Flag: Indonesia
Registered: April 28, 2020
Last post: May 29, 2024 at 1:57 AM
Posts: 2009
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*Indonesian management.

posted about a year ago

From what I've heard from inside sources that rollback was imminent and they were ready to play (without further punishment)

Indonesian management got greedy.

posted about a year ago

I'll own up to my mistake and I'll change my wording.

My apologies as I should've been a tad bit clearer.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

And regardless, it was deemed a minor offense, similar to BOOM vs BLEED, BOOM vs X10, SSET vs FPX, and ACEND vs VK

posted about a year ago

You do realize SG outclassed Indonesia on Haven right?

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

No, but they are certainly one of the reason sicK keeps going on a downward spiral with their gaslighting, right?

posted about a year ago

Several instagram stories and convos have definitely implied that Indonesia wanted an FF or at least a harsher punishment than a rollback.

posted about a year ago

Definitely pushing their luck a bit too far, imo.

posted about a year ago

WHICH is consistent with previous handling of the situation. Minor bug violations have been either a full map restart or a rollback. Rollback was imminent, but it was clear that the Indonesian management wanted a harsher punishment. Unlucky, it is what it is.

posted about a year ago

apa guna gw jantungan kemaren cooook

posted about a year ago

ngga. bikin capek tugas

posted about a year ago

It's typical for SEA fans to dog on their team. Seriously. Even I did it in Day 1 lmaooooo

posted about a year ago

Saya punya pendapat tersendiri wkwkw

posted about a year ago

Silahkan sikat.

posted about a year ago

It's normal, just because localization/translation barriers that don't have direct mirror wording

posted about a year ago

It is expected but nobody said I can't lament on the misfortunes hahahahaha

posted about a year ago

Well, it is to be expected that the one SEAG thread that reaches 100+ comments would be PH vs ID.

Please make my job easier lmaooooo

posted about a year ago

There's a reward; extra LCQ slots for the winning region

posted about a year ago

Okay I was mistaken; it's an extra slot through LCQ, so two LCQ slots for the winning region for Masters

posted about a year ago

Well, you hit the nail on your second question. Because of the shortened season, if you qualify for Tokyo, you are automatically qualified for Champions (except EMEA where their 4th place team will be top seed going into EMEA LCQ.) If any of the regions win in Tokyo, they got an additional slot for Champions.

And yes, for the teams that didn't make it to Tokyo, they'll have to grind until LCQ starts.

posted about a year ago

Sometimes Indonesians can understand English fine but our accents can be a bit of a hassle, especially those with heavy accents.

posted about a year ago

The channel is both PH and MY/SG but the casters hired for the event are Indonesian for the EN cast.

posted about a year ago

Hello everyone. The moderators have been monitoring SicK's situation, and we're all concerned for him; we all have our takes and opinions, but not all of them should be said on a public forum. As long as it's civil, we'll allow it. Beyond that however, it's clear what will happen to those posts.

Please, be considerate. We're not perfect human beings, but let's make an effort to not be an asshole.

posted about a year ago Is this what you meant? Can you DM me and show more examples? So I can fully confirm

posted about a year ago

Is he? I'll check it in a moment

posted about a year ago

Act 2 is for placements in the CN Qualifiers for Champions LA

posted about a year ago

Thailand couldn't get a team selected via the esports federation and the Olympic committee in time; the timeframe was too short.

posted about a year ago

Yep, official national teams.

posted about a year ago

Well, other than the SEA Games being held in between VCLs, not featured in the main Events tab, and organized by one of the more problematic TO, I don't blame em.

Added that strong nations like Thailand, etc. didn't participate, that lost a bit of its prestige

posted about a year ago

Already made since weeks ago.

posted about a year ago

Really not Riot's MO; maybe with Game Changers they can be a bit more liberal with their slotting with the East Asian GC (JP, KR, CN) and last year with the East Asian LCQ, but with the current model for the main VCT tournament, it won't work. China is too big of a region both economically and resource-wise to be grouped in the long run with other regions.

Plus, China's regulation is a bit different than the other regions.

posted about a year ago

As in, Pacific + China as a single region? Never gonna happen under Riot, as far as I know.

posted about a year ago

They want to kickstart the esports scene officially as fast as possible. With three slots, it can fast forward the development of China's scene towards them becoming the fourth major region after Americas, EMEA, and Pacific.

With closed beta in full swing and a lot of domestic resources being poured into the launch soon, it's more than obvious. They're not an ass region for now.

posted about a year ago

Observers are part of VCT. They're a part of Valorant.

posted about a year ago

Pickems are back online!

posted about a year ago

Yes, it gives slots to the CN Qualifier for Champions.

posted about a year ago

Imo, wouldn't fit Valorant (or VCT's rather) overall aesthetic. Compare it to League of Legends, where even with the MSI and Worlds branding either leaning towards the grunge or regal, League has always been more of a "gentleman's affair" presentation, but that doesn't mean they shy away from a more casual look either; just look at their Tier 2/Academy League/Regional Leagues broadcast.

However, the VCT has always been more of a tech, grounded, and even more grunge aesthetic than what we've normally seen out of other esports. It's gritty, it's rough, and it wasn't meant to be a "high affair/class" style of presentation. Look at their broadcast assets, stage design, soundtrack choices; the VCT has a different feel and I'm glad Riot isn't forcing every one of their esports broadcasts to be completely uniform. It gives a level of freedom for each broadcast members.

Of course, this does differ from region to region (I think East Asian broadcasts still prefer the more formal look than others.)

posted about a year ago

Pacific prides itself in having regional pride. Riot Jake did explain that the decision was also part of the marketing team, which makes sense considering across the VCT's lifetime,APAC have been defined by multiple subregions vying for APAC supremacy where in the past, Americas and EMEA (maybe EMEA) doesn't have that level of competitive pride to each region.

Not to mention maybe besides EMEA, Challengers APAC was the only region that has two stages for Masters/Champions qualification, the subregion Challengers (ID, PH, TH, etc.) and Challengers APAC playoffs.

posted about a year ago

I understand. However. There are no discernable, clear information on what the updated bracket is and we are not taking any chances. For now, it'll stay as it is.

posted about a year ago

Ninebody did change his Twitter name to TYLOO Ninebody.

posted about a year ago

Actually put it as a maybe since I actually have no idea if this is the actual result (RNG qualified) or is it basically the same format as before but with an added third place/decider match

posted about a year ago

I'm not disagreeing with you, ZETA does bring the viewership. Both orgs exudes history (since ZETA was Absolute Jupiter), but it's very presumptous to say that DFM does not have the same influence as ZETA does in the scope of the ecosystem.

posted about a year ago

Literally, it's DFM. One of the oldest Japanese esports organization.

posted about a year ago
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