You slightly skipped the step where the teammates try talking to the troller first
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Registered: | August 14, 2024 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 8:35 PM |
Posts: | 3385 |
You slightly skipped the step where the teammates try talking to the troller first
Might actually move when tier 2 is open in CS again and closed for good in Valorant
I am just trying to figure out possible parameters they chose, perhaps you know then?
And if the person just ignores the criticism and insists on doing the same plays, is it logical someone will just give up on the game?
holy shit cook. Mongolz and 9z now are literal proof that in order to actually git gud you need to aspire. Like I refuse to believe NA CS is worth saving when mongolz were literally PRACCING WITH 300 PING, SHARING BEDS AND PLAYING FROM INTERNET CAFES
I wrote in one of the post, I use toxicity sometimes as a last resort when a person just seems to be doing exactly the same while expecting a different result. And why would you set up a play for a guy who is currently bottom fragging, and tell me how do you expect making a play on defence when your site anchor is just trying to rush for no reason?
playerbase seems relatively the same
I feel like this might end soon, they seem to give less and less shit about dota ( look at their new updates), now they work on deadlock, but i feel like the second deadlock release they will switch onto cs2
fletcher was right towards andrew who was willing to suffer shit like this. Obviously if everyone actedl ike Fletcher then the entire society would be fucked. I am only talking about people who actually have the intention to improve. Like I personally am feeling to hear a random call me a bot instead of saying Good Job, it serves as motivation and not as pity
I feel like the tides could theoratically turn if valve play their cards right. Valve can just legit go full send and make the first major in 2025 have the sticker money go into the prize pool turning the esports scene on its head. Like imagine valve host a major in Austin, USA, make it a 100 million dollar event ( sticker money + bundle money + compendium money can realistically make this a thing) and right before the final they would announce a brand new anti cheat with the operation, and then constant quality of life upgrades every 3 weeks. This shit would legit turn so many people, especially if vct continues to lose viewership
+1, this whole global reach thing is kinda pointless, you are spread out but the growth varies in the pace. Like CS is so well known in europe that denmark has CS as an additional subject course, Ukraine has s1mple as top 5 atheletes among youth and NAVI are the 2nd most valuable sports club inside Ukraine
that does not make it a better esport
so is is is valorant actually dying and cs2 growing?
I mean I come from eastern european cs, where the team communication (mind you this is the best team ever assembled by a region was talking like this) So maybe it's just a thing I am used to
I mean I personally use it as a last resort, I try being calm at first, trying to give them an input, but if I see that the person is just ignoring me despite me being really tolerant towards them trolling, then I just try one last time before giving up on them
absolutely irrelevant when compared to valorant and CS
true, but I liked blue lock because it focused on multiple characters, but now it just feels like Isagi and his femboy squad.
same thing happened with me and my friend. I look at the radar and see his fucking sign go towards the same exact angle for like 5th time in a row and dying, I kept my cool and then I tell him shit like ''Can you please stop going there or do you actually want to fucking lose?'' and he replies with ''I just got unlucky''
obviously going personal is wild, like offending nationality and things like that, but just telling the guy ''Can you please stop trolling and play together with the team and stop playing as if you are braindead'' isn't bad
we likely have like 20 more chapters of NEL+Pre U-20+Post NEL
we likely have like 20 more chapters of NEL+Pre U-20+Post NEL
highest viewership - LOL ( they take Worlds 2023 into consideration)
biggest number of tier 1 events - CS
more underdog stories - CS
names - LoL (Faker alone clears valorant and cs without s1mple)
location diversity - CS with Dallas Chengdu Belgrade Cologne Katowice Shanghai Rio Copenhagen and valorant with madrid shanghai seoul
most hours viewed - pretty sure it's CS
it just don't make sense for valorant to be above both of them
blue lock (manga) fell off when Neo Egoist League started, it focuses on Isagi too damn much
I mean I guess I share that trait with s1mple ( sadly not his skill), he once explained that he is ''toxic'' when giving advice not because he has the intention of traumatizing his teammates but because he wants to win the game. Same for me. When I see an easily winnable game and my teammates or me are just costing us the game by throwing, I cannot feel calm for some reason
a wise person once said ''you go into a game and think you are locked in a lobby with 9 retards for an hour, but the truth is that the number of those retards is 10''
I just want to see if I am the only one who actually thinks that some people are either too ignorant or too foolish to notice how they pull the same exact moves expecting a different result. I appreciate this thing even when I am the one getting shouted at. I sometimes go into fulltilt or fullsuck mode where I cannot focus for shit and getting blamed and receiving toxicity kinda wakes me up ( in game obviously, hate this shit IRL)
it's not really about a team, more about random teammates who might cost you free RR
what if you are on defence and one of your site anchor just gives a free enry to the site?
well I had an example recently where I go ahead and drop 17 kills in a half where we went 6-6, my teammate goes 2-10, he cannot hold onto A site if it meant getting a gazillion dollars, I tell him that he just holds them from the same angle all the time and they just get a free kill on him, he says that they kill him while running and I tell him that he needs to either get close to dodge all utility or stay deeper and wait for help so as not to get caught out by their utility. his response? ''go ahead and play there, idiot''. I went there, did what I told him to do and got a 3k resetting their economy. The guy didn't learn shit
It can't get worse than going 4v5 into the first 5 seconds of the round
but why am I supposed to waste my own time and concentration on clearly explaining to my wanna-be s1mple/tenZ that his move lead us to waiting in the starting menu after we lose 5-13 due to starting every round 4v5?
some people don't understand without getting shouted at. Experienced this shit in CS, had a guy in my stack who would wide swing one angle 11/12 rounds on T-side, lost 9/10 fights he had there, I told him two times that he doesn't need to fight there, it goes nowhere, and he just ignored my advice and kept on pulling this shit
some people actually want to play this? It feels like a weird mix of valorant overwatch cs tf2 and dota2 and somehow feels shittier then all of them, wtf
what if you require perspective on things? I ve played several games and some people can legit go for hours playing this game 24/7 and be blind to see that wide swinging into 5 fucking people is a bad idea
I don't mean intentionally hating on others, I mean receiving hate. If you legit pull zellsis numbers on map 3 vs heretics, do you deserve being shat on?
but a scene where you have a 6 months off season, 3 international lans, the same overused formats winning over LoL and CS, where the season is running for decades now is wild
imagine you have a completely terrible game, you singlehandedly lose the game for your team, and your teammate tells you ''GG guys, unlucky''. Will you still improve on your flaws or will you go into the next game and risk repeating the process one more time?
what if your teammate locks a duelist and gives the enemy an entry 8/12 rounds, going like 2-11-3 in the process, don't you think that you calling him a fucking idiot and him insisting on pulling these 5iq moves are two different levels of ruining the game?
it might make you tilt, but if you actually want to improve, you will get over it and will get a lesson from it. If you rush like a headless chicken into a stack, get counter util'd 5 rounds out of 6, maybe you deserve to be called braindead
I find it more common to see people hear the guy who carries them the game. the toxic who himself is playing like shit is the funniest shit in the world, but a toxic carry is the one who the entire team can build around. Obviously for an actual team it is bad, but for a random 5 man it's good
bad script, cooked
but how could you big up someone who insta locked a duelist and just dies in the first 5 seconds of the round??? Maybe it's just an Eastern European mindset or I am getting abused by my teammates, but it's fairly common in eastern europe to outright tell your teammate that what he is doing is fucking stupid
it's not about one game, it's about getting better as a player. For me it can easily be described with a quote from Whiplash ''There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job'' Imagine you go 5-20 in a game, whiffing lineups, instalocking jett and baiting the team, lurking and being unable to get the kills in a game where you could easily win. And then your teammate goes ''Well yeah, unlucky game, GG boys''. And then you think ''well shit, ye, I got unlucky this game'' And then you go next and get 10-20, same exact process, going on forever
For improving individually. Now I am not talking about casual gamers, there it's obviously a problem, but for those who aspire to get higher ranks, and this might be a bit of a hot take, getting toxicity addressed towards you can highlight your strong and weak sides. Thoughts?
NRG just need to drop everyone and get c0m demon1 jawgemo and boostio
might be a hot take, but toxicity is actually good. I have seen the biggest improvements to my game after I played like shit and my random teammates told me multiple times how shit I was. quote from the great film Whiplash ''There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job''