dont work, opera gx has a better adblock but still dont work on twitch too.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | July 2, 2024 at 3:39 PM |
Posts: | 752 |
dont work, opera gx has a better adblock but still dont work on twitch too.
Pra mim ele é head coach, o saadhak além de ser igl ele que faz os anti tatico como ele mesmo ja disse isso em uma entrevista, eles precisam urgentemente de um COACH de verdade, a melhor solução na minha visão é a LOUD esquecer o passado e pagar aquele careca da LEV e levar pro roster.
Ja perdemo irmão, LOUD virou um time BR qualquer que só consegue ganhar do JAPÃO, nem com bootcamp essa merda de região nossa consegue ganhar algo, quem passar de boom/zeta ganha da LOUD com 80% de chance, pra LOUD se reerguer precisam do careca da leviatan ou um coach que realmente seja decente com tatica e anti-tatica...
Eles não tem coach com tatica tipo o careca na LEV, bzka é bom como head coach e só, puta desperdicio de roster... olha a leviatan como ta jogando bem melhor, ganhariam facil da LOUD ou da OPTIC.
Everybody thought aspas was a cheater and in csgo a cheater starts to spin when hes using hack, so people started to say ''spin aspas'' because of that
Already grow on me after fourt time listening, actually good ngl, just like die for you when i listen to the first time.
They will not lose to ZETA or any other team in their group, with the bootcamp and revisional stuff they're one of the best contenders for the trophy this time, even playing bad and without time and bootcamp in copenhagen their performance was actually decent against optic and kru, i can se them going to playoffs without much difficult.
I mean playoffs starts 9th, theres no reason to be worried about the tickets, last masters riot gave tickets 1 month before and still didnt full all the crowd, i think turkey will sellout even if theres less time for tickets but lets see.
FURIA will go 2x0 this group FNC, DRX and 100T are not ready for what is coming.
And FLUXO is big org and has a lot of money they can pay onur way miles more than LEV.
Stop projecting on me and go do a diet or go to gym, weirdo.
And what exactly makes u think LEV is higher or better than LOUD? i think you're just dont like LOUD for no reason looks like you're just mad that LOUD fucked TL in iceland.
and? just because they had a bad tourney doesnt mean theyre lower than LEV, both teams got first seed and a directly spot in playoffs and LOUD did waaaay better than LEV.
Why the fuck is LOUD lower than LEV? LOUD literally reached finals winning against TL,G2 AND OPTIC... lev only won one series against xset last masters 💀
Brazil has good casters too, maybe because our casters actually play the game and some are actually radiants and know what is happening on screen and know when a good fucking play happen and hype the game even more, for me it feels like 80% of NA casters doesnt even have valorant installed or dont play at all
If FURIA win 6 rounds in champions its already a big achievement, hopefully they get better
TBK perdeu por causa dessa sage magrela na ascent, eles precisam de um kayo ou até mesmo uma skye pra ter info no mapa
This is over, they broke their curse against e-xolos, now theyre the 2 best BR team with LOUD, goodluck in champs KON4N GUERREIRO DO POVO BRASILEIRO!
Thank god in BR we have actually god casters for hype games, this shit looks like a golf game the casters dont even react to actual good plays they just comment 💀
I think its going to be way more hype idk
You know what i meant, stop trying to be different, just acknowledge the joke lil bro
We are not americans brother, only skinny nerds...
You guys are really not ready for what is going to happen 13th.....
Puta merda essa TBK deve ser o time com mais potencial e que mais choca em todos os camps, parece que os cara desaprende a jogar depois de 1 mapa bom.
He knows that FPX and him/his team doesnt have clout or a fanbase, so the best strat is to start shitposting on twitter or do some provocation, and to be honest hes doing pretty good job right now.
They are, but tbk is a team that always choke for some reason and we dont know why
Depois que eu vi ouvi do nyang na live do mch dizendo que no cf tu ja dava spawn com a arma eu soube que era full leiteiro a maioria dos cara que migraram de la pro valorant
FURIA 3 x 1 KRU, vai ser exatamente assim por conta do publico presente.
Koy deveria ser preso por colocar esse RHZ no time sinceramente
Nah they're pretty good, but every time a BR team plays against them they always choke and do stupid decisions mid game and KRU got so much lucky timings tho its insane
Surprise performance from TBK, that sage ress fucked their economy and probably custed the game too, unlucky.
RHZ is terrible, hes just on the team because the coach is his friend from past FPS game. such a joke.
If this LCQ was on LAN they would get fucked on even by sentinels 100%, i know theyre young but right now just a bunch of onliners.
Se a TBK ganhar isso eu tatuo a logo deles no meu braço
O pior é que eu acho que essa FURIA com o dg, qck e khalil daria um 2x0 secão na 9z, a NIP jogou muito mal mesmo essa série pprt, parecia que eles nem tatica tinham era só rush e mal uso de utilitaria.
Theres no finals in this format, only day 13 and 14 will have a crowd tho
Funniest FPX fan
the 24 fps and audio is getting me dizzy ngl holy its so scuffed, and the casters holy fuck, looks like a podcast
i went to epic store some days ago and bioshock 2 got a update or smth maybe a patch for the bug but i didnt bother to try the game again, that shit got me tilted as fuck with the fucking crashs, i lost almost 3 hours of progress because of this crash bullshit.
it is pretty good but I was playing the second one in the epic store and it was crashing every time after some time playing, then i stopped and didnt finished
Irmão eu não estou tentado diminuir os times BR, o que eu mais to querendo nesse LCQ de verdade mesmo é que KRU perca e que a TBK venha forte e ganhe deles de alguma forma, mas BR pipoca e erra demais em conceitos basicos de jogo e a KRU é um time que pune muito forte esses erros, ja ta manjado essa porra, a LOUD era o unico time que eu tinha certeza que ganhariam da KRU no primeiro encontro deles, mas né.... Se a KRU vier da mesma forma de antes e os times BR jogarem como sempre jogam eles pegam a vaga facil.
Quem disse eu torco pra eles irmão, não confunda eu achar eles os favoritos para ganharam com eu torcendo pra eles, o unico esquisito de la é o keznit e mesmo assim não torco pra eles, eles deram uma surra na NIP no LCQ do masters e a LOUD jogou mal mas eles tinham total chance de ganhar como qualquer time, ja cansei de defender time BR falando que ''jogaram mal aquele jogo'', cansei dessa porra toda vez a mesma merda de argumento, time BR tem é que tomar vergonha na cara e parar de jogar que nem uns medrosos cagoes
Ué irmão kkk você quer o que? os cara são literalmente melhores que qualquer time BR, eles ganharam simplesmente da porra da LOUD que tecnicamente é o melhor time que o brasil ja formou até hoje no cenário, não é ser cachorra e sim ser realista. Talvez com publico no dia 13 ou 14 eles podem sentir pressão da torcida, mas eles ainda continuariam melhores infelizmente, eu não vivo em um mundo de fantasia não parceiro.
Thats the point nowadays, nobody watches sentinels because they think they will gonna win something, they just watch now just to be entertained. To be honest its pretty hype to see them play, hope they do some damage this LCQ