As it should be. Drx is way more lovable. Only good thing about c9 is oxy.
Flag: | International |
Registered: | October 11, 2024 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 12:26 AM |
Posts: | 844 |
As it should be. Drx is way more lovable. Only good thing about c9 is oxy.
What's your dream destination country or countries? Personally it would be china, India, Japan and Brazil for nature and food especially for nature. Curious what vlr preference is.
Fpx/Navi. (Only cause of shao)
Just wait till Bangkok. This will be the top 5.
Change the flag back to Korea man. why are putting that Australian flag? You love Korea so show your support through actions. Also you should have found out the thing now. It's in competitivepubg subreddit. And I heard similar things in overwatch too. About bullying.
Just check subreddit of competitivepubg lol. Blinded by your obsession with Korea. Adder, Loki talked about the PUBG scene in their stream and Korean fans or guys who watched them have created a post there.
I was born in International water bruh. And why are you defending a fake flagger? Must be your alt for sure. Or is that guy embarrassed to put kr flag like you. I mean you are also Korean and seem to love Korea more too but you still put that USA flag on. Why is it? Embrace your love bro. Remove that flag immediately if you are really a Korean guy.
Biggest fake flagger of vlr lol. Also why are you as a Korean putting that flag of Japan in your profile?
Don't argue anymore. Most of these are koreaboos obsessed with Korea. So they can't tolerate anything bad against Korea like those weebs.
You should actually check out PUBG PC scene of Korea. Recently a player retired and he actually confessed that their coach used to hit them with actual bat. And another player complained a lot about the environment as well. The orgs were geng and dnw. Valo might not be the same tho.
Yet never saw 140 champs played in league pro level. Even with meta changes the champ pool for even top teams fluctuates so less.
Tbh I don't think you and me should hate on Japan or Korea media in this site. We have both claimed before to hate on weebs and koreaboos and glazing of japanese and Korean especially japanese media. So ig our opinions don't matter much when dissing their media.
Here comes another edgy wow evil protagonist fan. Man you guys need to stop overhyping that banned novel atp. Fang yuan gonna never reach his end. Poor guy lol.
Is yoru the hardest duelist to master? Which pro has the best yoru? Not much idea about this agent. I just heard it's hard to master it.
Same I hate weebs and koreaboos. Those Japan and Korea meat riders can be so annoying. Except for drx tho. Drx fans are fine no matter what they do(not talking about the serious bad things).
Leave it man. It's hard to make you understand what I really meant through text. I didn't actually mean anything negative lol.
Final try. Leave kr player. Now You love aspas and it was aspas in place of texture in the comparison scenario. So what I meant was since you love aspas at that moment when you saw the twitter comment you got baited cause you couldn't think that properly cause of your love for aspas and made such stupid post in vlr. And I think you wouldn't get baited if it was like someone you didn't like.
Yeah man ok. I failed to make you understand what I meant.
Well some past comments from you suggested you do so but hate drx. So I made those comment. And at least you are understanding what I am trying to say to that denji guy right?
Bruh why are you finding it so hard to understand what I have been trying to say? I am just saying you just got baited cause you love kr players and you didn't think properly at that point when making this post. Also as for edg hate part Never said you hate edg lol. Read properly man.
You would never care if it wasn't someone you liked. Also you stated how you hate edg is being overrated. So your ability to think was clouded by your love for kr players and your hate on edg being overrated is what I meant to say. Read properly. Also as for kr lover part everyone who knows you knows that you are one of the biggest kr glazer in vlr.
Kk overall better though. Better in Madrid and champs playoffs and regional as well.
Bro is getting baited by a twitter comment lol. bro you are not thinking properly rn cause you are a kr lover. If it was kk in place of texture you wouldn't even care a bit about such thing. Actually clear your brain and think carefully.
This one isn't assumption bro same as it wasn't for you. Also yes faker alone gives aura to that org. And now way is a name like together as one of sk telecom t1 a good eSports org name lol. You are just denying how mid that name is atp.
Leave it. Bro actually knows too that the name even together as 1 is mid as hell and the only aura that org has is cause of faker and the players legacy. He will never admit it tho cause of his ego
that's cause of faker and the players only. Name itself is so mid and you know it too.
Might have overcooked with the EMEA one. Still decent. Other are also decent enough. At least you know how n0vi is.
Bro is the most delusional t1 glazer lol. It's faker and the players who gives the aura to that stupid ass org. Otherwise that name sounds so corny lol. This guy knows it too but won't admit it cause he is one of those Twitter t1 fan.
Why does this stupid ass n0vi fan keeps on yapping? Bro being a n0vi fan you better not dare reply to a guy who has the drx flair. It's insane how n0vi fans still alive after all that destruction drx has done to n0vi.
Lol t1 name has no aura. All aura you think is cause of the roaster or faker. The name itself is so mid. You should actually make list of roasters or teams with aura not the team name. Players or roaster give aura to the name of the org not the other way around
Well just my opinion. Cause I do think Edward or even the guard has no aura as a name. So you should include the guard too in that list. Also include ge, dfm, t1, g2, fut. All these name are s terrible as well.
Also pls don't try making any assumptions on what other think and especially don't use those emojis. Looks so stupid.
The reply from me was for if Edward the guy cared for his org or not. Also yeah name is mid but the guard isn't a good name for eSports org as well lol. Only good name for eSports org would be drx from kr, prx, drg, and bbl.
He is probably the most passionate multi Billionaire person in a side project. At least in league. He used to frequently go to wach edg games. Also literally gifted each player who won worlds from edg a real state property. Seems pretty passionate I would say.
But the talk here is about individual performance. Also you can't deny geng were getting a lot overrated even after just the Madrid run. You are kr teams fan and I love drx so I understand why you may think geng wasn't getting as overrated as edg. Every person at one point tends to hate anything that gets really popular or hyped.
It was the same for me with some popular anime and games once. also you are faker and t1 fan so you should be very experienced with such awards results.
Isn't it the same for geng too. Every team that wins a event or performs well generally gets so overrated. People were already calling geng the best team of all time after their Shanghai win lol. And edg has been a very beloved team since Tokyo. So this was expected.
So that's team performance. Why even bring up masters stats of a team for individual performance. Don't tell me kk wasn't good in Madrid without any team support. He individually diffed texture in their game too with 0 support from his teammates. Especially that split game.
A koreaboo worse than a guy without flair. People like you shouldn't even be allowed to make accounts in social media. Especially a koreaboo who hates drx.
Overall is what I am talking about. And people forget kk performance without any team support in Madrid lol. He diffed texture alone with his support lurking with utilities.
No flar 100 times better than having that n0vi flair.
Also don't know why you actually hate drx despite being a koreaboo. Drx the most likable kr team.
That's aura right there. Edward the goat. Multi Billionaire who actually loves and cares about his org seriously.
Lol kk deserves #2. Meteor clearly #1 tho. Also koreaboo and n0vi fan shouldn't talk much.
I think meteor deserves #1 and then kk in 2nd. Also it's just how riot eSports awards work. The biggest event of the year be it worlds or champions get too much importance for any awards. At least it's not as bad as in league community yet in val.
They work for riot a Chinese owned company. So hypocrisy was there from the beginning.
Highest in t1 was kangkang 111 kills in champs finals and t2 is something 136 kills ig in which his team lost lol.
True one of the best show for me. Literally didn't even know what anime was at that time. And searched so hard using different lines in Google to watch it completely in YouTube later on.
Guys mention the cartoons or anime that made up your childhood.
For me it would be Doraemon, ben10, pokemon, beyblade(metal fusion), courage the cowardly dog and finally the best inazuma eleven.
Am:- nrg and sen
Eu:- vit and th
Apac:- geng and prx
China:- edg and fpx
Most except whzy mechanically I would say. Knight the most inconsistent. Been mid for a long time now.
Not possible. Donk is very rare. Probably some rookie in a top level mid team.
The s'he' pros in gc are actually like this since way before val or turned for playing in gc? No actual hate just curious how it works in gc. Like can any he switch to s'he' and start playing in gc?