Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 7, 2021
Last post: November 23, 2024 at 7:58 PM
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Nah I think Masters 3 wasn't. NV (Optic) team was dominant for the entire 2022 and ex-Gambit players played pretty well in EMEA VCT and did a nice performance in this lock in (waiting for chronicle, tho).

posted about a year ago

...we can say ACEND major was a fluke, right?

None of them had a great performance after that except Cned. Where is Kiles, btw?

Gambit was unluko on that day =(

posted about a year ago

U really chinese?

posted about a year ago

bcz of those type of people here.

posted about a year ago

Sinceramente? Só vou torcer pra time NA se for pra Sentinels por conta de Sacy e Pancada.
Vai ser bom pras Américas se a 100t vencer? Vai, mas minha torcida não muda em nada o resultado. Não vou torcer pra time sem BR nenhum não. Pra depois chegar idiota desmerecendo BR e Latam aqui? Nem fodendo.

posted about a year ago

Why i can't block Sheahhhh anymore?

posted about a year ago

Why you so sensitive about that, brother?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Fluke elimination

posted about a year ago

Coz people were hyping them to the skies. Same as skrossi

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Alot of Second Callers grow as IGL in FPS

posted about a year ago

edg good

posted about a year ago

It worked

posted about a year ago

You mean spray transfer or flicks?

posted about a year ago

Ayrin as flex
Skrossi as duelist
T3xture sentinel anchoring the site with OPerator

posted about a year ago

Lev 13-2, 13-3 Vitality

posted about a year ago

Actually monyet, t3xture, skrossi and twisten are good, but as team both of them suck

posted about a year ago

Nah Split rules. Their comp sucks, tho

posted about a year ago

4 Duelists (3 have little to no time to learn another roles compared to Vitality players) + Ayrin taking a map from the ALLMIGHTY EMEA + major winner bonecold (carried by zeek and cned, tho)

I Bet they will improve throughout Pacific Split.


posted about a year ago

ugliest valortant ever

posted about a year ago

Why don't they just execute with coordinated utility? They throw one by one randomly

This team gonna sit 8th~10th in EMEA i'm not joking

posted about a year ago

I don't think this argument is fair since S1mple didn't tried to be pro at valorant. Guy was just playing casually. YaY played CSGO professionally (played a major).

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Por isso que eu acho a pergunta da grana pra ir jogar no NA/Europa bem pertinente.

Se eles conseguirem pegar um ritmo de jogo legal, talvez dê pra se adaptar.

posted about a year ago

Blz que eles tão pegando os tier S agora, mas o meta ainda pode mudar bastante até o Ascension.

posted about a year ago

A The Union tá com cara de que vai ganhar o VCT Brasil.
Eles tem grana pra meter um bootcamp no NA/Europa pra disputar o Ascension?
Vocês acham que eles tem capacidade pra bater numa The Guard ou G2?

posted about a year ago

Fuck the school, brother. Its just one day

posted about a year ago

Isn't Pati a flex player? I remember him playing Sage in an Ascent

I thought he would subs foxz after his recovery

posted about a year ago

6 duelists in the game. They have to equalize the numbers

posted about a year ago

I disagree on KOI and Heretics being in the same level as BBL and FUT

Mine would be that
S - NaVi, Fnatic, Liquid
A - Giants, VIT
B - KOI, Heretics, KC

posted about a year ago

This camera is from a vlog that he does of his narrations. This wasn't streaming on the screens.

posted about a year ago

As I said: We on vlr who love the competition as a whole more than a particular team are the minority of the fanbase.

I bet all of them went to the streets to party at carnival. I can't blame them since I didn't watch yesterday games bcz of that.

About Japanese people: Learning English is becoming strong in their culture. Unfortunately our education system don't focus on improving our English.

posted about a year ago

Ok. Thanks for the bump

posted about a year ago

Firstable, there is something that we have to Accept: Majority of people just want to support their teams and only them. We on vlr who love the competition as a whole more than a particular team are the minority of the fanbase. I bought my ticket to final in December and I still think the final will be DRX x NaVi.

Why not every match is full of people: Not all the teams/players have a good relationship with us coz the lack of proximity. We saw people watching C9 x Paper Rex bcz we like yay, Zellsis, f0rsaken, benkai and jingg. Majority of us don't speak English, so people don't/won't watch VCL/Franchise from other places. That's why I think it's important the option of watching VCL/Franchise from other regions in a PT-BR Streaming.

Another thing that people seems to have a hard time to understand here is how difficult is to go to Brazil to watch your team as a foreigner.
Brazil is quite far from NA, EU and Asia. So the travel is long and expensive
The majority of us don't speak english, so people think it is difficult to communicate and to get by here.
We aren't like NA, Japan or Korea which are full of immigrants to support teams from all over the world nor EU which have a well structured railway system for French people go to Germany to support Karmine Corp in a match, for exemple.

Its way harder to full the stadium without things like that.

If you still mad about the empty crowd in your team's matches: be our guest and come to brazil to watch it. I don't know, do a topic here and plan a group travel to watch it here.

posted about a year ago

Se tu for analisar a partida da MIBR tu vai ver que eles melhoraram taticamente, só que coisas bobas como ESPERAR DRONE ou ficar dando a cara em um 5v4 ainda fazem com que eles percam rounds. Inclusive esse tipo de coisa que fez a Fúria perder pra DRX naquela Ascent do champions.

posted about a year ago

Eu acho que o FNS seria melhor de Coach do que IGL em um time br

posted about a year ago

Acho que ele ele quis dizer sobre a nossa frustração em relação aos haters

posted about a year ago

It's quite hard to think on another language under stress

posted about a year ago

Tem como alguém me explicar o que tá acontecendo? Eu passei o dia todo fora ontem e não consegui assistir o jogo da LOUD.

Btw, bela declaração de amor ao Brasil e seu povo. Contra tudo e contra todos

posted about a year ago

O que aconteceu ontem? Eu fui pular carnaval e nem vi o jogo da LOUD.
Só vi a VOD da Split até agora.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

She said they won't harm Shaggy coz they like each other. It's only banter

posted about a year ago

Aimwise: maybe
Decisions: nah

posted about a year ago

You already wanted that

posted about a year ago

Just banter, bro.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

She trashtalking the KC fan KKKKKKKKKKKK

posted about a year ago

this girl is insane. Her throat must be numb 24/7

posted about a year ago
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