Flag: South Korea
Registered: September 7, 2021
Last post: August 11, 2022 at 4:31 AM
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buy a good coaching staff? they already have legija from big cs

posted about 2 years ago

bad take

posted about 2 years ago

as much as i wanted to do this, i unfortunately have a lot of other obligations and i didnt sign up :(

heres to maybe next time youll see me writing articles

posted about 2 years ago

DK 2-1 ONS

posted about 2 years ago

he can speak decent english, can safely say atleast 3 orgs were interested in him
also, esperanza was trialing with t1 too back in 2021 but didnt pass the trial phase, not sure about his english but either way, seoldam has to be bought out which i dont see

posted about 2 years ago

maybe harry? hes igling hm but the strats seem a little weird, but hes been doing well on the server
if not, jeong hi is still fine just needs a bit more time imo

posted about 2 years ago

esperanza is doing fine, i think hes just been off form from quarantine policies and whatnot plus this team has enough firepower as is, just hopefully a proven igl

posted about 2 years ago

jeong hi is igling thats why his form is off from last year, theres no dedicated igl at the moment

posted about 2 years ago

tiebreaker was map differential, ons was 12-5 and drx was 12-2
vct kr had drx as top seed in images because of that

posted about 2 years ago

anyone know good romance ones? can be drama or whatever just not any action based ones

posted about 2 years ago

dont have an exact link but i believe tmosura said something similar in a thread in like january?

posted about 2 years ago

theyve already spent 1 mil on the roster, import costs housing setup and everything

posted about 2 years ago

RAAD 3-1

posted about 2 years ago


2-1 maru

posted about 2 years ago

theyre sponsored by movistar to have their name in branding

posted about 2 years ago

last i heard persia had a org, but seeing as he hasnt played since shotval then idk what hes doing

seoldam is probably in contract jail for a while, but there were atleast 3 notable orgs who were looking into him before signing to cr

posted about 2 years ago

samgyeopsal, galbi

posted about 2 years ago

binbon confirmed it, sources + other people in kr can confirm this

so far the known members are guNkorea and fivek, fivek is still looking for people who would be good enough

posted about 2 years ago

imo english wise achilios and paperthin are highly underrated, great duo of color and play-by-play casting and have really good energy especially in hype moments, def worth them checking out :)

just a shame they didnt cast more games outside of the asian scene

posted about 3 years ago

dw, f4q is coming back for stage 2

posted about 3 years ago

hey take care man, the world is a scary place right now but try your best to keep going through it all

posted about 3 years ago

depends on what travel policies will be like in a month’s time

posted about 3 years ago

definitely, 5/10 of emea teams will be changed by this and itll heavily affect the future of the scene, good to wish the best for everyone affected though

posted about 3 years ago

GangPin, Foxy9, Chibab, Bangnan

posted about 3 years ago

is your job only to get responses out of people? :/

posted about 3 years ago

tldr, Russia is to shut down internet to Russians from the rest of the world (similar to Great Firewall, etc) following the ongoing crises, meaning that Russian internet is being shut off from anything but Russian sites/providers

Does this mean FPX, NAVI, and Gambit will be physically unable to play in EMEA once this is enforced around ~march 11th? This might be the nail in the coffin for CIS teams, not to mention that other Riot tournaments in CIS such as VRL, Wild Rift CIS, and LCL have all been delayed/canceled, leaving Challengers EMEA as one of the few Riot-sanctioned events not having direct effects on CIS teams

posted about 3 years ago

they shut down korean operations, even if they didnt itd be similar as to why talon didnt choose korea either

  • low viewership
  • lack of sponsors
  • up until today, not many could really prove themselves to challenge drx
  • still only one slot
posted about 3 years ago

Japanese organization Riddle is rumored to join VALORANT some time in the near future as per sources.

Riddle, primarily known for their successful Apex Legends roster, is now rumored to soon join the VALORANT Japan scene, and not Korea.

Despite their successful Korean roster in Apex Legends, it has been said that their operations in Korea have shut down completely, following Riddle switching to a Japanese roster after the expiration of the former team’s contracts.

They were aiming to get some high level players in the scene initially (not sure if i can say exactly who out of respect but one of them wouldve been shocking), but are now switching gears, opting to see how well players from ZETA DIVISION Academy are first.

If they do join, they will join either some time in the near future (next year) or in Stage 2 of VCT: JP.

posted about 3 years ago

they do, they 24-0d prx once

posted about 3 years ago

big upset, sucks for hate and allow

posted about 3 years ago

they scrim the best of SEA, JP, and CH only, (edg, cr, prx, xia, zeta, etc are some of their scrim teams) they dont scrim korea which is why no teams can really get a good read on them to an extent

also, they bootcamped for a month before champions and that didnt really go in their favor once champs came around

posted about 3 years ago

dont have an exact source but im pretty sure ptc said on stream that foxz got 3 mil pending in his transactions and that there were issues with the money being transferred to him

posted about 3 years ago

foxz said to ptc that he got ~3 mil from x10, but there were issues with receiving the money

posted about 3 years ago

x10 isnt true anymore (what i said initially was wrong to an extent), 0bi said that it was around a 10% cut given to the players and foxz got paid around 3m baht?

posted about 3 years ago

ESL’s ruling:

…organizations with apparent ties to the Russian government, including individuals or organizations under alleged or confirmed EU sanctions related to the conflict, will not be allowed to be represented.

The and Gambit players are therefore welcome to compete under a neutral name, without representing their country, organization or their teams’ sponsors on their clothing or otherwise.

If Riot followed suit, Gambit would likely have to compete under a different name, not tied to the org or they just can’t play
FPX and Navi will have issues with having to compete

posted about 3 years ago

DRX 2-0 13-8 13-7
map 2 is closer than it looks on the scoreline

posted about 3 years ago

misfits just announced 24haven as misfits black

maybe rise -> misfits?? considering that the new org hasnt had a val team yet

posted about 3 years ago

oce was boosted on valesports4/3 :/

posted about 3 years ago

Can we talk about how good the old KCP was and where theu’re at now?
Oderus is a proven t1.5/t2 IGL whos still putting good numbers on the igl role
Jmoh was consistently good following the rebuild phase of KCP, and fiziq seemed pretty good on Soar
Scrouge and skuba are very solid players who could easily compete on other t1/t1.5 orgs and are looking really good on their new teams

They could’ve had a much better run in stage 3 and be underdogs for stage 1 if they continued on potentially, just wanted to talk about it

posted about 3 years ago

flaring should be on starting roster, guys insane

posted about 3 years ago

isnt this the cam dapr literally always uses??

posted about 3 years ago

tbf they have korean babybay on the team

posted about 3 years ago

you need a korean phone number

posted about 3 years ago

btw there will be an audience, as confirmed by stax in the latest vct korea video

posted about 3 years ago

with audience, stax confirmed it in the newest vct kr video

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


  • SLK vs. FUR: Nozwerr
  • FUR vs. SEN: TenZ
posted about 3 years ago

doesnt count, vks vs sen is before s3

posted about 3 years ago
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