Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 7, 2021
Last post: November 23, 2024 at 7:58 PM
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Litteraly all the masters/champions winners that came from CSGO?

posted about a year ago

She destroying her lungs and throat ngl

posted about a year ago

Isn't RGL Magrão (scrawny)?

posted about a year ago

Played pretty well.

They should fight for 2nd~3rd place in Pacific (coz DRX gonna win it)

posted about a year ago

Eu diria maluquice

posted about a year ago

I hope he gets a chance in Gen.G or T1 in a near future

posted about a year ago

Soon soon or soon later?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Meteor >>>>>>>>>>>

posted about a year ago

Aren't FOKUS and MOUZ good?

posted about a year ago

It's sad to see people play only 1 match and go home...

They played decently and will get stronger thru the year. Good luck in EMEA franchise

posted about a year ago

Acho que empolguei muito pq sou fã dela. Desculpe kkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Eu havia dito que Bizinha seria melhor que a Isaa nesse time, mas depois de ver a Isaa adulta cheia das rataria no lurk eu retiro o que eu disse. A Bizinha traria um desafogo absurdo pra Daiki na questão de dividir a função de IGL como second caller e tal, mas parece que as coisas tão funcionando. Com Joojina, Isa e Bizerra dá pra ela focar na função de IGL sem precisar matar 20+ bonecos por mapa.

Apesar de não ter matado muito no primeiro mapa, a Bizerra é de longe a melhor player do Brasil hoje. Como eu amo o playstyle dessa menina. Tá sempre dando suporte pras teammates (16 assists nesse mapa), mas consegue converter individualmente quando necessário (só olhar o histórico dela nesse e no torneio passado). Nosso cenário tem que reconhecer mais as habilidades dela.

NT pra kralho pra Jelly tbm. Tá dando muita bala tem tempo.

posted about a year ago

We are very friendly with everyone who treat us well

posted about a year ago

mesmo sabendo que era errado, eu ri

posted about a year ago

Ei trembolona, o mw tá fazendo stream ao mesmo tempo do challengers. Pela sua lógica ele não estaria sendo desrespeitoso como o Aspas foi?

posted about a year ago

Zekken > Chronicle (Zekken has way better experience and skill on flex)

My eyes are bleeding

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

You are a good person, my friend.
I know it's good for you as a person to stay informed. But those types of things in excess fuck your mental badly. Take a break from the news, brother.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ele ficou popular por vazar info de lines, mas ainda assim tem muito idiota que acha as opiniões dele relevantes. Só tu ver como a galera cai nesse papinho de que Derke é bagre.

O cara é só um clubista que dá overhype em brasileiro e acha que os gringos são inferiores.

Antes de alguém meter hurr durr vira lata: Eu não acho que ninguém é melhor ou pior pela nacionalidade. Tem jogadores bons, médios e ruins em qualquer lugar. Dgzin é sim um ótimo awper, mas melhor do mundo? Porra, YaY é profissional de Street Fighter?


He became popular by leaking lines, but still has a lot of idiots who think his opinions are relevant. You can see how his followers fall into his shit opinions like "Derke is weak".

The guy is just a biased-ass kid who overhypes Brazilians and thinks that gringos are inferior.

Before anyone starts with hurr durr mongrel complex: I don't think anyone is better or worse by nationality. There are good, average and bad players everywhere. Dgzin is a great awper indeed, but best in the world? Damn, is YaY a Street Fighter pro?

posted about a year ago

this topic should be fixed

posted about a year ago

Aspas, Pancada, MW, Sacy e Heat são top 5 br.
Eu tô torcendo MUITO pra MIBR e FURIA se acertarem como times e que MW e Heat possam finalmente mostrar pro mundo o 100% deles.

posted about a year ago

Mas o Shion acabou com a série. O que ele tá fazendo de lurk é brincadeira

posted about a year ago

eu vi kkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

I like them when they aren't biased hyping NA teams for no reason and undervalue another region teams.
That Bren guy always says some weak team will win by a lucky shot against strong non-NA teams.

posted about a year ago

Look at #15

posted about a year ago

Por favor DEUS permita que a Fúria jogue com sabedoria e não entregue mapas ganhos.

posted about a year ago

Look at his stats in champions. He is cracked, but it's impossible to win everything alone. YaY couldn't win against LOUD alone in Champions.
The ranking is about individual power in that tournament, considering who they gonna play against. look at #15

posted about a year ago

But mako has never won anything (i'm using your logic)

posted about a year ago

So Cryo and mako should not be in top 10?

posted about a year ago

4sure ronaldinho gaucho was in a rolê aleatório and stole his girl's coochie

posted about a year ago

I agree they really shouldn't do yay like that, but 2 wrongs don't make a right. I think Derke as 2nd (maybe 3rd coz cryo) and yay as 4th is fair.

As Jett: Derke is slightly better than Yay (btw, YaY didn't play Jett more than 3 times since the Chamber meta started)
As Chamber: Yay is by far the best player who ever touched the game
As Raze: YaY never touched the agent

I think Yay loses ALOT without his chamber, but lets see. Btw, DRX is favorite to win C9 and Fnatic is favorite to win SEN.

posted about a year ago

Btw he lied about qck stomping him

qck killed him 7 times against 9 deaths

posted about a year ago

I saw Noyn and his followers (I know...) calling him overrated bcz he was placed 2nd in plat chat (I know...) individual rankings in this Lock-In

But look at his stats in Denmark and Turkey
Champions turkey: 1st in ADR, 2nd in KPR, 2nd in KD, 3rd in ACS, 5th in Rating, 6th in HS% and 10th in First Kills

Masters Copenhagen: Not as good as in Champions, but 1st in first kills

Why people still calling this guy overrated?

posted about a year ago

Só a bizinha tem nível dessas 5 da Liquid.

Não tem como ganhar sozinha.

posted about a year ago

C9 fans come here. Idk who wins, tho. I just want to fuck around one of you (PRX fan or C9 fans)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

4 weeks tournament (+1 week comparing to this one)

Swiss, like CSGO Major

(13/02 to 19/02)
Alpha Group - 16 teams
3 wins - next phase
3 losses - eliminated
Bo1 in 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, 1-1 matches
Bo3 in 2-1, 1-2, 2-2 matches

(20/02 to 26/02)
Omega Group - 16 Teams
3 wins - next phase
3 losses - eliminated
Bo1 in 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, 1-1 matches
Bo3 in 2-1, 1-2, 2-2 matches

(27/02 to 05/03)
Gigachad Group - 16 Teams (8 for Alpha and 8 for Omega)
3 wins - knockout stage
3 losses - eliminated
Bo1 in 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, 1-1 matches
Bo3 in 2-1, 1-2, 2-2 matches

(06/03 to 12/03)
Knockout Stage
Single Elimination Bo3
Grand Finals Bo5

Every team play at least 3 matches. Valo matches are way shorter than csgo matches.
Ez Major

posted about a year ago

China makes them money. It's inevitable

Btw probably EDG or FPX will win Ascension. So Pacific next year will be rich

posted about a year ago

Japan can be out in day 1, actually

posted about a year ago

Bruh, riot is billionaire. Wdym?
Brazil is cheap for dollar makers, btw

posted about a year ago

+1. Double elimination should be a must here

posted about a year ago

Less is the most lurker player in the server. Gets everyone from behind and doesn't play for other players.

posted about a year ago

they winning?

posted about a year ago

Bruh dollar is like 5x real (BR currency)

posted about a year ago
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