Now in this masters we all gonna see if LOUD was in their honey moon too or they're just as good as we all know
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | July 2, 2024 at 3:39 PM |
Posts: | 752 |
Now in this masters we all gonna see if LOUD was in their honey moon too or they're just as good as we all know
Cause its 1-1 and LOUD team isnt boring like OPTIC (except yay), tbh i am more excited to watch XSET than OPTIC this masters
i just realized now what he said, for some reason i reversed the word ''groups'' with ''playoffs'' i thought he was laughing because if nip win the lcq LOUD will go directly to playoffs, sometimes i just read fast and wrong because eng is not my native language
i know that, i just want to know why he laughed like LOUD doesnt deserve to be on playoffs
wdym by ''loud in groups LMAO'' ?
Its pretty clear to see what map they dominate more if you watch their matchs in maps like ascent, breeze and bind. But yea they're a really good in almost every map but they're always improving like on fracture and icebox this recent days
LOUD ascent 100% they only lost an ascent map in the finals of masters since their creation
Dude all the top viewed games are BR teams because gaules streamed lol hes like the only reason brazillian csgo still alive, if he didnt streamed that tourney it would get waaaay less viewers
Nem se o xand jogar com os pés a NIP perde isso
Essa é a chance de revanche do jhow, v1xen e xand contra a KRU. BORA NIP CARALHO! 3X0 SECO
Its weird they're like the team that i least see people talk about or cheer for from NA
Does xset actually has fans? like a fanbase or some shit? its feels like nobody uses their flair here lol
Eu agradeço a jesus por a LOUD existir e o sacy e saadhak realmente perseguirem serem os melhores do nosso cenario com um time montado por eles, se dependesse desses time que veio do crossfire e pb que parece que não tem o minimo de fundamento de um FPS nós seriamos a pior região do mundo
They literally won the upper final against optic and only lost the rematch in the fucking finals? wtf are you talking about lol
whats up with these people pretending or ignoring the fact that LOUD made finals undefeated last masters since vct br? theyre really contenders to win this masters with fnc and optic again
Riot is pretty small in NA, maybe in 2024 they do a LAN event
Xand was a pillar for FURIA, sadly they fell off without him
Nem você acredita no que digita tremboLona
xand skilled player and good IGL and grew up alot since last year, trembolona is just delusional
Hopefully NIP take a map against LOUD and give them some really close games for the good of BR scene
Sacy said on podcast that league influenced alot on how val works with drafts for him and for his team,and these lazy ass ex csgo pros saying this game doenst take skill is so fucking stupid, you just hear this things coming from the mouth of pros who already is not relevent in the pro scene anymore like wardell and floppy
2-0 S E C O para a gigantesca LOS GRANDES encima da pequena e FRAQUISSIMA loud.
Insane that the two major regions NA and EMEA still playing online and BR, JP and KR and other countries is already having LAN events, why riot is taking so long for the most popular regions ta have a LAN?
Its cgi not real people im telling you man, people only watch csgo Copege
Optic is the most boring team in valorant ever, and its 1-1 lets see next masters.
For LOUD's sake, they have to leave our server... They have already proven themselves to be the best and only team that can represent us well in an international camp. The more they train/play with these BR teams, the worse they get.
Sei não viu, faz tempo desde que ele faz algo relacionado a valorant provavelmente o chat vai ta uma merda kkkkkkkk
They will announce the crowd and tickets for it after the playoffs right
Ele nitidamente prefere o CS mesmo ja tendo o gau que tem o monopolio de views, não acho que ele migraria não, ele curte valorant mas CS é a paixão dele e tals
True, mas é que ele não ta muito por dentro do game recentemente nem conhece o elenco da los grandes e mibr ainda, só acho que ele nem vai ligar muito pro game e ficar só de conversa fiada conversando mais com o chat e tals
tipo ele nem sabe como ta o meta do jogo não conhece nem os dois ultimos agentes que lançaram não deu a minima pro mapa novo, mas ele é daora de assistir eu acho.
O que voces acham do mch voltar pro valorant so pra fazer watch party dos playoffs? vao assistir pela stream dele ainda?
NIP and ZETA will demolish FNC again
After i got banned from forsen chat i stopped chatting in almost every twitch stream, honestly i think i got more mature since i just started watching and stopped typing random bullshit just to be funny
m1xwell is the GOAT of valorant pure facts
Riot has a plan for tier 2 surely right
Clueless surely this masters will have a crowd Clueless
LOUD already won this masters, the competiton will fear the bald but now much stronger
So sad for him for being copied for some irrelevant bait jokes on twitter, sending prayers to him right now 😔🙏
And now LOUD is way better prepared for optic, lets wait for a rematch and then we gonna see this dogwater fluke NA team go down forever just like gambit or sentinels