 splits now

posted about a year ago


there are no more cars

10 secs too late, ignore xD

posted about a year ago

one team, https://www.vlr.gg/team/7403/who-cars, had to forfeit since they couldn't get visas
so the format is a short notice adjustment to make it work with 3 teams, without being unfair , as far as I can tell

posted about a year ago

flipping ninja turtles keep sneaking in

posted about a year ago

lmao the timing xD

posted about a year ago

https://twitter.com/d3ffo111/status/1654495095461232644 was the last statement we have regarding visa
https://twitter.com/GKVAL_/status/1659470959387217920 from his team a bit later (and again no updates since)

would be amazing if he managed to get it in time, but he hasn't posted anything about it yet sadly so it seems more and more unlikely

posted about a year ago

they wont be, it wouldnt make sense to punish teams for preforming well by putting them in a "better" Pool where the opposition is tougher

most likely the post details the first matches and the teams in the same pool cant meet until playoffs or lower bracket

posted about a year ago

tbf he was also in the team when they looked completly lost xD
but ye the roster looks amazing atm, and he is def part of that

nice for him to finally get to prove himself since hes had such a rough go of coaching before and lets see how far they can take it

posted about a year ago

idk he didnt stand out as particularly bad that game imo (mainly cause the entire team looked horrible), but it is true that buzz looked better today than foxy9 did in the last game (majorly helped by the 2 maps they won)

posted about a year ago
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