Flag: Australia
Registered: February 28, 2023
Last post: April 22, 2023 at 5:46 AM
Posts: 237
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fr, KRU only lost to BR

posted about a year ago

Honestly BR would earn +1 slot if their tier 2 win against NA tier 2, otherwise it would be unfair.

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

é ironia po.

posted about a year ago

BR and LATAM are leaking VODs to each other to monopolize the entire Americas league.

Riot should investigate and intervene in this.

posted about a year ago

-10000000 views without NA teams
-100000000 views without JP teams


posted about a year ago

Pretty sure 100T will buy him from MIBR, since he always had interest playing in NA teams.

Heat >>> Cryo

posted about a year ago

"RT a picture with your beloved"

So he did, just following a trend.

posted about a year ago

I think if he leave, kyedae could fell even worse, idk.
Since she even hide from him during lock in, so he could focus.

posted about a year ago

Bom, se tu tiver familiares pra te bancar pra tu estudar 6h por dia é safe, se tu já for classe média, recomendo tu pegar Guruja ou LSconcursos como "coaching" que em tipo 1 ano ou NO MÁXIMO 2 anos ao menos tu passa em algum fisco municipal que ganha uns 10k-15k líquidos.

Apesar de coaching ser meme, os caras são pica, digo pq eu faço faz uns 6 meses.

Passei numa câmara legislativa municipal fazendo o concurso só por fazer por ter área comum (materiais da área fiscal), foda que pra ser nomeado nessas câmaras demora 1-2 anos.
Salário já é de uns 6k líquidos - 6h por dia.

posted about a year ago

Vale, como falei, a média hj em dia pra passar é uns 2-3 anos. Mas a galera faz como se fosse um trabalho mesmo, estudando 6-8h líquidas por dia.

Não é diferente de facul, mas é algo q precisa levar a sério
Mas como falei, 2 aninhos e tu garante algo pro resto da tua vida e foda-se.

posted about a year ago

Mano, esse ano tá chuvendo pra área fiscal que é o que mais paga. Até fisco municipal do Rio de Janeiro por exemplo paga 43k líquidos (final de carreira), inicial é uns 24k.

Nem o abate de teto do STF que é 33k líquidos pega os caras, pq eles recebem em gratificação, fora que a grande maioria tá trabalhando 6h diárias hoje em dia.

posted about a year ago

Nem vale a pena, termina teu curso superior mesmo e foca pra virar Auditor Fiscal de algum estado, tu recebe 30k líquidos fácil, cerca de 2-3 anos de estudos ao menos 6h por dia.

Nem na área privada tu recebe esse salário trabalhando apenas 6h por dia, fora que hoje em dia alguns estados como Mato Grosso é home office e recebe 40k líquidos. (Nem precisa morar no estado)

Esse concursos de auditor fiscal tá vindo com um TI nivel NASA, mas tu aprende solo.

vale mais a pena tu perder 2 aninhos estudando pra garantir essa grana do que tu passar 4 anos estudando TI e virar escravo de iniciativa privada achando q vai ganhar bem, se tu ja ta terminando teu nivel superior, termina ele pq só vai servir pra diploma mesmo.

posted about a year ago

yeah, but that's because i have only 2 arms to be able to setup more phones lol, so i cant expand more than this

posted about a year ago

Let me explain how I'm farming easily 2-4k month in this post, maybe it can help some broke people.

I recorded some ridiculous sound effects and distributed it on streaming platforms on Spotify
The songs are short, because you earn per play.
So I decided to use a cell phone at home (I used my mom old phone) to play my own songs 24 hours a day.
As a cell phone cost about 50 dollars a month, I entered eBay and bought several cell phones for 50 USD (cheapest ones) and assembled a piece of furniture, each drawer with a USB ruler and 6 cell phones, one family account per drawer.

I got already 24 cell phones, but as they were old, they kept breaking down. Plus Spotify found out from time to time and i had to recreate the accounts and stuff.

I'm not going to say that it's not a lot of work, cell phones crash, you have to unlock them twice a day and both the artist's and the listener's accounts have to be revenue periodically.

Some 2K invested generated 40k in less than a year.

Best investment I ever made, I say, my brothers.

posted about a year ago

I got it, I always played using only default or minima skins, this bundle is nice. It's for some niche people not for everyone.
I always wanted something like default but not default.

posted about a year ago

It's a delicate situation, but I think if he quit It can makes his wife to feel bad (?)
I think during LOCK IN she didn't tell him that she was sick to not to affect his performance, but it's too complicated tbh.

posted about a year ago

Not happening.
It would be -sacy +marved, or -pancada +marved
maybe even -tenz +marved

but they're not removing dephh mid season.

posted about a year ago

Honestly, IGL is kinda useless role when they have such coaching/analyst staff.

All dephh need to do is to do mid-round calls, and he seems to fail at it.

SEN has one of best analyst in their staff, they study really hard their enemies, it just show how useless dephh is to make decisions.

FNS is good because he can make use of analyst staff really well to make decisions during mid rounds.

posted about a year ago

He always looks for the most difficult way to play, it looks like a ranked player trying to make plays for TikTok, I think that nowadays the only way he can get dopamine in his brain is by doing impossible things, that's why he go for it.

posted about a year ago

he always misses easy shots, he sucks compared to dgzin.

posted about a year ago


You're a clown.

Zekken underpormed? GG Fnatic
Tenz underperformed? GG NRG.

With dephh on team makes NO ROOM for any player to have a bad day, because they would play 3v5. as I said before, playing with dephh = 4v5.

Next day could be pAncada, Sacy.

posted about a year ago

shahz got fucked because he got compared to all other initiator main and IGL main

Trent better
Crashies better
Sacy better

IGL? FNS better
Hazed better

and do not forget that zombs underperformed all matches too. But shahz is a MID IGL, MID firepower, way better than dephh tbh. He just don't excel at any area compared to others.

posted about a year ago

That's how optic stayed top 1-2 NA for long time

Because they can adapt fast to any meta while other cannot

They would do anything to win

posted about a year ago

It is not about them adapting, but show how fast NRG (FNS) can adapt new things, that's why they're good in this game.

Played bad one week? Change it all and still perform great.

A great team is when players can adapt fast, that what made NRG strong.

LOUD still won playing so bad with chamber because they're too stacked year ago, literally 5 peak players, even their IGL.

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

SEN got fucked when get got depph to "train" him as IGL, making them lost months of practice, now it is too late to replace him since it would fuck even more the team overall.
they would replace either pancada or sacy, maybe tenz. over dephh for now.

I said it months ago that it is waste of time to train someone this old to be a IGL when he cannot perform well not IGL, and not even AIM.

At this age he should be a IGL itself, SEN just waste too much energy and months of practice investing in someone with no future at all.
such bad decision from sykko.

not sure why they didn't keep ayrin instead dephh, but ayrin accepted GE offer too fast.

posted about a year ago

I tell facts.

I told this shit months ago

If ANY sentinels player underperform = they won't win.

they already has to carry a bad igl and bad aim player all matches.

see what happened against FNATIC.
Zekken underperformed. What happened? GG fnatic.
Now, Tenz underperformed. What happened? GG NRG.

Playing with dephh makes no room to any player underperform otherwise they're not able to win at all. cause 3v5 won't win shit.

Keep in mind that LAST 20 GAMES from dephh he had ONE GAME with 1.01 KDA. 19 games he underperformed with less than 1.0KDA, about 0.70 average.

Also remember that because of him they had to switch roles with pAncada and dephh since he could not IGL "well" during attack as Sentinel, but he forget that he sucks IGL either way.

What happened when you buff 20% a 0.70 KDA player by making him play his comfortable role? become 0.84 KDA, what does it mean? STILL SUCKS.


Better to buff pAncada or Sacy, and not making their best players into new role just because they can perform 1.0 KDA every match.

posted about a year ago

That's the issue.
If one player of them underperform = gg cause 3v7.

pancada cannot underperform
sacy cannot underperform
tenz cannot underperform
zekken cannot underperfom

if ANY player underperform = gg because dephh already underperform every match.

I said this shit months ago. during that mickey mouse tournament after zekken underperformed it just showed how weak SEN is if any player underperform.

with dephh playing this bad every single game, makes the entire team not able to underperform ANY day, otherwise they're fucked, it is just too much pressure to deal.

posted about a year ago

dephh is current no brain, no aim.

They're keeping him because he is great at "moral" IGL how can support players mental during match, but this guy is useless besides that.

31 years old, no growth potential, his brain is already developed enough (brains develop up to 30 years) and this guy still sucks, just kick him.

even a mid player how can IGL and perform mid with 1.0KDA would be way better than this guy.

posted about a year ago

You guys start the game already 4v5 of some player underperform (today was Tenz) = 3v5 = stomp gg.

Kick this useless IGL and find at least a MID player that would be way better than this guy.

posted about a year ago

No time to change IGL mid season, gg already.

posted about a year ago

I said that, at least they would have 3 players playing their comfy roles, just depph being suck as being suck, no change at all.

posted about a year ago

No food, just water without fluorine.

posted about a year ago

Sacy IGL, as Initiator.
Marved controller
Zekken whatever he wants
Tenz whatever he wants
pAncada sentinel

Maybe IGL issue? Yes.
But at least they have firepower to play like FURIA.

posted about a year ago

ez fix too.
but sykko would not drop dephh...

sykko would drop Tenz for marved, but not dephh.

posted about a year ago

maybe, but the issue is to find a new IGL during mid season, as I said, this fix would work since do not need to buy a new player.

and they need a IGL sentinel or flex

posted about a year ago

For sure, but I think zekken as duelist would be better.
Sacy back to initiator so he can play as his peak
Depph can be a turret or something else, just existing.
Marved as controller, his comfy role
pAncada fill as sentinel

If they drop depph, they need a IGL how can play sentinel and there's none at market right now. (don't say dasnerth or babyJ please)

posted about a year ago

He has always been inconsistent, the problem is that zekken can play as an entry duelist without any problem, making him being useless and with marved they would have more options since Sacy would return to initiator.
Sacy would play good as initiator
Marved is expected to play good as controller too

They cannot replace dephh with marved since they have no IGL.

but if they bench Tenz, everyone would play their comfy roles again, just not dephh.

posted about a year ago

whatever is left, at least he would suck at being suck, no change at all.
playing comfortable role = he suck
playing uncomfy role = he suck.

no change at all.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Zekken duelist.
Sacy initiator
Dephh IGL (even if he sucks)
Marved controller
pAncada sentinel

Ez fix, no need to spent more money on new players

posted about a year ago

pAncada is understandable since he just got new role, but Tenz is not doing anything well with his Jett, even Zekken is able to do first blood better with Skye

posted about a year ago

ty, my IQ is about 200.

posted about a year ago

SEN need marved.

posted about a year ago

Either into depph or Tenz = Ez for SEN.

Tenz is inconsistent while marved is consistent and will give this team more options.

posted about a year ago

Marved into Tenz or Deph = GG.

posted about a year ago

Not happening since SA is really passionate over FPS.

posted about a year ago
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