Flag: Australia
Registered: February 28, 2023
Last post: April 22, 2023 at 5:46 AM
Posts: 237
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I think she is a viewer from his twitch I think

posted about a year ago

bro, hanpipe literally has a lot woman who even donate a lot for him and a lot pretty girl simp hard for him in real life, just.. wtf?

she seems to be a view from his twitch i guess.

posted about a year ago

fr, bro got fucked.

posted about a year ago

Hanpipe my bro did that thing? WTF LOL
Played a lot with him in JP server
South America genes strong as ever, ngl.

No fucking way
goodbye e-sports job forever.

posted about a year ago

Japan for example doesn't accept.
Sick, ntk
They will never be able to play in Japan I guess.

And Riot seems to want to host more events in Japan.. so they're fucked.

posted about a year ago

they keep banning unique vlr users, if they continue yes.


posted about a year ago

ntk has a his side of history too, but nothing but nothing justifies what he did and he already paid for this.

pancc pretty much got baited, and age consent in BR is 14, I think there was a difference of 4 years in the relationship.
girl 16 he 20, so there was no crime but it was immoral.
and the girl didn't stop flirting with him, suddenly at one day she felt remorse and exposed him.

posted about a year ago

bro, ntk thing was from 2015.
almost 8 years after and people still think he is the same person wtf.

pancc is about 2-3 years too.

let these guys live.
all does shit things at around 18-19 years old.

posted about a year ago

Unban him.

posted about a year ago

I have almost same sens as you, if you go to some speed cordura pads like MPC450 or Glasspads or even some Speed pads (cloth) you'll see how much you'll become at micro adjusts and target switching, but takes a time to get used to.

posted about a year ago

i've been into some japanese show bands in Japan, their crowd is not what you're telling, not sure if in e-sports is different.

posted about a year ago


High sensi = You need to have a great mousepad to be able to do 'micro' adjusts, so speed is great but you need low friction pad.
Low sensi = It doesn't really matter, some low sensi people prefer speed pads, other control. You do not need to have low friction pad since you do not do tiny micro adjusts with your mouse. Go with Cordura pads if you live places with high humidity.
I tend to prefer speed pads over all.

posted about a year ago

No V-card = Hoe.
We do not value hoes.
Learn Life.

posted about a year ago

"Woman are so perfect, that is impossible to love only one... Happy woman's day!"

A.K.A "FNX" who cheated his Girlfriend.


posted about a year ago

Tax auditor is worse, hard as fuck.

posted about a year ago

My dad wants me to be a pimp.

posted about a year ago

I saw a few with 4 stars with about 100-150 posts, all things they said has downvoted every single time. I think if you create a new account it seems to be more easy to farm stars now, people with accounts from 2021-mid 2022 needed about 250-350

posted about a year ago

nivel das franquias do NA e do BR estão no mesmo nível, a única diferença é coach diff e disciplina.

posted about a year ago

"intentionally" but nobody would know.
nobody need to say this too, just "hey teammate, look at these rules"
"do you learned what i learned?"
teammate: "yes"

and they do it.

posted about a year ago

pAncada said they had some role issue, and now dephh seems to be playing a lot kayo (tenz used to play), I think depph is back to "flex" as he did at XSET, now he doesn't need to play astra since they have pAncada.
It depends of performance by Tenz or Zekken, but since dephh is playing flex seems like they're going to play only with ONE duelist now.
Not sure what role tenz or zekken would switch to, and pAncada is grinding sentinel role too.

maybe even dephh would play smoke (astra) as he did at XSET, idk.
but if they still fail, so high likely marved to fit.

posted about a year ago

Pretty sure he will fill at SEN at some point, maybe zekken or tenz gonna leave.

he can easily be friend with pAncada

posted about a year ago

passa o zap pro mano trembolona po.

posted about a year ago

Só queria saber se o TrembolonaRage ganhou o zap da Julia que ele pediu esses dias no thread dela.

posted about a year ago

it's about his past at XSET too, even at XSET he had few matches with a positive KDA even when he didn't IGL 100%.
So I guess he has no AIM potential at all, because even when he didn't IGL he could not frag.

You can check XSET match history, almost all matches he downfragged as -5, -10, -12.
Few matches with KDA 1.0, like, 3 matches.
Even when he wasn't IGL he could not frag.. now as IGL it would be way more worse.

posted about a year ago

I think is better to pick a MID IGL because growth potential, dephh has no potential anymore.
he is mid player? yes, but if I need to bet on some mid player i'd prefer someone with growth potential.

posted about a year ago

thanks deph alt.
hope you to perform like a god and carry SEN, im not hating just said facts but i still believe in SEN somehow.

posted about a year ago

Monster, Another, Hellsing, Togainu no Chi, Phantom for phantom, Rainbow, ENFEN LIED (<3), Major, Beck, K-ON.. Many others.


posted about a year ago

bc in portuguese he always said that he hated to play sentinel, it makes 0 sense for him to sudden grind as sentinel.
and during interviews he said that in SEN they're still trying to figure out which roles they should play, maybe dephh would return to flex as he did in XSET and pAncada to sentinel.

posted about a year ago

they`re not dropping depph for sure... maybe zekken would be moving to smoke or marved will playing smoke.

or even tenz would be moved to 6th player after kyedae health.

posted about a year ago

nah, recently pancada on podcast said that even now they're still trying to figure out what they can use or play, i think dephh would return to be a flex player as he did in XSET.
pancada seems to be moving to sentinel
now they just got marved, so it makes it even more sus.
pancada basically told indirectly that is wasn't deph fault, so they're not dropping him
the problem is between tenz and zekken, maybe one of them will be removed ig
i guess zekken since dephh would be playing his role, or maybe zekken would move to smoke but it makes 0 sense since they just got marved who can play smokes too.

posted about a year ago

he didnt lol.

posted about a year ago

hope so

posted about a year ago

tenz or zekken.

but seems like nobody from SEN is training smokes, zekken played a bit but makes 0 sense to switch zekken to smokes (when they just got marved and pancada) pancada sentinel, deph flex.

i think tenz would step down since sykko said that they don't need them, so zekken main duelist, dephh flex, marved smokes, pancada sentinel, sacy initiator.

posted about a year ago

pancada is not training smokes anymore.
dephh is playing only initiator too. (not sentinel anymore)

so who would play smokes? or zekken switched to smoke or someone will be kicked for marved.
seems like tenz or zekken will step down.

one duelist tenz or zekken (pick one)
sacy initiator.
dephh flex (back to flex, cause he sucked at sentinel)
pancada sentinel
marved smoke (or maybe zekken or tenz would play smoke but high unlikely when they have marved and pancada)

posted about a year ago

lmaoooooooo i saw it, but nobody from SEN is playing smokes, maybe Tenz or zekken could go smokes but why they would play smokes when SEN just got marved.

posted about a year ago

pAncada playing only sentinel for now.
Marved joining SEN

= BYE dephhh
(joke aside, seems like zekken will be kicked and they're making a switch to dephh flex, pancada sentinel, marved smokes)

posted about a year ago

Darmoshark m3

Best mouse right now. Same shape as Air58 (Ninja). A.K.A Darmoshark m3.

Best sensor, best price, best all, click latency is great too.

posted about a year ago

Marved and pAncada is at same level, and as SEN coach told once, pancada seems to be smurfing at everything scrim game, so they're not changing him.

posted about a year ago

bro, if you check dephh last 20 MATCHES, only 2 matches he could be positive with 1.04 KDA (one kill more than deaths) EVEN at XSET when Ayrin did 50% IGL, he still could not perform well.
even when he didn't 100% IGL at XSET because Ayrin did IGL with him...
also his aim seems to be worse than any other IGL
he is also 31 years old, why sykko is teaching a grow up man to how to be a IGL? while he could teach these things to someone else
its just waste of resources bro.
training someone how cannot achieve aim potential, igl potential...
is basically lost of time.

posted about a year ago


vanity is mid, but mid igl + mid firepower >>> bad igl + bad firepower (besides, dephh has no growth potential 31 years old)
vanity way better to bet.

posted about a year ago

he has no growth potential.
dephh is 31 years old.
no aim, no growth potential.
sykko is training him to a IGL since he didn't 100% IGL at XSET. (he did 50%)
no GOD IGL potential, like Saad, Boaster, FNS.
Saad could create weird team comp (see Furia x Fnatic, see what Saadhak did .. he created FURIA comp, furia basically stole from them at training)
See Boaster half shield strategy.
FNS mid round god
See all these IGL excel at SOME AREA, dephh excel in NOTHING.

waste of resources + time
they could train any other mid IGL and would be way better than dephh.

he is nothing but a paycheck stealer using his friendship, i'd be ashamed to be him.

posted about a year ago

its more about because dephh has no growth potential compared to others... he still being trained to be a IGL by sykko since he wasn't main IGL he did 50% IGL with ayrin.

it's just waste of resources to train someone with no growth potential, no aim potential.

posted about a year ago

exactly, all other IGL are IQ gods.
See saaadhak (Furia comp vs Fnatic was made by him and furia copied)
Boaster half shield strategy, etc.
FNS mid round calls

all IGL who don't excel at AIM are really good at strategies, but dephh doesn't excel in anything... not IGL god.
Not AIM god (like King or others)

and sykko still training him to be a good igl, its just waste of resources and time, since they could train any other IGL with high firepower than him.

so it's basically sykko who don't want to drop him. they're basically killing a team by a friendship.

posted about a year ago

not happening in mid season, could have happened 1 month ago....

sykko is basically training dephh to be a good IGL, not sure why they picked him if they still need to train him to be a IGL.. ayrin would be 100% better than dephh right now, and dephh did 50% igl during his peak era.

somehow they choose a ''half'' IGL + worse aim igl ever, dephh doesn't excel in ANYTHING, bad aim, bad igl.

way better to pick a IGL how can excel at something or at least mid at aim + mid at igl. because now dephh is downgrade at all roles.

ayrin way better and could play sentinel properly.

posted about a year ago

not happening in mid season, could have happened 1 month ago....

sykko is basically training dephh to be a good IGL, not sure why they picked him if they still need to train him to be a IGL.. ayrin would be 100% better than dephh right now, and dephh did 50% igl during his peak era.

somehow they choose a ''half'' IGL + worse aim igl ever, dephh doesn't excel in ANYTHING, bad aim, bad igl.

way better to pick a IGL how can excel at something or at least mid at aim + mid at igl. because now dephh is downgrade at all roles.

posted about a year ago

can't u read? is because MONEY.

marvedd = expensive when he was under contract by optic, nobody wanted to buy him.
SEN closed with pAncada + sacy, way cheaper.
C9 is broken after Yay.
NRG could not even afford yay because crashies + victor = less than yay cost
100t do not needed him

he just could not find a good T1 team to play, so is better to be Content creator.

posted about a year ago

sacy isn't igl, he is exec initiator + second shot caller.

most teams has a player who coordinate execs during mid round.

posted about a year ago

you're so silly my bro
seems like you're valued her too much that could not even imagine that she wasn't a ''innocent'' person bc all stuffs she is doing with her current bf she probably never did with you.

you're comparing with her new BF and found out that her current bf is receiving more than you received

bro, if she still being friend with you (her ex) you're so silly to think for thinking highly of her, if she is friends with an ex boyfriend, basically that's what will happen when you date her, she will have several options, and will never give enough value since if you break up because she can easily find a replacement since she has options.

posted about a year ago

bro you're her second option and you still think she is worth of you? wtf.
value yourself brother

posted about a year ago

go back with her and put her on OF, grab 50% profit, learn how to market her, ez money my bro.
hoes do not deserve you.

posted about a year ago
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