Flag: Indonesia
Registered: April 28, 2020
Last post: May 29, 2024 at 1:57 AM
Posts: 2009
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posted 11 months ago

Of course I won't doubt that

posted 11 months ago

The previous version of Gen G (NTH+ONS) were rolled against EDG so I think with the lower-mid tier teams, EDG can get a win

posted 11 months ago

China is not inviting teams either; they're holding qualifiers for their representatives to Champions as well; it's where regional champions go against other regional champions to be the world champion. The logic still stands. Every tournament will have their worst and best teams. Any given match day, any team could surprise their opponents. ASE had expected themselves to be rolled over; but they grabbed 10 rounds against the Pacific runner-ups. For EDG, the stakes are higher for them since they are the returning representatives; and obviously, expectations between EDG and ASE are different.

Every team wants to be the winner; but every team wants to be realistic.

posted 11 months ago

I have my reservations on that as well but going by the logic more teams = more experience gained and the net positives will probably come once 2024 rolls in

posted 11 months ago

China will get its own league. They are catching up to 3 years of other regions having international experience.

posted 11 months ago

The staff and mods are deeply saddened and all of us are impacted by Twisten's passing. We've made our post on Twitter and have shared our personal thoughts on our respective accounts; however, we still have a job to do. Removing him from Vitality's active roster, continuing to cover Valorant news all over the globe; it might seems "heartless" to some, but we are going to keep moving forward in respect.

The fact that the community posted an entire thread on VLR that surpassed 300 comments meant something; and for me personally? It was about the community, not us.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Life is cracked
hfmi0dzjc9z7 is a solid secondary fragger
monk and bunt can go kill and clutch where necessary
YHchen will catch you off guard

posted 11 months ago

It's unfortunately, part of our job. For better or for worse.

posted 11 months ago

More likely he's returning to DRX Prospects/Academy. He's not listed as a 7th man, currently.

posted 11 months ago

Regardless, let's make the moment a remembrance of Twisten, rather than his cause of death. Talking about what caused it won't do any better with the current situation. Let's support each other.

posted 11 months ago

Hi fellas. It's a sudden and sad day, but let's refrain from any assumption in respect of the family and loved ones, please.

posted 11 months ago

Let's refrain from assumption in respect of the family and loved ones, please.

posted 11 months ago

Community LANs made it much better. The venue in particular have hosted major ID LANs in the past prior to Valorant. If you ever heard Indonesians calling the venue BOOM's home, because BOOM has several champions crowned in multiple events hosted in the past. The venue has history, tied into Indonesian esports.

Obviously, we want a bigger venue, but considering this was a gauge to see what was the interest for an ID LAN was? People were crowding the venue, sitting down, standing up; and we all loved the experience (being someone who attended IRL as well.)

We love the game, and for sure, we are gonna get damn rowdy about it. I hope next LAN it'll be on a more proper/accomodating venue- but I have a feeling it won't be a loss if it's in the mall again.

posted 11 months ago

Community LANs made it much better. The venue in particular have hosted major ID LANs in the past prior to Valorant. If you ever heard Indonesians calling the venue BOOM's home, because BOOM has several champions crowned in multiple events hosted in the past. The venue has history, tied into Indonesian esports.

Obviously, we want a bigger venue, but considering this was a gauge to see what was the interest for an ID LAN was? People were crowding the venue, sitting down, standing up; and we all loved the experience (being someone who attended IRL as well.)

We love the game, and for sure, we are gonna get damn rowdy about it.

posted 11 months ago

Hey everyone! Just dropping by to mention that Pacific, LATAM, and China team flairs are updated with VCL, International Leagues, and FGC teams!

posted 11 months ago

Bali Dota Major is a scam, imo. A tourist attraction. Sold out = probably a part of it is sold to grifters and resellers.

Better Jakarta than Bali.

posted 11 months ago

It was rumored, but it was clear the concern became "What if the academy team wins Ascension?" That's probably why teams didn't register Academy teams to Challengers. But Leo did say Riot is looking into integrating Academy teams into the ecosystem in some ways, so look out for that.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Most likely, yes. However, if let's say, Bleed qualified for Pacific, they don't need to change anything since all of their players fall under the Pacific region.

posted 11 months ago

The easiest method lmao

posted 11 months ago

Read closely: "Contingency." THEY ARE PREPARING MEASURES IF SOMETHING CAN'T COME. Man. Come on.

posted 11 months ago

Read closely: "Contingency." THEY ARE PREPARING MEASURES IF SOMETHING CAN'T COME. Man. Come on.

posted 11 months ago

Read closely: "Contingency." THEY ARE PREPARING MEASURES IF SOMETHING CAN'T COME. Man. Come on.

posted 11 months ago

Itu koh ongko ngasih blaze sblm live anjg wkwkwk

posted 11 months ago

Yep. It's been the venue of several Indonesian LAN events in the past

posted 11 months ago

They had an unexpected problem. They are rebroadcasting Day 1 of Playoffs soon

posted 11 months ago

cope + seethe + mald + can you trace a flying raze

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Except when you realize those two teams were the top 2 teams in the most recent FGC event prior to LOCK//IN (so even if EDG and FPX were the most prepared immediately, the two teams had a reason to represent China.)

In regards to your doubt, do remember that a lot (and I mean a lot) of people were hot on 100T (having won RBHG) and KC (a top VRL team + Scream and Nivera) and most of the fans were talking down on both EDG and FPX. Regardless of the shitshow the former two teams had in their respective leagues, the fact that China didn't exactly keel down and die showed fans and investors alike that these teams are worth the investment and development, and giving them the boost they needed might be the right thing to do to put them on the map.

But I do see where you are coming from, so agree to disagree.

posted 11 months ago

Pick'ems are updated with Oceania and Vietnam

posted 11 months ago

I mean, China/EDG qualified to Champions by merit of dominating the East Asian LCQ last year, so giving them more opportunity based on record isn't exactly out of the question. Plus, they already have representatives for Tokyo, so the next step is Champions. It's not like Riot is simply inviting these teams to fill the slot, they are competing for the Champions slot anyway.

EDG went toe-to-toe with 100T during LOCK//IN and FPX showed flashes of brilliance during their match against KC. If they aren't given more international (or even pan-regional experience,) they will be left behind.

posted 11 months ago

No, he's saying because China have been building their underground scene with minimal support from Riot for the past three years (barring 2022), they're putting China on a kickstart motor to give the region a chance to catch up in terms of international exposure and experience ahead of their official launch.

posted 11 months ago

Ah yeah, possible

posted 11 months ago

No. EDG and NAVI shouldn't be able to be grouped together

posted 11 months ago

Whoops, I accidentally swapped it around. It's EDG/FUT and ASE/NAVI mb

posted 11 months ago

Yeah, me and Suzy have kinda brainstormed the seeding together so he's pretty much correct.

posted 11 months ago


Okay so to make things simple, the Masters Group Pool are:

Pool 3: NRG, DRX
Pool 4: ASE, FUT
Pool 5: EG, T1
Pool 6: EDG, NAVI

For Tokyo, Riot is indeed adopting the Worlds seeding rules, where each region will only have one representative each in their respective groups, so each group will have:


And that is final for both groups.

Now, because each Pool has a mirror of itself (AM/PAC and EMEA/CN), we can at least assume there's a 90% chance that:

EDG and FUT will be in the same group
ASE and NAVI will be in the same group
NRG and T1 will be in the same group
EG and DRX will be in the same group

It's just a matter which AM/PAC pair will be placed alongside the EMEA/CN pair.

posted 11 months ago

Okay so to make things simple, the Masters Group Pool are:

Pool 3: NRG, DRX
Pool 4: ASE, FUT
Pool 5: EG, T1
Pool 6: EDG, NAVI

For Tokyo, Riot is indeed adopting the Worlds seeding rules, where each region will only have one representative each in their respective groups, so each group will have:


And that is final for both groups.

Now, because each Pool has a mirror of itself (AM/PAC and EMEA/CN), we can at least assume there's a 90% chance that:

EDG and FUT will be in the same group
ASE and NAVI will be in the same group
NRG and T1 will be in the same group
EG and DRX will be in the same group

It's just a matter which AM/PAC pair will be placed alongside the EMEA/CN pair.

posted 11 months ago

He's not there to help alecks, he's there to coordinate social media content and stuff

posted about a year ago

Yes he's the only coach iirc

posted about a year ago

Hopefully. Sooner or later. Change.

posted about a year ago

Invictus, 4AM, NewHappy, KBG, BLG

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

3 automatic qualification, last placed EMEA team in Masters will be top seed in the LCQ.

posted about a year ago

Just set your alarm and watch the VODs. Sometimes it's fun to have the matches as background noisea to sleep tho!

posted about a year ago
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