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Registered: April 2, 2022
Last post: March 4, 2025 at 5:21 PM
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not even top 5 IGLs in NA

posted about 2 years ago

we heckin love NRG

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

cod on console
roblox paintball and tf2 on pc

posted about 2 years ago

as a member of the can't have shit club.

Yes, best city in America to travel to hands down.

posted about 2 years ago

Pretty much every large major city is a shithole in one way or another.

All still have good spots but the largest of cities LA, NYC, Miami, Chicago, all are pretty bad.

posted about 2 years ago

Americas: NRG
Pacific: GenG/Zeta

posted about 2 years ago

At the moment no announcements have been made and roster moves aren't immediate per NRG Seth and others via their discord.

The roster very likely is gonna get changed around by the time it comes around

posted about 2 years ago

Oh im aware its bait, it aint good im just saying watch me still be correct

posted about 2 years ago

Here before GE finish 10th for the next 2 years in Pacific League

posted about 2 years ago

Ascension Tourneys exist, adding +1 slot to each franchise league each year, maxing out at 14 as rach ascension winner is there for 2 years before being relegated back into Challengers

posted about 2 years ago


Then we can take them seriously, maybe.

Only reason people trash on sentinels is because their god awful fanbase and mediocrity since post-Berlin

posted about 2 years ago

Best i can do then is be a gold 2 igl with 250 ping at that point

posted about 2 years ago

OWs game killed itself, valorant has a very active community and in terms of esports is not only popular rn but the franchise partner league isnt entirely closed off like say CDL or OWL are. So tier 2 still has a chance to live and thrive

posted about 2 years ago

we are infact going to brazil

posted about 2 years ago

gotta be the worst suggestion I've heard for them yet đź’€

posted about 2 years ago

JonahP and Zellsis are both better players yes on paper, But both play a Flex role for their team, not an initiator primarily (Sova, Fade, Breach?? regularly. In TGRD and V1 I'd moreso look at Wippie and Trent as those)

LCQ Eeiu || 3rd best player in LCQ for NRG
ACS 3rd
KD 4th with 0.94
ADR 2nd
Clutch % 1st

Stage 2 Eeiu || Easily best player
ACS 1st
K:D 2nd, .01 behind Tex
KAST% 2nd, 1% behind Ethan
ADR 1st
APR 3rd
Clutch% 2nd

Stage 1 Eeiu || 2nd best player after S0m
ACS 2nd
K:D 2nd
KAST% 1st
ADR 2nd
APR 1st
Clutch% 3rd (2nd if you subtract Android)

So statistically speaking he's been consistent on their roster, whereas Tex improved greatly, and S0m had an up and down year, but he was statistically better than Ethan/Android, Tex, and Hazed for the entire year. Just arguable between him and S0m for team MVP in 2022. If we wanna go back into 2021 we can as well.

posted about 2 years ago

what region is this for?

posted about 2 years ago

Him and Eeiu are the only 2 I can see even being on the roster let alone in partnership, not to say the NRG roster is bad but theres better FA's

Why I mention Eeiu is in your own thread about NRG.

posted about 2 years ago

NRG 2023

Duelist/Chamber Op - Yay
Entry/Flex Duelist - Zekken
IGL Smokes - Zander
Primary Initiator - Trent
Flex - BCJ

HM: Valyn, FNS, Crashies, Bdog, Ethan, Eeiu
Really hard to decide on these guys, being put inna GM spot like this is hard

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly we've heard nothing from them regarding roster moves. In their discord they said as far as they know (right now) there hasn't been any moves but it'll very likely happen.

-S0m, move to CC
-Jamalesh "Hazed" Cobbanath mega boomer. (still a good IGL, but mediocre fragging even by IGL standards)
-Tex too inconsistent, better chamber ops out there
-Ethan maybe??? still a strong flex player and he's definitely still good enough to hang in the partner league
Keep Eeiu unless an upgrade is found/signed.

Honestly picking up any of the Guard, Faze, XSET, or Optics rosters. Even in FULL would be great for the org.

posted about 2 years ago

Tex isn't better than either of those guys I'm sorry but please pass what you're smoking.

While he arguably came into form in Stage 2 and LCQ after a horrendous bottom 10 performance in stage 1 (where ANDROID was a better player than him and still got dropped) he atleast saved himself from a benching but with the F/A talent out there, Tex would be LUCKY to stay on NRG.

If we're ranking chambers/opers in NA

Sayaplayer (his chambers mediocre though, despite being an amazing duelist)
Will = Tex

posted about 2 years ago

Because Eeiu has consistently been their best player. Yes Trent, BCJ, Crashies > him but I feel like NRG might still keep some of their core together, him and Ethan maybe??? Depends on how F/A goes for the top league tbh.

I dont consider Zekken or Zellsis primary initiator players, the others however are.

Plus we heckin love Dan

posted about 2 years ago

being a sentinels fan =/= being a tenz tier 3 sub

posted about 2 years ago

upgrade but C9 dropping the core of leaf vanity xeppaa feels unlikely.

posted about 2 years ago

Yay - Chamber every map
other 4 rotate between duelists so that its unpredictable who plays who.
Just take the GE playbook and then they win.

Even though team IGLs agent pool is definitely more in their favor to make balanced comps, prob can't really antistrat unpredictable W keying and aim diffs

posted about 2 years ago

lotta talk for lack of results.

posted about 2 years ago

yea and he was wanted for it, idk if he ever got arrested though.

posted about 2 years ago

hell yeah, I don't think it'll happen right away but down the line mixed rosters in the Americas is a given.
EMEA has been doing it for awhile and makes it work
Pacific I feel like will be more mixed off the get go due to the sheer amount of JP, KR, and SEA talent out there.

The real trick right now is just the language barriers for everyone but that'll get better with time. I feel like the LATAM and BR teams are gonna benefit from having better access to NA staffing. (No offense to them but outside of Onur and Bzka I can't think of any standout LATAM/BR staff)

Players ofc theres alot of dream super team potential.

posted about 2 years ago

#3^ this

plus other sources

posted about 2 years ago

Bren Esports owner got in deep water recently.

X10 prob have really shitty management as well.

posted about 2 years ago

Optic has had a history of issues up at the top of their org when it comes to ownership and management, plus they sold their spot in League Franchsiing.

Riot was picking orgs based on structure and stability. Its why OG, TSM, G2, Acend, all didn't make it.

It sucks but when you've got a bad history with Riot ofc they're not gonna wanna give you a slot.

But I definitely can see someone picking up most of their roster.

posted about 2 years ago

confirmed that you are only allowed 1 non region import.
American teams can have any number mix or even full rosters of NA, LATAM, or BR rosters, but only 1 player from Pacific or EMEA,
Same applies to teams in other 2 regions.

Best example is T1 dropping their american players because they can at most keep 1 in their move to Korea.

posted about 2 years ago

Def some good news

posted about 2 years ago

NRG easily (flair)
what happens to teams like SEN, EG, MIBR, GENG, T1, Vitality, NAVI, pretty much every other team that doesn't have a Tier1 roster right now should be interesting.

posted about 2 years ago

yes and no
3-3 all time
both have 1 title.

posted about 2 years ago

expired link

anyone got a working one?

posted about 2 years ago

100T Bdog Asuna Bang Derrek Stellar
NRG Cryo Zekken Eeiu Ethan Zander
EG Optic Roster
C9 Xeppaa Vanity Leaf Supamen Dicey
SEN Valyn Dapr TenZ JonahP Trent

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

MIBR was basically confirmed in place of NIP

LEV were mentioned during the G2 shit,

posted about 2 years ago

this here ^

but this also is just rumored, not confirmed.

Whereas EMEA and NA have had confirmations thus far.

posted about 2 years ago

thats why I haven't included them yet as Noyn isnt a 100% credible source.

posted about 2 years ago

noyns been wrong before, isn't a 100% source.

posted about 2 years ago

not confirmed out yet. Still 1 slot for NA

posted about 2 years ago

common saadhaak W

posted about 2 years ago

source for EG?

posted about 2 years ago

it was a pickems post.

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA - 9/10
Karmine Corp
APAC 0/10

As of 4:50pm EST

Riot announcement tommorow for all 30

posted about 2 years ago

Also correct, but I feel like this will also inevitably happen. Too much talent across the continents for it not to be done by someone.

posted about 2 years ago
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