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Last post: January 6, 2025 at 5:54 PM
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currently rumored teams
EG, V1, G2, XSET, FAZE, 100T

Out of all of these, any of them + NRG maybe could all be in the running to buy atleast the majority of Optics roster and staff.

posted about 2 years ago

y'all rlly dont get it

posted about 2 years ago

calm down orgs =/= rosters

they gonna get signed to a different org, players like Suygetsu and Yay are locks for the league.

rostermania soon

posted about 2 years ago

good roster, but who knows as I feel like MIBR with them essentially also being Immortals could end up giving us a mix of NA and SA talent as well.

But who knows.

posted about 2 years ago

orgs =/= rosters bros. They're gonna get picked up just to a different org.

posted about 2 years ago

C9s roster will only likely make small changes
SEN I can see them dropping everyone but TenZ Dapr
NRG full new roster and coaching staff. They've proven they can invest properly see LA Shock in OWL.

Of teams in the running to make it in NA, (G2, XSET, Faze, V1, TGRD, EG) I think it depends on a case by case basis whether they'll build a good roster or not. As many of them right now have solid rosters and with the chance of the full XSET and OPTIC rosters being out there, no shot someone doesnt pick them up.

posted about 2 years ago

rosters are gonna get changed, and pretty sure teams like EG, NRG, SEN will get new IGLs and potentially new coaches or whatever else.

posted about 2 years ago

NA #4 g2,eg,100t,tgrd,xset,faze,v1
NA #5 g2,eg,100t,tgrd,xset,faze,v1

This is confirmed via dotesports and other official outlets

posted about 2 years ago

if you're gonna bait bro atleast know what you're talking about.

Anyone that doesnt make the partner league rosters can still compete for the ascension tourneys in the challengers leagues. Not like dozens of players will all of a sudden lose their careers.

posted about 2 years ago

Optic might stay but their roster 100% not being poached would be insane.

posted about 2 years ago

Where was MIBR and 100T confirmed?

posted about 2 years ago

im sure NIP and Furia will get new rosters or atleast some form of upgrade. Always a change an NA org picks up BR talent too

posted about 2 years ago

even if "PRX" as an org don't make it, that roster 100% gets picked up.

posted about 2 years ago

NIP is kind of a yikes, I think everyone in the American league can agree.

G2 can literally sign whoever to their roster, maybe they get Optic idfk. But their move isn't confirmed yet either.

posted about 2 years ago

NRG have a huge financial background, owned by companies that own multiple top esport and traditional sport franchises, dominant in OWL, so they were always a contender to get in as they're a huge org. Rosters don't mean shit as rostermania is coming around.

Evil Geniuses are albeit not as large of an org as TSM and T1 but the other two have spotty records in terms of management, so EG would be a more stable org as they've been around forever in the sport. Probably just a reliable pick. Same thing regarding roster as mentioned in NRG.

posted about 2 years ago

Currently reported league is this:

C9 - confirmed by dotesports
KRU - this is also a given
LOUD - this is a given
NRG - confirmed by dotesports
SEN - confirmed by dotesports
+1 (G2/T1/LEV)

3 BR confirmed
5-6 NA
these are dependent between LEV, and whatever other team because G2 could pick up any roster if they make NA, same with T1 ig?

posted about 2 years ago

meh. rip jingg ult but some of those corners did need to get changed.

posted about 2 years ago

as an NRG fan, gotta say that their roster very likely gets torn apart, Eeiu is their best player on a consistent basis. Tex and S0m who were their "stars" in stage 2 are inconsistent at best, and bad in their roles at worst. Move s0m to CC and drop Tex.

Considering teams like XSET, FaZe, EG, SR all basically getting shafted I can see them dropping everyone even.
-Hazed + Zander/Dephh/Supamen
-Tex + Bdog/Cryo/Dicey
-Ethan + BCJ
-S0m + Zekken

Honest hopium here from me.

C9 I can see them dropping Curry and maybe Mitch, Chaos core isn't going anywhere
SEN needa drop like everyone but TenZ and Dapr, depending on Zellsis or not.

posted about 2 years ago

Dephh is a far better caller than Shahz

posted about 2 years ago

a few vocal idiots do per usual. But anyone with half a braincell knows its not gonna happen, 5-6 is realistic. American League slot distribution isn't a problem, Pacific looks like a bigger concern rn.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think it either I'm just saying if Guard don't make it, and say TSM doesnt buy out optic, why not have TSM buy them out or something.

Personally I have Guard making the league so I'm just being a critic to your proposed roster cause to me it looks like a mess.

posted about 2 years ago

god alot of the dumber american vlr users are coming out and giving the rest of us a bad name.

posted about 2 years ago

Optic - no roster change is definitely believable, even if theyre bought out that core wont change
100T - while i feel like they could improve in some regards, I dont see them breaking up the roster they put alot of time into, although Cryo would def be my first choice, if not him then Bdog. So its acceptable

SEN - I feel like a Dapr/Zellsis would happen over say a Zekken/Zellsis just because Dapr has the flexibility and was already their senti/smoke player. Zellsis and Zekken basically play the same role, as for adding Supamen feels like a good W for them

C9 - They wouldn't drop leaf, they'd 100% keep the core of Vanity, Xeppaa, and Leaf. Either all go or none go I feel like. -Curry, Mitch very likely. JonahP and NeT feel like they'd be good pickups for them, but Guard are heavily in the running to also make it and that core likely wouldn't break up so a + Dicey + Ethan/Eeiu/Subroza as Initiator/Flex

TSM - Just buy out guard roster, although its basically a given that only maybe Subroza of the current TSM core would even be on the team still.

posted about 2 years ago

with their current roster fuck no they don't.

posted about 2 years ago

dogshit take

posted about 2 years ago

American Continents were called the New World for a reason. As we are the future, the oldy 1400 europeans called it that because they knew that one day in an anime csgo game the new world would own everybody yessir

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly I agree, would be alot smarter and simpler, but common rito L's so..

Just hopefully the rosters aren't scuffed if this does happen.

posted about 2 years ago

will be 14 within a few years standard.

Tier 2 will be fine with Challengers regional leagues and ascension tournaments.

posted about 2 years ago

facts, been looking forward to seeing the BR and LATAM teams play against NA regularly. Should only help everyone long term cause we boutta roll the europe and asia leagues.

posted about 2 years ago

5 - 3 - 2 realistic

5 NA

3 BR


posted about 2 years ago

should be more like
3 KR (DRX, DWK, GenG/T1)

SEA, OCE, JP, CN all getting shafted by this move if Korea is getting 5 slots. Although hopefully the pacific teams can mix in from other sub regions within the league. I.E. SEA players for a KR org. Otherwise the entire pacific league is kinda fucked.

posted about 2 years ago


FNC, Vitality, KOI, Karmine Corp all are also confirmed by Geddes and DotEsports

posted about 2 years ago

3-3 all time between the 2 teams.

Both have one trophy over the other.

posted about 2 years ago

This here.

Brazil is (debateably) a 1 team region in the sense that only 1 team has actual international results, Loud is a top 2 in the Americas (tied with Optic in my book as their rivalry is 3-3 all time)

There won't be more spots for BR in the American league as franchising favors org stability from large "clout" orgs even. But we'll see, its just unlikely.

posted about 2 years ago

Well theres game changers and redbull tourney as riot events

Tier 2 tourneys will obv always be a thing and region dependent, but it should be interesting atleast in regards to what teams make it with rostermania around the corner

posted about 2 years ago

Stax or Benaki for me

posted about 2 years ago

Yay, Ardiis, Suygetsu, Aspas, Jingg are all def in the running imo

posted about 2 years ago

based take, but unfortunately for you. Region baiting bozos will not see it that way.

posted about 2 years ago

based take

posted about 2 years ago

Loud 3-1 imo, different metas so its really hard to compare the two teams unless we somehow see those two teams collide.

Loud have a far better balanced firepower team though.

posted about 2 years ago

Pretty much because of Loud, even tho NIP atleast contributed 1 win to that total.

Glad to see that the region atleast showed up and kicked ass this year because having strong international competition is great for the longevity of the esport

posted about 2 years ago

ng bro, theyre already happening. The amount of threads following LOUDs win were essentially EU frogs trying to dickride Brazil and throw shade at NA (some of it was justified because NA did the same following DRX beating FPX but EU still has trashed on brazil far more than NA has, as I believe NA and BR have a healthy rivalry outside of Zombs existence).|

Either way gg's to LOUD, they deserved it and its gonna be hype to see Sao Paulo with the defending champs, hoping the Optic Loud rivalry continues

posted about 2 years ago

hopefully the brother duo happens just like scream and nivera

posted about 2 years ago

w post from king of valo

atleast the br na rivalry isnt toxic (outside of zombs)

posted about 2 years ago

good list, wouldnt change it. Most them are the top 10 rated players anyways for the tourney in most categories so the numbers back it up

posted about 2 years ago


El Diablo owns you

posted about 2 years ago

absolute banger series, Loud deserve it.

Looking forward to the rivalry continuing between them and Optic next year.

Americas on top for sure.

posted about 2 years ago

some were, alot weren't.

Brazils always had alot of north americans respect because either the banger series that happen or just the fact that we're all "American". Its just bozos like Zombs

posted about 2 years ago

let the eu frogs run their shit, cant cope with the fact that the american continents shat on them 2/3 tourneys this year.

Loud Optic rivalry by far the best in val history

posted about 2 years ago

its all eu frogs tryna stir eu v na sadly.

pretty sure shroud said loud win 3-2 on the stage mid stream bro

posted about 2 years ago
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