How much do gc players earn? Also do you guys think there will be increase in number of type of players like Flor in gc with how the competition looks?
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Registered: | October 11, 2024 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 12:26 AM |
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How much do gc players earn? Also do you guys think there will be increase in number of type of players like Flor in gc with how the competition looks?
Lol You think this dumb guy is on Brazil side or even supporting anyone? Bro is probably fake flair too to attract hate on tl.
A full woman team winning gc champs will probably be like edg winning champs at this rate with how the competition looks now.
Not something like India. Population isn't everything. If it was only population that mattered India should have been the most dominant county in eSports as well as sports.
Also in my opinion if Zeus and keria leave t1, t1 is never winning anything again. Those 2 are irreplaceable in that roaster.
Well that's just standard for the t1 team. If a 4 years together team especially eastern top org can't be a contender for worlds when the competition is already not that high then they should just retire at that point.
Also another predictions of mine. If lpl doesn't win worlds next year league will face a huge fall off in china cause of which valo will become larger in china finally becoming the largest eSports in the world in 2 years after that.
Finally cause of downfall of lpl league will die in a few years. And valve will recognize the potential of Chinese market cause of which dota 2 will flourish in china again and ame gets carried by 18 years old rookies to win ti.
That roaster with ruler will win golden road for sure next year even with extra event if they manage to improve their synergy. Come back to this post when that happens. also if blg doesn't make change will be one of the 4 favorites to win worlds next year. And as Always western fans gonna wish for miracles which won't happen.
That's for sure including Chinese viewership. So valo can reach that level in a few years too if val pops off in china. League is already declining in china on top of that.
And people argue with me when I say valo is more competitive than lol. League is basically china vs Korea ATP. Like it's funny how at every worlds western fans wish so hard for a western team to qualify for quarter finals and consider a kr or cn team not making top 8 an upset. And majority of the time western team makes it to quarter finals is cause of draws luck lol.
So confusing how the league eSports is still relevant in minor regions like eu and na. G2 and fly the only exceptions this worlds.
Even though I like Messi and Neymar more but have to admit Faker is great but he really doesn't clear Ronaldo.
He is y1y not y0y. And I think if he joins eg he can at least be y4y next year.
Which one do you guys think is better personally? Also don't you guys think multi player games are more popular than single player games? Like yeah Mario or Nintendo whatever might have saved gaming industry but it feels like dota2 or league or C dwarf Mario in popularity especially cause of current generation kids.
Is Mario actually really that popular. Pikachu alone clears the whole franchise I feel like. Don't need to say anything about league even valo clears Mario in popularity.
Mario fans need to accept that pokemon is better franchise than Mario.
Bruh what are you on about??? Is this actually for real?
Rdr2, elden ring, and even Mario is better than both of those.
So here it goes
Tenz better than y1y.
Flor clears Asuna.
Thanks for the funniest argument I had in a while. League is hardest game along with football cause it's more accessible than other games and has more people playing it lol.
You must have some of the best thing with you to be so high .
Sorry to everyone else. Just wanted to increase my starts by making posts.
Well cause somehow it's more accessible than sports like basketball or volleyball and it has more people playing it too lol.
I had an argument with a guy named anguibok. He thinks league is the hardest game along with football even harder than all the other popular sports cause it's more accessible than all other sports and has more people playing comp games which are ranked game according to him lol. Funniest argument I had in some time.
Still really curious what do you guys think are top 3 hardest including eSports and sports?
Again talking about eSports vs sports success. Do you think faker success in league is comparable to Messi success in football or even Sachin Tendulkar success in cricket? eSports is too young IG.
Bruh playing comp in league is literally similar to playing a basketball game competition between two teams from two school. And most big sports are way bigger than league in player base.bYou are thinking this so weirdly. Saying league is more accessible than most sports is crazy.
Now that virat Kohli is in the age of retirement who do you think is the goat of cricket? Sachin or virat Kohli? Or anyone else?
Would you say being goat of eSports is bigger than being goat of a sports? Faker has accomplished so much but don't know why it still feels crazy to call him better than someone like Messi or mj.
I still think eSports is still too young for it's success to be compared to big sports. I don't want to undermine eSports but I think sports at top level is more competitive than eSports and it is tougher to be goat in top level sports compared to top level eSports. Still faker is in his own league in eSports. Only some comparable one are in fgc or someone like flash from StarCraft.
Well cause china is it's biggest market. Also honestly speaking riot can do well economically just on basis of Chinese market alone. And believe it or not league will die without lpl or china.
Is faker better athlete than mj, Ronaldo or lebron? Saw interesting comment in league reddit that only Wayne Gretzky is comparable to faker and faker is like one of the greatest athlete ever. Also is league more competitive and harder than almost everything except football cause it has larger playerbase playing comps?
China viewership dwarfs global viewership always. China market in general is too big. The reason riot wants valo to flourish there. Probably more than 60% of viewership or revenue is from china alone for riot.
Should really be crazy cause blg was looking to win. And it went to last game. But worried about league state in china now. It was already declining in china and with such results again and again league might decline more. Perfect opportunity for other games to overthrow league. Tbh mobile games I think are already more popular than league.
And you think most big sports don't have more competition than league in terms of playerbase? Bruh what are you talking about? League is nowhere near the level of most big sports even though it's the biggest eSports.
Yeah which is why old pros are still relevant in Cs. But was talking about mechanics. Like in league older aged pros can still play at highest level in terms of mechanics but hard to see that in Cs or most shooter eSports.
Well not that many people actually play pro level at league either. Most play it for fun or cause they hate their life is what I have heard. I don't know how you think league has more people in competition than most big sports. League is very popular game but not ever player who plays league try for pro level.
Do you guys think eSports is ever going to be at the same level as sports? Even league the biggest eSports doesn't come anywhere near to level of most big sports. eSports is very young so ig that's the main reason but can't think of any way how eSports becomes as big as sports.
Can't compare league or eSports to football or sports now. There are so many sports according to your statement which are way harder then league. According to your statement running is probably the hardest sport.
In Cs tho all those older pros are like surviving mainly cause of their igling or experience. It's hard to see older pros be good mechanically in Cs compared to in league. So really curious what's the difference.
Why do you think is it such that mechanically older pros can stay at top level of league or moba more consistently compared to tac fps?
Like in Cs or val somehow old age affects pros more than in league.
I have heard dota 2 is harder or StarCraft. Is that actually true?
Never really played league. Is it insanely hard mechanically? Is it harder than Cs or valo in mechanics? Saw lot of ver old pros play at top level really well not just faker in lol but people say age matters too much in eSports mechanics. But doesn't seem to be the case in league. How is it different?
Yeah let's actually wait and see how valo turns out but at this rate it's not becoming league anytime soon. Also valo is indeed more competitive. How is league more competitive when every single worlds the compensation is between eastern teams alone and between 3-4 teams too. Also other regions being shit simply makes it less competitive lol.
Now you know. Happy to provide you with the knowledge.
Just shows how eSports is nowhere near sports level. They just can't last as long like sports.
All 4 Buffons lol. You t1 fans are so trash at giving credit. Without those 4 Buffons faker would still have 3 worlds.
League is way less competitive than valo tho. Eastern team not making top 8 is somewhat of a upset in worlds when there are 8 eastern slots. At this rate of how competitive valo is it's way harder for a faker to happen. Also val needs to last as long as league too.
This roaster has been together for like 4 years. The synergy atp is just off charts. Also the meta is favoring them rn compared to in summer lck. People underestimate them way too much. Like league always is competition between like 4 teams to win worlds. And t1 has been one of those 4 for like 3 years now.
I mean faker sylas is way better than chovy. Also it's not about just those champs. This mid meta is very good for faker as well.
Sen fans are some of the worst but nowhere really near those toxic t1 fans tho. So he is kinda right but still it's funny a sen fan is saying it
Yeah demon 1 trash talk really wasn't that fun. Kk was fun for sometimes but his trash talk toned down a lot now. Even in league there aren't that many fun personalities. Maybe it's just riot games eSports.