Shao is not even the most know player in NAVI to be honest with you, i dont remember a singular time about someone calling him the ''best player in the world'' besides you right now.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | July 2, 2024 at 3:39 PM |
Posts: | 752 |
Shao is not even the most know player in NAVI to be honest with you, i dont remember a singular time about someone calling him the ''best player in the world'' besides you right now.
He is currently the world champion tf you mean by ''when''? he is one of the best players in the world (if not the best) since he won champions.
Aspas won 2x VCTBR without losing a singular series, reached a masters finals and won champions....
If LOUD wins LOCKIN is aspas the GOAT?
Hoje é sabado e LEV tem o NZR que já jogou aqui na furia, amanhã vai estar mais gente ainda na platéia por ser domingo com a furia.
mch is just a hater of the game, but he has some really good points about the scene sometimes.
You got all right, and boaster is a joke too, another fraud if its what you meant by ''fraud players dominating t1 scene''. you got all right baby.
He has to make people laugh? wtf? his job is not to make people fucking laugh, his job is to fucking play the game and try to be the best at it, hes not paid to be a comedian or a clown, i dont mind people trying to be sometimes ''funny'' for the content but doing that shit every single time is exaggerated and turns out to being more cringe than ''funny''.
Insane man, people calling a guy who didnt win shit and trying so hard to be funny and to get attention from the community ''iconic'', imagine if s1mple or fallen was iconic for doing tiktoks and skits for twitter or ''funny'' entrances...
This just show how much those guys doesnt have impact, guy is know to be the one to do ''comedian'' entrances....
Hes the reason some people find this esport a joke, him and that guy from prx and many others, always trying so hard to be funny and to get attention, fucking cringe. looks like some valo pros just want to be ''praised'' and ''loved'' and not actually trying to be the best at the videogame.
We are seeing a good team (FNC) VS good individuals players (SEN).....
Qualquer um sabia que isso ia da merda, eu tinha falado isso 4 meses atras, basicamente qualquer um com 2 neuronios sabia disso.
Prolly the worst day of the event so far, ''unknow'' and boring teams for the majority of the viewers, tommorow will be packed tho.
Dont get me wrong, NAVI is playing real good but this new KRU team right now must be the worst roster in this entire tourney, NAVI doesnt even need to play properly they just need to aim and shoot at these guys, most brainded team i've seen playing at this event yet.
All i see is crusty nerds always complaining about crowds all the time, ''empty crowd brazil bad'' when theres no team of the region where the event is holding, im just observing you fuckers so when a event is hosted in you country you guys must go in every single match and yell at every kill and round. Bunch of hipocrites virtue signaling weirdos.
They should let riot brazil do the event, riot international is fucking braindead..
Ele acha o valorant uma piada comparado ao cs ele mesmo da essa intenção sempre na stream dele, toda hora comparando os dois jogos e falando merda dos times de vava que não sejam ''BR'' e olha lá, ele deve ter criado algum tipo de ''ódio'' pelo game pq ele talvez nunca tenha achado o valorant bom de verdade mas sim uma fonte de renda e visibilidade boa para ele pelo game ser novo e tals uns 2 anos atras quando ele ainda tava no cenário, ele é literalmente um sangue-suga da comunidade agr, ele só vem fazer watch party pelo dinheiro e caso não tenha nada absolutamente nada de CS rolando no momento. Entro na stream dele e é sempre ele dando papinho que da muito intuito que ele ta falando mal do jogo sem estar falando mal abertamente do jogo em si.
I only like handegg when they are portrayed in movies, outsid of that its just a boring sport for me.
O que voces esperavam? vai ser igual o cbcs só que com um pouco mais de viwers, ninguém liga muito pra esse camp agr, o negocio é a franquia mesmo.
tuyz future best controller in br and pancada will fell off hard in sentinels, that roster with tenz is not going to do shit....
LOUD 100% cant afford a huge name from NA, but maybe furia or mibr can.
Not idiots actually, its pretty hard for them to afford to pay the players in ''brazil money'' when they live in another country, they dont have an infrastructure outside brazil like FURIA and MIBR, just unlucky.
True its going to fail, its a shame that sacy and pancada choose money, but sen will pay way more than LOUD and in dollar, unlucky really...
EG aspas
100T sacy
SEN saadhak
EG Less
NRG pANcada
Sacy literally said that he didnt wanted to go to EU because he believed in a team in brazil to do well internationally with him and saadhak, he told on a podcast days ago that he wanted ''the LOUD dinasty''. The point is what the team wants anymore? more money than they already have in a NA org or EU org separately or an dinasty with all still together representing in a brazilian org?
Besides the fucking infrastructure that LOUD gave to them that no other ORG has in BR right now, holy fuck pro players are so fucking greedy jesus
i was expecting more from the org and the players, what a fucking bullshit this is if that what is going to happen, the worst enemy of brazil is literally brazil itself.
Its time, the coach that brazil needs to keep winning...
LOUD and OPTIC? both dominated their own regional vct and reached grand finals twice, two of the most consistent teams this year by far
If you watch his interviews you'd know hes a shy and weird dude, everyone on streams says hes a little weird talking and can be funny because of that, he just doesnt like to reply too much i guess, so he prefers to use the doggies
they didnt lose with their own strats, LOUD just knew how LEV plays haven so they anti-strat them hard since they scrim together alot
First time they played in front of a crowd and they have 100% winrate, they even won against OPTIC twice, one of their most difficult opponent. holy são paulo will be insane for them with a crowd with 100% support
Why tho? Riot will provide way better infrastructure for tier 2 and actually good chances to promotion to franchise than any cs organization will in tier 2 there
What do you expect, a huge part of BR community doesnt know english, they dont know if a guy is being sarcastic or ironic, they just translate what the person says and start to talk shit back, thats something that will never stop because these guys outside always want some BR clout because its easy to farm some free attention.
Less said on the first LOUD doc that he played league too and he was diamond
Beleza é forte, mas o que a LOUD entrego de round é sacanagem
bunch of lil bros thinking this is the same LOUD from iceland 💀
3-1 LOUD, for DRX and for minor regions.
Tomorrow if it goes 5 maps, 1.4m peak easily
Why people are thinking ''LOUD is in iceland form'' they're not even close to that, they're playing so much better now than in iceland its not even close, they only lose the finals if they choke haaard
If you hate someone from loud or drx you need therapy