Flag: Australia
Registered: February 28, 2023
Last post: April 22, 2023 at 5:46 AM
Posts: 237
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ovh is more recommended but i used contabo.
just try to find a niche, stalk some "relaxing" "raining" or something that stream for 24h, see comments and what people prefer, etc.
after you find a niche just keep doing ur 24h, try to upload some video 2h for study, 4h for study, 8h for study, pomodoro, etc titles like that, see what people are watchin etc. just do Ctrl C + Ctrl V for your genre.

is not that hard, and you can earn some money at automatic mode, especially if u find a new fetiche (niche) from people.

all you need is a sound that keep repeating + a great image at background (gif or small video sometimes) gg

posted about a year ago

best way is to buy a host and create a channel for "relaxing ASMR" 24h live
gg. ez money with literally 0 work.
after u earn more money keep creating new livestreams, no secret.

posted about a year ago

então, eu comecei no dropshippinh e já utilizava tiktok e outras plataformas pra viralizar de forma orgânica sacas? eu faturava uns 20k-40k, ent eu já manjava de fazer copy e viralizar videos de vendas nessas plataformas, mas eu n ganhava mto lucro líquido sacas? faturava isso tudo mas só ganhava uns 3k-6k no bolso pra gastar dai como tava sobrando tempo e queria ganhar algo extra, como eu jogava valorant eu pensei em começar a vender esses serviços pra gringo e viralizar eles nessas plataformas fora que dolar tá com valor alto como tb fazia isso pra outros gringos no dropshipping tb

é só tu estudar os videos que viralizam no tiktok, saber escolher musicas (principalmente musicas menos 1 semana de criação pq ajuda a viralizar) ve como os videos que bombam fazem os hook para captar a galera nos videos e segurar eles no video, etc.
qdo tu aprende essas paradas tu começa a tentar ajudar alguns streamers pequenos do NA e dando ideias e tal do que tu tá vendo sacas?
eu comecei ganhar bem mais pq eu ajudei uma guria do NA a viralizar ela pegava uns 15-20 views dps q bombei o tiktok dela agr ela pega uns 200-500 views nas live dela e ela até hj pede pra eu editar videos do tiktok e yt shorts, só n faço montage pq n edito nesse tipo fora que eu iria perder mto tempo.

resumo: aprende a fazer algo e vende serviço pra gringo, escolhe uma habilidade e fica bom nela, seja em edição ou sla.
além de editar videos como eu já sabia viralizar no tiktok eu juntei os 2 dai deu super certo em vender esses serviços para streamers
foi isso.
n recomendo tu vender isso para BR pq tu n vai ganhar basicamente nada... já que até os streamers do BR tão na crise, só vende isso pra gringo mesmo pq lá é valorizado esse tipo de serviço, no BR não.
mas tem q saber inglês bem principalmente pra conseguir editar umas paradas de controversas pq ajuda demais a viralizar, saber fazer uns hook com duplo sentido e etc.
mas n tem segredo, em 1-2 meses se tu se dedicar nessa área n tem como tu ficar sem grana.

posted about a year ago

ent maninho, acho que a melhor forma é tu virar editor de video tanto pra tiktok quanto yt, eu tirava uns 2k dol fazendo isso e aprendi em tipo 2 meses.

se tu souber inglês tu vende serviço pra gringo facinho e eles sempre estão precisando de alguem pra isso, fora q se tu manjar de viralizar videos nessas plataformas tu consegue mais tb.

posted about a year ago

sad lol.
but open relationship still not that much acceptable on our society bro.
and not sure if he will be able to recover because some countries you cannot enter with criminal record like Japan.
we know that Riot is going to at least 1-2 years host events in Japan, but he would not be able to enter in Japan anymore.
basically tier 1 career is kinda over....

posted about a year ago

but she is treating it like he did something "unbelievable" and even going after his career and we know that he didn't.
not sure why she exposed all these things for nothing, she is basically just trying to get out from this relationship as innocent.

one thing would be if sick had 234987203894 affair, so maybe she could expose him or something
but even she said that he didn't cheated, just tried to make her angry (breaking rules)... and see? now she is trying to even fuck his career for "making her angry" and to try to want to end someone's career for something so silly is inexplicable sincerely.
honestly, just show how ungrateful people are at all.

posted about a year ago

until today sick never explained anything, only his gf.
she got mad and exposed all his relationship for "nothing" because based on morals about our society he didn't cheated at all, she make a fuss over nothing with all her tweets trying to implying that he might have cheated
honestly, all I can see is that she is trying to manipulative at high levels because even now she is trying to get out from this mess with no fault

she says she can destroy his career and even now she is trying to do so by saying a lot shit (said and deleted)
I just consider it funny, since the guy banked her, and only because the relationship ended she even wants to take his career by private stuffs, such braindead thing to do so.

im not sure if sick will be able to find a new job in e-sports because we know that this scene is really harsh on pro player psychological and someone with a past like that is difficult to a coach (for example) to be too tough.

hardly will be able to recover from such damage, and even know she is making fun to not bail him out.. so if he stays like 180 days, basically his career is over in this year + next year too.

posted about a year ago

these flicks from Tenz is more ''expect'' (conscious.flick) it is naturally.
smth flicks besides expect (unconscious). flick, he does a lot unexpected flicks
see this video.

smth is way better flicking, you can just watch this video entirely, no one is closer of his level i think.

posted about a year ago

Stop talking about this.
Remember that: LOUD >>>> DRX

Americas 4 slots, gg.

posted about a year ago

watch his stream 1 month ago, he is the same, just more talkative, his personality is the same.

posted about a year ago
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