É só a LOUD desde o começo de 2022, esse outros time BR sempre surpreende em 1/2 jogos mas são muito facil de ler e sempre perdem o controle do jogo, unico time forte e que se mantem em alto nivel é a LOUD memo, saadhak é genio.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | July 2, 2024 at 3:39 PM |
Posts: | 752 |
É só a LOUD desde o começo de 2022, esse outros time BR sempre surpreende em 1/2 jogos mas são muito facil de ler e sempre perdem o controle do jogo, unico time forte e que se mantem em alto nivel é a LOUD memo, saadhak é genio.
Leviatan and DRX are the same thing at this point, always the ''best team'' in the tourney and always never winning nothing, lets see what will happen in the end of this tourney.
Wtf are you talking about? do you read what are type before sending? If furia and LEV are at the same level and furia won how the fuck LEV wil beat LOUD when they destroyed FURIA? some of you guys are actually braindead.
Furia????????? do you guys have alzheimer or smth?
He was moving on his pc but his game was dced already, he didnt notice
I am afraid of what SUPER FURIA will do to my LITTLE LOUD. have mercy on us mwzera the 🐐
and the cluster on screen looks even more dogshit in this map i cant even know wtf is happening 70% of the time on my screen, b site simulator map.
O cara tentou e tenta diminuir e acabar com a imagem do game a cada oprtunidade que tem na stream, só não ve quem não quer mesmo essa porra, ele é engraçado e tals mas é só isso mesmo que ele contribiu pra comunidade do jogo que acompanha por ele.
Não falo mais nada viu, passam pano pro mch so por conta dele ser ''engraçado'' nas lives, ele é um sangue-suga do cenario, não liga pro game e acha uma piada comparado ao CS, só streama camp do valorant por não ter nada pra assistir do cs e também pela grana, pava merecia muito mais e nem tem comparação. A pior parte é que o mch antigamente ficou chorando por meses pra ter watchparty e se dizia ser o cara que ajudou mais o cenario no inicio do jogo, com ele ou sem ele seria a mesma coisa na minha opinião.
My favorites are (prolly of all time for me currently):
They're chill right now, sentinels just need to kick dephh, tenz and zekken then sign aspas, saadhak and less.
He always does that, on ascent he does the same thing with KJ, literally a joke at this point.
Você não está 100% errado, contra BR o murizz ainda consegue usar um pouco do cerebro por ser confronto regional, contra times de fora ele é totalmente perdido e sem rumo
So people is this website can say lies and amplify things in a disproportionate way about BR and be hipocrite just to hate brazillian people, calling us names and saying we are disrespecful, not sportsmanship like country, when its something clearly about our culture since football, then we call americans burger eaters and then suddently its xenophobia?
You are joking right? or you're just trying to be the ''victim'' here? theres no way im actually seeing this dumb shit.
''apologists'' or they just dont tolerate xenophobic comments? i think you are the problem not them :)
Well i cant say it, bacause i would get banned remember?
I know why and what you are afraid of saying, and its definitly not something even comparable to simple joke as ''burger eater'' if you are so scared to get banned just for saying.
So i call you a burguer eater and you think of something so bad that you are afraid you could get banned?
Oh yeah brazil crowd should've screamed as loud they could and cheered when FNC won against their home team in a grand final, smartest burger eater.
WHY would they boo? brazil only booed teams that played against a brazil team kkkkkkk
You guys would talk the same shit if was hosted in brazil kkkkkkkkkkkk
NO, he only look good because furia is terrible and both teams are at the same level.
The crowd will be ''dead'' whenever a LATAM and BR team play against each other i gaurantee you that, and you will se no one talking shit like they did and do to BR's crowd...
So? do you want us to cheer for rounds we lose? we make more sounds losing than NA big favorites teams playing KEKW
Fair enough, i am bitching around, because i like to sometimes tho.
Im not a pussy who blocks shit that doesnt bother my life, i just found funny how pathetic they look right now thats it.
I dont think creating a topic that will last for 10 min in vlr will give them some sort of engagement, and aint no way i am going to reply or enter their twitter, my fyp is almost full valo so sometimes their tweets about valo pop up and i just see ignore and scroll down.
True, i am just giving them what they are want ''attention'' my bad.
Its not about caring, its just about how desperate and corny they look right now, not everything is about ''caring''.
Jesus christ this org is so desperate to bait cs diehard fans and farm valorant hate on twitter, from 10 tweets 5 they mention valorant, dead org got mad because because didnt got a slot on franchise.
They are winning with a teammate listening to music.... this game is hard to take seriously sometimes.
who is insecure? i stated a fact, not a insecure feeling, you guys love to downplay and never give props to a single brazillian player when less is clearly a better player than nats and already has a better longevity in the competitive scene than him.
People learned how to play the game and masterized, less and suygetsu are way better than him right now
another W for the best cartoon game shooter out there right now EZ CLAP
1 bullet and with a timer of 3/4 sec to go to bomb and plant idgf, that shit looks lame in 1v1s in my opinion, imagine let the pet defuse and go to another different position, is literally 1v2 at this point.
Im not feeling this is going to be good one, a fucking pet that plant and defuse the spike? for the first time in 2 years im actually having a weird feeling about a new agent and what he will do to the game in general.
Forsaken white operator - aspas