Flag: South Korea
Registered: September 7, 2021
Last post: August 11, 2022 at 4:31 AM
Posts: 1143
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  • SQ vs. SEN: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago


  • SEN vs. G2: keloqz
  • SEN vs. G2: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago


  • Oogabooga vs. SQ: JSUNG
  • SQ vs. PK: XXiF
  • PK vs. V1: effys
  • V1 vs. XSET: zekken
  • XSET vs. SEN: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago


  • ANB vs. G2: Mixwell
  • G2 vs. SEN: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago


  • GE vs. F4Q: Bunny
  • F4Q vs. SEN: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago


  • SLK vs. JGG: zakkv
  • JGG vs. FUR: xand
  • FUR vs. SEN: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago


  • TH vs. TEN: Polvi
  • TEN vs. G2: Nukkye
  • G2 vs. SEN: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago


  • NV vs. ACE: Zeek
  • ACE vs. GMB: nAts
  • GMB vs. KRU: Keznit
  • KRU vs. FUR: xand
  • FUR vs. SEN: TenZ


  • NV vs. SEN: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago

not as fun but that works too

posted about 3 years ago


  • EG vs. COL: jcrueL
  • COL vs. V1: wippie
  • V1 vs. XSET: zekken
  • XSET vs. SEN: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago

give a player
go through match history, go through another player’s match history from that
continue until you somehow get tenz

posted about 3 years ago

Give me any player and I will connect them to TenZ/Sentinels within 6 tries.

Only rules are:

  • The top frag of each team of the match they play will be the only player that can be connected
  • The match's top frag can not have played a game after Stage 3, unless if the team has not played a match since the start of Stage 3
posted about 3 years ago

veronica7 and lsb are showing val interest, while i dont have full confirmation on anything they could be potential future candidates for some of the individual players

talon is out of the picture for korea

posted about 3 years ago

ah, lets see how that goes then

hopefully glow trains him well :)

posted about 3 years ago

from what ive heard, hyeoni might be out already :/
just wait for the group stage to see if he gets to play or not

posted about 3 years ago

havent seen that but that might be a weird change seeing how long hes been gone for, interesting though since i thought it was still stax

posted about 3 years ago

The open qualifiers have ended, and the 8 teams heading for the playoffs are in! Unfortunately, teams such as Veronica7 and SPEAR GAMING did not make it, although they were placed in a brutal Group B in the Round of 24.

The teams heading into the Group Stage are:
Maru Gaming
World Game Star
Team T5

The format will follow a BO3 single round robin, with a 4 week play period. BO2 is also on the table. The top 6 teams will qualify into the 6 team double-elimination playoffs, lasting for 3 weeks, competing for 1 Masters slot.

Additionally, Game Changers will also be coming to Korea soon, with slots towards the Game Changers international event.

For the teams, here is a brief overview for each team in the playoffs.

Who I think will qualify: DRX, DK, ESC, WGS, MG, T5 to playoffs, DK to Masters

The kings of Korea, with only 2 regional losses to their name since their inception as an organization. With the loss of Lakia, and the addition of Zest and possibly adding their stage 3 trainer, BeYN, role swaps have been seen on the side of DRX, although some of this might be troll picks leading into the CQ.
I expect them to atleast make top 4 in the Playoffs, considering the experience theyve gained from Champions and 3 months to prepare in the offseason.

Stax: Initiator
Rb: Flex/Duelist
BuZz: Sentinel/Duelist
MaKo: Controller
Zest: IGL/Flex (Initiator, Sentinel)
(?) BeYN: Duelist
(Inactive) k1Ng: Sentinel/Controller
The team that could never go all the way in 2021, is now back for vengeance with a new roster to compliment it. Picking up the pieces from the now-disbanded NUTURN, TNL Esports, and F4Q, 3 new members along with a new head coach have joined, being hyeoni, Esperanza, exy, and Solo as coach.
Considering that they beat ESC in a considerable way, they might just have what it takes to dethrone VS this year. The only concern I have with DWG is that their IGL in Secret left, leaving someone to pick up from there. It’s unknown who their IGL currently is.

t3xture: Duelist
iNTRO: Sentinel/Controller
Jeong Hi: Controller
exy: Flex
Esperanza: Controller
hyeoni: Duelist/Flex
Eugene: Initiator

ESports Connected
The rising team on the block, ESC made it out of the OQ and qualified as a second seed due to their loss against DWG. A pretty good roster overall, the only concern is a possible lack of firepower. Regardless, all the players are heavily skilled and the roster includes some of the region’s best at their respective roles.

Bazzi: Duelist
(Loan) k1Ng: Sentinel/Controller
Zunba: Controller/Sentinel
TS: Initiator/IGL
GodDead: Flex

A team made of ex-org players and DRX content creators. For what its made of, the team looks to be pretty decent, although I’m not sure if they could make it all the way through the Group Stage.

guNkorea: Duelist
Godko: Sentinel
Secret: IGL/Flex
RyZzi: Initiator/Duelist
GOLD: Controller
KimGyuTae: Jett/Initiator

World Game Star
The underdog team for the group stage, WGS is back with a roster revamp after disappointing 2021 results. HANN is one of the best and most underrated players in the scene, and hopefully now is his time to shine. He also now has pretty good pieces around him, so hopefully WGS gets more spotlight this time around. Definitely can take maps off the top teams, such as DK and VS, but will they go the full way? Possibly

HANN: Duelist
iRdy: Initiator/Sentinel
GODLIKE: Initiator
Sylvan: Controller
Halbae: Sentinel
ClarK: Sentinel

The new Brimstone Gaming is here, and back than ever before. In seriousness though, this roster is pretty decent, consisting of multiple ex-signed players and some new talent. Consisting of players from ex-TNL (Harry, JinboongE), ex-NUTURN in 10X, Felix (ex-Hai, VVS), and an upcoming talent that was originally set to join ESC in Hermes. While I think they can compete at the top, they might be shut down by some of the upper teams.

Hermes: Duelist/Controller
JinboongE: Initiator
Felix: Initiator/Sentinel
Harry: Sentinel/Controller
10X: Flex

Maru Gaming
A roster consisting of good players from previous teams. Coached by ex-GNG Anaks and with multiple proven talents, this team can definitely go a long way. Maybe not at the highest level just yet, but has the potential to take sets off the top teams.

Chibab: Duelist
WIX: Initiator/Flex
NakJi: Chamber
Has1ra14: Initiator/Sentinel
Dec1de: Controller

Team T5
The final team, and the team with the most upset potential in Team T5. Consisting of primarily amateur talent, the team has the talent to make upsets in the coming group stage. Not too much I can say, as there haven’t been too many accomplishments yet other than beating the new GoNGo Prince.

Bangnan: Duelist
Vow: Sentinel/Controller
이토히로부비부빗: Controller
Moves: Flex
redwater877: Initiator

posted about 3 years ago

thats what ive heard, but i cant be certain because when i first was told about these it was a month and a half ago or so, but theres been no official statements yet so i cant be 100% :/

posted about 3 years ago

jp/kr, kr already started and jp kicks off in a week in a half

posted about 3 years ago

no clue but hes likely staying in japan, nth was trialing korean players though so there could be a chance he re-signs
although he did also get several na offers, which he turnt down

posted about 3 years ago
  • Seoldam apparently found a team but its unknown when the announcement is
  • Persia apparently was signed to an org that “did something/well known org”. No news on that since but its been almost 2 months and nothing is out so might have fallen through?
  • DoenmO apparently signed, announcement TBD
  • Locomotive signed to Rio Company Agency as a scout/performance coach for the agency players (Seoldam, Hyeoni, etc)

i think all 3 might be in japan now? theres two orgs i know were scouting for 2022, which are:

  • Cyclops Athlete Gaming (this was around November, couldve fallen through)
  • Northeption (Trialing KR players)
posted about 3 years ago

from what ive heard hes found a team, no clue when the announcement is though but apparently its “soon”

posted about 3 years ago

t5 is looking good, def an upset team in the ro8

posted about 3 years ago

idk man dk has a lot of rumors, apparently t3xture is learning to flex, some say hyeoni is cut, some say intro out, others jeong hi
no one knows whos playing who :/

posted about 3 years ago

pretty good list, seems balanced enough

posted about 3 years ago

Out of all of the former IMT members, make a roster out of them
Full list includes:
Bjor, jcStani, Koler, Genghsta, Asuna, Dicey, neptune, jmoh, ShoT_UP, Kehmicals, NaturE, Rossy, JonahP, truo, EmilShein

i’d go with:

  • Asuna: Duelist
  • JonahP: IGL
  • Shot_UP: Controller
  • Bjor/neptune: Sentinel/flex
  • Genghsta: Initiator
posted about 3 years ago

heres some insight, seoldam has actually had offers from na orgs during the offseason but didnt go with any of them

posted about 3 years ago

If they keep failing to get results, what are the chances they switch to Korea for their future rosters?

posted about 3 years ago
  • t3xture (flex)
  • hyeoni or exy (duelist)
  • esperanza (initiator)
  • jeong hi (controller)
  • intro (sentinel)
    igl unknown, could be jeong hi?
posted about 3 years ago

isnt this a conflict of interest if its drx vs desperado?

posted about 3 years ago

hopefully vs is back better. excited to see zest but will be able to hold up?

DRX 2-0 all besides ESC/BRIM

posted about 3 years ago

thats his agency, its to help him with signing/finding teams or legal issues
rio company has been gone as a team since stage 2 and probably isnt coming back which sucks because they could easily take on vs :(

posted about 3 years ago

Which VCT banter has been your favorite so far?

the nuturn-v1 cat ears banter will always be special to me so personally its up there :)

posted about 3 years ago

isnt jonahp the igl?

posted about 3 years ago

1 ex-Lucid CSGO
1 ex-Sharper
2 ex-Winnable
1 amateur jett

posted about 3 years ago

If anyone knows Thai and would like to help with the translation of the original video, please let me know. It’d help greatly with what is being stated on foxz’s end.

posted about 3 years ago

1/31 Update:

Regarding all of this, an X10 CRIT staff member has said that many of the things mentioned here may not be true, yet the internal issues were true. Both players and staff are on different sides and are saying different things, so it is important to consider what both parties are saying. There is still lots of speculation to be made, so please keep that in mind.

posted about 3 years ago

Considering the situation I'm not sure if X10 would want to let it happen, the issues between the team and the org seem to have a lot of tension on both ends

posted about 3 years ago

BR is around 1.5k, highest might be around 5k
SEA can be anywhere from $450 to anything
KR is somewhere around 1k depending on the org but varies heavily on teams
JP is similar/higher than EU in some cases
LATAM outside of the few big orgs likely pays the least in salaries

posted about 3 years ago

Why is this bad?
BeYN shines on the maps that BuZz has shown to inconsistent on (Icebox, etc) and has been trained by VS since august and this might actually be a good move for them
Sure its a six man roster but surely VS knows what theyre doing this time with the 6 man roster especially since the Lakia bench was a team decision and thisll likely have better synergy than with Lakia

posted about 3 years ago

Newest information i can give:

The players have likely actually been paid, yet there were issues with the players and receiving the money and foxz was talking about internal issues and Champions money
The amount was ~3m baht if its true that the players were paid

posted about 3 years ago

New updates in bold, very important towards what is really happening

posted about 3 years ago

I see, good notice
Do you know of anything else mentioned within the video that should be noticed? I don’t know Thai so it’d be highly appreciated

posted about 3 years ago

Yt comments say that someone on FB was attacked for asking about the players and the Champions money, and it got deleted after :/

posted about 3 years ago

I wanted to send this out at a different time but thisll probably get attention either way, just wanted to try to send out the truth

posted about 3 years ago

No clue as of yet, but its a very messy situation on both fronts

posted about 3 years ago

I believe Full Sense has similar salaries as well, yet apparenty they’re well treated by the org. SEA salaries are sad to see

posted about 3 years ago

Bolded text represents edits for a more likely truth to be told. Please note some of this could be just speculation/rumors, and if anyone is knowledgable of the Thai scene I would highly appreciate any backing of the statements given.

Update: Regarding all of this, an X10 CRIT staff member has said that many of the things mentioned here may not be true, yet the internal issues were true. Both players and staff are on different sides and are saying different things, so it is important to consider what both parties are saying.

Following X10’s breakout performance in Champions, XIA foxz has opened up on stream as to why the team left X10 CRIT and chose not to renew their contracts.

To put it simply: X10 has had issues with paying the players their cut of the $500,000+ USD (15 million Baht) from Champions skin sales. It seems as if that there was no obligation by Riot towards making orgs to pay the players the money, and likely the Champions cut was initially much less given to the players before a final payment, with issues with receiving money as well. (final figure ranges from ~3 million Baht per player)

0bi, the only member of the former roster sticking with X10, has not said anything regarding the matter. This might be due to contract terms, yet nothing is certain as the situation is messy and filled with speculation.

In addition, foxz also said that X10, FS/Thai players were paid around 15,000 Baht as their salary ($450 USD, figures come from Zeus but it is unknown what it really was, some say 50,000 Baht was their recent salary)
sScary also said that there were also internal issues within the org and team (some of his tweets states that “he is free” after leaving the org)

There is conflicting information on both sides in regards to how much the players were really paid (or whether or not they paid at all), yet its still a scummy situation. Money was likely a contributor as to why the team left, however internal issues also have caused problems on both ends.

Sad stuff to see from the side of X10.

posted about 3 years ago

nt funcrew

posted about 3 years ago

imo the old ui looked cleaner for the scoreline specifically, also agents look a little large other than that its pretty good

posted about 3 years ago
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