It's impressive, that even with the passage of time, this thread never gets old. Instead, it just keeps making more sense everyday:
Vocês são tão covardes que nunca teriam coragem de falar na vida real na cara de um brasileiro.
Nunca serão homens suficientes nem mesmo pra isso.
Se escondem na internet e espalham seus preconceitos e suas ofensas para pessoas que nunca os desrespeitaram.
Vocês são a escória da huminade!
Agora traduz isso e vai tomar no seu cu!
-Supernova O Rei do Valorant
Hello Soraol,
The phrase "you'd think the crowd stoned FNS to death xd" is meant to imply that people online are treating the crowd's reaction like some horrendous act of violence. In other words, they are overreacting to some simple boo-ing that is being blown out of proportion as if it was something much more hateful.
This has been your english lesson for today, please check your notes before commenting again.