Flag: China
Registered: August 14, 2024
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 8:35 PM
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I wonder what viewership valorant will get in Paris and then also see what viewership CS has in Shanghai

posted 6 months ago

well yeah, true, but the viewership without china seems slightly concerning

posted 6 months ago

it was like 2.9 mil in china and 900k in other parts of the world before finals no?

posted 6 months ago

the strong roster is probably EG 2023, but EG are just a really special org with a really unique way of management

posted 6 months ago

astonished at the hustle bro, keep up the good work

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

americas has the problem of spreading the talent rather equally amongst all teams instead of having 1 strong team with all the best players

posted 6 months ago

where is the racism, I swear I didn't mean anything, invasion was the first word which made sense in the context? will it be better if I change it to expansion, rise, revolution ( this one is even worse)

posted 6 months ago

and emea hasn't won shit since Tokyo and if you need to find a team not named fnatic who won something from EMEA it was FPX in Copenhagen 2022. Americas are literally the saviour of valorant, they need to hold off the chinese invasion

posted 6 months ago

took teambuilding to a new level

posted 6 months ago

Tom Brady after scamming his wife during the divorce trial had this phrase in his mind

posted 6 months ago

I got astonished by the fnatic copium at first but then I saw who they lost to at lower round 3

posted 6 months ago

leo fartia is actually a lazy motherfucker

posted 6 months ago

what rematch do you want to get from navi when most of them are probably getting benched?

posted 6 months ago

so then it's EDG this year, FPX next, DRX in 2026 and Trace Esports in 2027?

posted 6 months ago

probably Gen.G
they were 2nd in Madrid and that's while storming the upper bracket and the swiss system
won in Shanghai
got grouped in Seoul while losing to two teams who then went on to finish top 4 and top 2. That group was just a matter of someone having to be eliminated. If we rank teams on pure strength, then Gen.G are probably thru every other group

posted 6 months ago

''Old players that couldn't do well should be forced to go back t2 and prove themselves in t2 again to get a slot in t1.''
they will never do it, those are the same people who would recycle the same players on every org they went to

posted 6 months ago

shit with ''CroWd CheAtinG' is that anything can be treated as such. E.g. Sentinels set up a person with a before hand seen banner saying something like ''BUY SEN BUNDLES'' They are placed directly to the side of the players with a set instruction: ''If they go A = show the banner, if they go B = don't''. SEn players look at the side, see the signal and rotate easily

posted 6 months ago

or the crowd going ''USA'' after a ''wtf is a mile'' banner, or the Sydney crowd chanting Henry is a cunt

posted 6 months ago

I mean you can try CS, being a fan of both is quite neat

posted 6 months ago

that's not even PRX level of trolling, that's Liquid 2018 calling. Watch TH win Bangkok and Toronto only to lose at champs

posted 6 months ago

well that's it I guess, China discovered FPS, we are cooked guys

posted 6 months ago

I mean they are still young, it's just a matter of mental resilience now. Either they become mentality monsters or become perennial chokers

posted 6 months ago

last one came in 2023 tho

posted 6 months ago

how would it die if heretics won, wtf

posted 6 months ago

not really, compare NAVI CS to NAVI Valorant in popularity, 1.2 mil to 30k subs on youtube, spirit aren't interested in valorant yet, same for vp, aurora and betboom wouldn't be allowed to participate due to russian ties. CIS is just too far gone for valorant. The year where CIS has won in every big game except for LoL, CS and DOta both got 2.7 mil, and val got 600k

posted 6 months ago

CIS isn't really interested in Valo, most streamers are CS/Dota/IRL

posted 6 months ago

Because it's more about the game becoming more equally split this year

posted 6 months ago

I mean for me personally toxicity is split into two things, one is productive, second is not so much.
1st - tantrum "OMG YOU are so trash"
2nd - criticism (even with some harsh words) "Why are you going for the same play when you get countered by their smoke+molly combo

posted 6 months ago

Ain't no way you blow a 7 round lead to pure luck 💀💀💀💀

posted 6 months ago

A bit of a delulu reply, like saying any of the games are dying. There are 30 minute long videos explaining how one singular fucking smoke has changed over the years

posted 6 months ago

I mean if you are born as an heir you can also roll some debuffs due to incest, like imagine being born as an heir to the French throne only for you to talk as if half of your brain is pressured by a brick

posted 6 months ago

I mean if you want a more REAL life experience you can just move out to the farm, no?

posted 6 months ago

Genuinely wondering why people like you have a problem with cs2 (just a guess)

posted 6 months ago

Seems like he plays both.

posted 6 months ago

Better watch my crops grow and let the landlord who owns my farm take his annual paycut off of me

posted 6 months ago

Toxicity is a last ditch effort to get him to play with you, not telling him to kill himself, only in game situation. It is not necessary, but this is something I often see where people get frustrated

posted 6 months ago

I am dying in the prehistorical era because I am likely an ant, I am dying during Ancient times because I am either a slave, a soldier or both, I am dying during the 1400 either because I am a slave, a soldier, or I have plague or all of them, I am dying during the Industrialization because I am likely a child factory worker, I am dying during the World Wars because I get sent into a fucking trench somewhere near Maginot. Nah I am good with my brainrot G

posted 6 months ago

I was talking about tier 2-3 pros, but ok :)

posted 6 months ago

I am probably clueless, but tell me, why would valve for example care if they have pretty much the same number in playerbase without much advertisment as valorant. Their esports product is shown, their product is played, they don't spend money on the esports scene, they sell in game items. They know that their European audience is unlikely to switch, has been there for like 20 years and still growing

posted 6 months ago

Viewership is really spread out tbh, there is no set peak of tier 2, likely RMR qualifiers and they have been fairly viewed, like a tier 1 group stage opener I would say

posted 6 months ago

But you can't really understand the person who commits to doing a failing strategy while saying nothing?

posted 6 months ago

OK then, here we go. 5 people in a team, 1 is me, 2nd is the troll, why would I communicate and help this one guy instead of helping out the other 3? 4v5 is a handicap which you can realistically win by taking other fights and getting trades on the other side of the map. First I try assembling a 5 men unit and communication, but if I see a guy who despite all the tries to get him to play with the team continues trolling, he is beyond saving and the other four just need to pick up after him . I am not saying that 4v5 is impossible to win and that I get these teammates all the time, just a question of hypotheticals.

posted 6 months ago

True, like sometimes explaining this situation from a far and in a basic concept helps.

posted 6 months ago

Here in the dialogue we don't even have a problem, it's a discussion, there is no problem to solve in the first place. In game you have the problem of winning and it consists of the problems of winning rounds. Having an uncooperative onedemisionally thinking moron isn't a problem, it's a handicap, you cannot solve it, you just have to bear with it. The idea of setting up the playbook around this guy is also flawed because when he goes 2-10 he is either checked out and unwilling to even communicate or just went cold and will likely whiff

posted 6 months ago

Problem is no matter how much utility you use to help him, him going for aim plays and losing that already concerns the team enough that they do not wish to deal with that retard. You might as well ask your teammate and he goes "why the fuck would we waste utility helping him" and instead set up a play on the other part of the map.

posted 6 months ago

You are comparing the in game problem solving to an internet discussion where we discuss things, we don't find a solution to the problem.

posted 6 months ago

Mean(( Any game I tried actually playing a lot and actually gave a shit about I ended up in the 0.1% of players. I do try talking to my teammates first, I do not pursue being toxic just to be toxic, but when I see a retard going for the same retarded ass wide peek into 3 people prefiring him, I will probably get tilted

posted 6 months ago

So valorant is a worldwide but beats CS only due to China in viewership? And no matter how you define LoL, it's the highest E-sport, it will always be an E sport because it's fucking electronic

posted 6 months ago
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