Flag: United States
Registered: February 4, 2023
Last post: October 5, 2024 at 9:55 PM
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I just have this thing where I don't like teams that are just like super consistently great and beat the teams I like and make it seem almost effortless + they have like kind of annoying fans who despite knowing they have great teams still decide to make jokes of their opponents are be super confident of their greatness just because they are fans of them.

So I don't like teams like NAVI, FNC, and LOUD. I know all the players are immensely talented and work to get where they are, and for that I have respect for the individual players and would never talk bad about them. but just like I want to see the super good teams lose and have the fans shut up because you can't talk back to the annoying fans when all the team does is win. (I am like this in pretty much every sport I watch)

posted about a year ago

3 players with exactly 20 assists might be the most wild statline I have seen

posted about a year ago

the world is a sad and scary place unfortunately where there is a large number of people who are just unable to simply be tolerant of others despite their differences in relatively meaningless things such as race, gender, or sexual orientation

posted about a year ago

yeah i didn't realize his birthday passed and he his now 17, but that was just a month ago pretty much (i think from looking at his twitter)

posted about a year ago

verno is 16 I don't think it is all that surprising he looks young

posted about a year ago

saving strats for next season*

posted about a year ago

complaining about casters is just soo silly to me because like just be happy that the game is getting casted and honestly the casters, yeah they could be better, but they are for sure adding to the viewing experience. and if you don't like them talking... just mute the stream

posted about a year ago

its actually wild that there are only 2 players on this list from Americas and both are NA (leaf for neon and Ethan for breach) think that could go to show just how hard it is for one player to carry games in the America leagues

posted about a year ago

they have something. you don't need anything else

posted about a year ago

Everyone is throwing around these really high numbers that could be believable. The only thing I want to comment on is the why for the salaries being so inflated.

And that would of course be that teams realistically have very little to nothing to offer to players in ways of benefits for their talents other than just money. So if an org wants to pick up a player that is very good its just essentially a bidding war and in the end the player wins. There is no real way to discourage this type of behavior because the org with the most money gets player they want and the player gets a big paycheck.

I saw the idea of a salary cap talked about and I think that would be pretty good because not only does it benefit orgs, which are just a struggle bus of loses and non profitability, allowing them to not have to spend so much on salaries, but also it would probably help the overall health of the competitiveness of the scene as it would prevent a team (like FNATIC has currently done) from just picking up a bunch of the arguably best players in the world on their respective roles without having any real consequence.

posted about a year ago

on the bench so Txozin can start

posted about a year ago

I mean they haven't annoucned the format for LCQ but I could only imagine it would be a swiss, or just a round robin into playoffs/ maybe just playoffs based on seeding from split one.
But I don't think riot would give such an atrocity of a format as that one user made one that has been floating around (this is a prayer, I am trying to manifest an actual good bracket and not utter dogshit)

posted about a year ago

no boostio is igl

posted about a year ago

carpe is that guy. its actually scary how tremendously he has improved in such a short amount of time

posted about a year ago

all these teams trying their absolute hardest just to get destroyed by hfmi0dzjc9z7. Really quite sad. hfmi0dzjc9z7 is insane. Like so insane. He could 1v5 any team playing the game with his feet using a controller wearing a blindfold. FNATIC?? LOUD?? NRG??? DRX?? Laughable! Those teams shiver in fear at the name hfmi0dzjc9z7. He plays with inverted controls, no sound, and his nondominant hand holding the mouse sideways. He doesn't even use a weapon. He shoots people in the game with his sheer willpower and mental fortitude. hfmi0dzjc9z7 is the greatest player in the world by far and he will show people at this upcoming event...

posted about a year ago

apparently some of the chinese team are actually scrimming against the pacific teams. so the chinese teams are actually able to improve from quality scims

All pacific teams are really good on scrim but the most impressive teams were EDG, PRX and JDT(Japan Challengers)
EDG is really a strong contender
When ASE's ace player is on their high's, we cannot stop them

posted about a year ago

Something = Pride of Japan 😑😑😑stop this anti-japan talk right now (we need to the viewers to keep the game relevant)

posted about a year ago

Realistically I think that LOUD, Liquid, FNATIC, PRX, NRG, EG, FUT, NAVI, DRX, T1, ASE (ASE FIGHTING ✊), and EDG all have a shot at winning this one if you ask me

posted about a year ago

Everyone recognizes LOUD's excellence (or they just lack any understanding of valorant) and will consistently have them as one of the favorites to win tournaments, but the gaps between teams are so small that its just impossible to tell. Just in the current competitive scene all the top teams and favorites for tournaments can all probably beat each other on any given day because the gap is so small, that it is hard to ever call one team the DEFINITVE best. LOUD is one of the best in the world without a doubt, but we may never know the best team in the world truly is because of how competitive the scene is right now. - - And I think that's probably good

Like just a few small plays here and there go the other way for each game and a different story can pretty much always be written with how close the top teams are to each other. An unfavorable timing, a missed shot or two, getting sprayed through smokes, accidently being off on swing coordination or spacing.

Even today, FNATIC, who people though were the best in world lost because they simply didn't have those type of factors going for them against Liquid.
The seemingly small stuff like this can shift in balance from game to game, map to map, round to round and that's why its just impossible to call a team or even player such set in stone terms like best in the world.

posted about a year ago

1x G2
1x Gambit

posted about a year ago

From the comments I'm reading I pretty sure people are super confused and just wrong about what the system is currently and what this guy is proposing.

Current system: Upper Ban, Upper Ban -> Upper Pick, Lower Pick, Upper Pick, Lower Pick -> Remaining Map

Proposed System: Upper Ban, Lower Ban -> Upper Pick, Upper Pick, Lower Pick, Lower Pick -> Remaining Map

posted about a year ago

why did you put Gambit twice?

posted about a year ago

all these teams trying their absolute hardest just to get destroyed by hfmi0dzjc9z7. Really quite sad. hfmi0dzjc9z7 is insane. Like so insane. He could 1v5 any team playing playing the game with his feet using a controller wearing a blindfold. FNATIC?? LOUD?? NRG??? DRX?? Laughable! Those teams shiver in fear at the name hfmi0dzjc9z7. He plays with inverted controls, no sound, and his nondominant hand holding the mouse sideways. He doesn't even use a weapon. He shoots people in the game with his sheer willpower and mental fortitude. hfmi0dzjc9z7 is the greatest player in the world by far and he will show people at this upcoming event...

posted about a year ago

I think its probably just worded poorly and just his run for now is over. But he will be back at champs to start another run I would assume (and hope, he is such a good player that it would be a shame to not see him compete on the biggest stage)

posted about a year ago

marved at 2 for igl makes sense. I agree fully (imagine someone nodding in agreement here)

posted about a year ago

wait till you watch team secret attack vs drx on haven. that will rock your world

posted about a year ago

dude was onto nothing... they lost to NRG who legit just stole all their ideas and then added their own levels of complexity, and the NRG players were better today. its that simple

posted about a year ago

please sort this top three out fast!!! 😑😑😑which one of those teams is actually number one????!!!??! i need to know πŸ€¬πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ€¬πŸ‘ΏπŸ—―οΈπŸ—―οΈ

posted about a year ago

LOUD been watching their TTR vods

posted about a year ago

because pacific/americas only has 3 slots for tokyo and 3 for champs + the one lcq spot. But emea has 4 tokyo spots, but has 3 champs + 1 lcq spot. So the 4 emea teams going to tokyo are not locked for champs since they are only sending 4 teams to champs (of course this doesn't take winning tokyo into consideration but that just gives +1 lcq slot for champs for the winning region)

posted about a year ago

you're not sleepy. he is

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the only reason is just that he needs a work visa in particular and those take a while to acquire especially with the way Japan has their system for everything being all bureaucratic (lots of extra hoops to jump through for seemingly no real reason apparently)

posted about a year ago

Same thing as Lock//In pretty much, winning region of event gets another spot at next event

posted about a year ago

I forget which episode it was, but I was watching PlatChat and Achillios (caster for Pacific) said that he was talking to d4v41, and d4v41 said that they don't really have main IGL, it is more so that everyone pitches in ideas each round of what they want to do. and they do a lot of midrounding adjustments as a team off the info and map control they have.

So no main IGL just everyone kind of talking and sharing ideas to do things apparently

posted about a year ago

that was KRU, but yeah hes signed for life after that clip

posted about a year ago

bro just delivered the biggest nothing burger of a statement ever.

posted about a year ago

I think a large part of why people don't respect PRX is because they don't really understand the method to their madness. People just see PRX's playstyle and write it off as clown show no brain all aim stuff and nothing more.

What PRX does is very nonconventional, but it is very smart and coordinated plus it is just propped up even more by how mechanically talented every player on the team is. All the players are incredibly smart and adaptable to every situation.
They play off each other's utility incredibly well and take these smart timings and trade well. The angles they hold together, the speed of their decision making and rotations, and how they take map control is so good.

People really don't give PRX the credit they deserve. At least this current version, because they have so much strength I feel

posted about a year ago

gets a no scope while stunned from breach ult and the commentators dont talk about it. lol

posted about a year ago

I am soggy wood

posted about a year ago

I don't really think it mattered if they banned either Ascent or Haven they probably don't have very high chance to win either one against Furia who is pretty good on both. I think Furia is worse on Ascent than Haven giving SEN a better shot on ascent.

But at the same time how much practice would SEN have with the roles they would need to play ascent? The roles they played on Haven are much more consistent with what each person typically plays so they probably just decided on that.

if they run the normal comp, who is playing Kay/0? zekken or sacy probably? but how comfortable would either of them be since they have typically always played the sova on that map? How much practice time would they have for that? If they decide for a different comp they would need to put in even more work and time that this (MIND YOU STILL PRETTY NEW ROSTER, some people forget this current roster has been together two weeks or something) would probably struggle with.

either way its just a tough spot for the team and you can't really blame the coaches if you actually think about it for more than 3 seconds

posted about a year ago

jawgemo legit isn't a raze one trick, his impact and plays on controller have been immensely beneficial for EG's recent performances.

Mindfreak's has looked amazing since PRX brought Something in and he has found timings and space that have helped PRX so many times

and for sushiboys and wronksi they are subs, that is not fraud worthy. if every player who isn't one of the starting 5 is not starting for a reason = a fraud then add every sub player across the league.

posted about a year ago

take jawgemo, mindfreak, SushiboyS, and Wronski off

sushiboys and wronski have both been pretty fine when they have played, just their respective teams decided on different 5 man starting rosters that didn't use them and its just unfair to have two players who have barely played on this list.

and jawgemo and mindfreak have shown that they are very good players. jawgemo has maybe the most crazy entertaining aggro playstyle to watch in all of franchising imo and he some how gets away with it and does so well with that wild style. and mindfreak looks especially good now that PRX have found their form again

posted about a year ago

Lord Carpe!

GOAT Sayaplayer!



and Ban is there too i guess

posted about a year ago

calm down. even if he is not great he still is better than you. no point in sending hate to a player who for sure already gets a lot of it

posted about a year ago

Thats why I love watching valorant pro play so much because of that like extra layer of complexity. That mostly comes from the fact that agents all have their unique abilities that can't do everything all by themselves but in combination with each other they become much better.

But at the same time the part that gives the game that almost like 4th dimension that makes it so much fun at high level makes it really bad to actually play in like ranked when you have teammates who aren't properly doing their role (duelist who don't entry site, or people who don't use util) or just don't have a critical role like smokes. And the other team have some semblance of a brain and do things together and just crush your team unless you can solo carry and pick apart the gaps in their play.

But once again the reason pro play is so enjoyable is because of that coordination together and if a team lacks it they just get crushed. And its so hard for single players to solo carry because the only way they can is if they can find the gaps where they can take advantageous fights and positions, which teams spend so much time trying to eliminate or hide so they don't get countered.

posted about a year ago

yeah but at Lock//In they were shockingly bad. Its honestly surprising that the Liquid at Lock//IN and the current version in playoffs are the same players with how night and day different the two look

posted about a year ago

asuna is just listed as a member because he subbed in for a match with BTR. He only played that one map but each time BTR are listed in a new match he is one of the starting 5 for some reason

posted about a year ago
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