Well they did again the same little mistakes and sacy aim was shaking like i never seen before, just like i said.... they always plays nervous against teams outside brazil
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | July 2, 2024 at 3:39 PM |
Posts: | 752 |
Well they did again the same little mistakes and sacy aim was shaking like i never seen before, just like i said.... they always plays nervous against teams outside brazil
Idk about linking her stream here tho but whats wrong with she being underage? you guys make everything sexual for no reason too wtf
Eu ja tava assistindo muito pouco depois dessa brocha muito pprt, mas vou dar umas espiadas em alguns jogos
Everything for a little likes and engagement, its normal.
OpTic can only lose this if yay keeps playing like a bot, LOUD looks just like against KRU rn
I doubt that, every brazillian team plays like a fucking pussy and forget how to play properly against tier 1 teams outside of brazil, yay is gonna unleash in this game because its to easy to take space and control over the map against every BR team.
Pelo menos se perder hj não da um 6-0 pra KRU amanhã, parece que o psicologico de brasileiro contra aquele time abala eles, e eles esquecem como joga o jogo.
Valeu LOUD mais de hj não passam infelizmente, mas espero que na champions venham com a cabeça melhor e sem o mesmo nervosismo de sempre, vocês são melhores que isso.
Lose the finals 0-3 in masters then comeback for another masters with a lose in group stage and then win everything from lower and go to finals 3-0 Copium
Lose the finals 0-3 in masters then comeback for another masters with a lose in group stage and then win everything from lower and go to finals 3-0 Copium
all tier 1 teams already has a anti-tatic against LOUD ascent
This is not csgo dude, every region has a valorant channel and even watch parties, valorant numbers are actually pretty fucking good right now, csgo numbers looks more impressive because theres only 3 big channels who stream the games, like the ESL channel, gaules and CIS streams then the viwership looks bigger because they centralize the numbers.
Are you ready for no player cams for a major tourney too? LETS GO
Cringe, but i love cringeness so i liked it
LOUD é horrivel e ainda ganha, ta suave po, outros times vao vir confia na confiança do meu confiançamento.
simple W from the man himself ferahgoTheGoat
Tenho medo do que a gigantesca e poderosa KRU ira fazer com minha pequena e fraquissima LOUD
I see that its already a trend to hate on every team that goes well in internacional tourneys now calling a fluke run every time, so many baiters and people trying to be funny for some miserables upvotes or even downvotes, thats why i love spongebob
Sacy said on stream that they went 0-26 every scrim and saadhak is playing yoru
Vivo keyd did something similar with xarola (hes a content creator for the org) but turns out it was a bait and they signed rglmeister, could be same thing idk shroud doesnt seems the type to jump on pro val rn
True fall guys is where it is
True cs crowds is all about stink virgins in crowds with only man whinning about how cs is better than val, and valorant is a crowd with diversity in public and people who actually shower and smells good but still virgins tho
Dont know about this MASTERS, but the SA LCQ in brazil will be fucking insane with the crowd
BOASTER said that LOUD is the weakest team they played so far
I will turn off my computer when fnatic win a international tournament
and they're putting more extra seats for people to buy soon in 11/07
The SA LCQ tickets sold out in the first day
Mch volta a transmitir valorant depois de meses e olha quem ativou o twitter e voltou no mesmo tempo, está confirmado.
pao de batata
best player in the world* trying to speak english
The boys >> every marvel movie and show in phase 4
Aspas can play every duelist and he is pretty good chamber too
Agora é sério a LOUD só perde isso se o aspas pegar dengue o sacy jogar com os pés e o less jogar com hemorroida, 2x0 LOUD.
Lunatico ele em achar que a loud ta com mapa médio ainda
Liquid na pior fase? para de inventar desculpa porra se for assim igual você fala então a liquid tava na pior fase, a g2 tava na pior e a optic tava na pior fase na upper final. A loud é um time forte do caralho e mostraram isso já mesmo com pouco tempo de treino la fora, eles fizeram mais anti tatico nesse split do que tatica propria o saadhak mesmo falo isso que os time fora focam mais em anti-tatico, relaxa um pouco também viu.
Você leu o que eu escrevi? eles ganharam da liquid e optic com mapas decente, voce acha mesmo que eles não estão bem mais preparados agora?
saadhak mesmo disse que eles foram despreparados pro masters só com breeze e ascent na map pool e mesmo assim apresentaram uma icebox e bind decente, eles agora tem experiencia internacional e com certeza bem mais maps na pool deles, para de ser burrão.
He underperformed in one game of fracture but he was getting traded tho, him and less are fucking insane with chamber on icebox and fracture
if you actually watch VCT BR you will know that the only map they actually struggle now is split, and they improved a lot on fracture, icebox and bind