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Registered: February 4, 2023
Last post: October 5, 2024 at 9:55 PM
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man has never watched a tarik stream in his life

posted about a year ago

I would not put it past this AA team to make a push for one of the NA challengers slots coming up

posted about a year ago

yeah hes a mechanical demon, maybe one of the best the game has to offer

but the game is a lot deeper than just click head = win game.

this goes for more than just tenz even though im a big SEN fan and want them to win. but just cause you have great mechanics doesn't mean you are a great pro.
If you are gonna be a tenz fanboy, react to him doing something people doubt him for not what everyone knows he is already great at

posted about a year ago

bro has clearly not watched any pacific if he thinks rrq is still in discussion for worst team

posted about a year ago

I mean PRX more so in the sense that they don't have a dedicated IGL and its just 5 incredibly talented players who are incredibly adaptable to all situations, coordinate together and play as one, and always think on the fly to change setups to stay ahead of their opponents

in reference to current PRX who look very strong, and d4v41 has said that they don't have an IGL just all 5 are very vocal

posted about a year ago this has to be one of my favorite clips on the internet

the 'ohh!!! hes playing overwatch!!' gets me every time

posted about a year ago

🐔 ! ! ! ! !

posted about a year ago

Disrespect to C9 putting them at probable

posted about a year ago

Time to go full PRX #WGAMING

posted about a year ago

I don't think you can single handedly blame one person for all the crazy things that are going on with SEN at this point. It is management diff. The team has not had probably over a month to practice with one roster on the same roles this entire time.

They were never even given a chance to fully prove potential because each time they would change something to make a fix, they would make another change a few weeks later and have to practice from square one again

posted about a year ago

i dont think sacy wants to or even can really igl

posted about a year ago

Not any team when FaZe and MAD are in the league... but other than those two teams I think the skill of the teams is very close and it is essentailly just very high level valorant where any given day it feels like any team can win.

posted about a year ago

I think the top teams in NA challengers, like TGRD, M80, MxM, SR, TTR, OXG, are all absurdly good and close in skill right now to the point that any one of them can beat each other on pretty much any given day depending on who is feeling it

posted about a year ago

I didn't watch val much a few years ago, but right now he and TTR look like a really strong team

It is an actual crime at this point the team is still not signed to an org with how strong they are. All 5 players look incredible and their teamplay and strats are good as well.


posted about a year ago

This is the most incorrect recency bias, revisionist history take you could put out. You clearly know nothing so just shut up

posted about a year ago

I mean... 🤓eh-erm they actually started out only 3-0 on the first map!!! and then they preceded to get absolutely rolled by c9's defense once they found their footing. -_-

And also like I don't get the point of him tweeting because this is also just like him pretty much talking some smack on the coach and the team that his son plays for.
doesn't matter if it was literally any one else on twitter but it just so happens to be someone related to a player so like it gets attention for some reason which seems silly to me

posted about a year ago


the circumstances are different thats why the decision is different

posted about a year ago

holy what a shock seeing a reasonable take on this site

posted about a year ago

you know something has to be wrong with the amount of dephh slander when people seemingly unironically think dephh and trick are the same caliber of player

posted about a year ago

were you even watching the game?????? he was not even given chances to win most of those duels.

Most of the things that happened were he got flashed, double swung, flanked, stunned, worse weapons, getting caught with util out, timing. Or his kills (which he did have very few of) would not be first kills or he would get info for teammates to get kills from a trade.

But if you were actually paying attention you could tell SEN as a whole were just getting completely denied every inch of space that game so it was just them sending zekken into die and then get traded in unfavorable fights just so SEN could gain some space at all against that suffocating C9 defense

It's not like he was just simply playing bad as a solo player and feeding, like going off by yourself, having bad positioning or just taking bad duels when you don't need to. SEN as a whole was just getting obliterated and started with C9 shutting down zekken

posted about a year ago

He has never encountered what he calls a "female" in the real world in his entire life. Find help lil bro 🙏😔😔

posted about a year ago

then you didn't read any of the actual point I made about your comment and also decided to take the littlest part of my statement out of context.

Because its not even drama, its just her being weird and then people hating on her for it. Which is somewhat warranted from the dislike standpoint, but there is no real "drama" to be had. All that should happen is she should just tweet less...

I don't get why dephh receives dislike from it?? she is her own separate human and its not like dephh is telling her to do these things. It would be like disliking tenz because you find kyedae annoying... it doesn't make a whole lot of sense

posted about a year ago

yeah I agree that she is out of control with some of the things she does. but it is easy to just ignore her since she has no actual impact on anything with the game itself and is just another voice of chatter

posted about a year ago

First of all the wife "drama" doesn't fucking matter. It's just people hating on dephh and her going out of her way to defend him which is like what ever she can do that. And then people get like point and make jokes about the fact she does it... which is so utterly stupid

But like maybe ayrin might have been better??? His aim is for sure better, but GE's style is totally different and the players he has around him are also totally different and the competition is also so different. And we don't know how good his calling was coming into the season and it clearly seems to be improving to a high level but where was it before??? Dephh was the safe and smart pickup of an IGL to build around it feels.

So this is such a like hindsight 20/20 maybe doesn't matter nothing of a question you have posed here. The only thing you have done here is indirectly send more hate and criticism towards dephh who already gets enough of it

posted about a year ago

and having a good igl

posted about a year ago

ok thats why I thought he was shooting bodies, nothing to do with this drama that has just now kinda been spawned.

posted about a year ago

saad was the IGL and still is

posted about a year ago

actual question because I don't know what the video says. Does Less talk in the video at all about shooting the SEN bodies during the game or is this guy just making things up

posted about a year ago

or so people have inferred, apparently nothing nothing was actually stated. This is just what people thought up

But I don't speak Portuguese so this is just what I have gathered from all the reading of people talking I have been trying to do

posted about a year ago

LOUD - 3 /3

100T - 2/2
LEV - 2 /3

C9 - 1/2
FUR - 1/2
NRG - 1/2
MIBR - 1/2
SEN - 1/3
EG - 1/3

KRU - 0/3

posted about a year ago

yeah in no way has tarik ever been critical towards the Brazilian crowd for anything other than leaving during the trophy ceremony.

All those Brazil hate comments that are made in his chat and that comment section he always tells people to stop making because it makes him angry to read. Tarik does the exact opposite of what people try to paint him as this sort of Brazil hater and massive NA hypocrite.

Those people who chat that stupid hypocritical shit are just wrong and everyone knows it.

posted about a year ago

I think its undisputed at this point that the first episode is great. But as someone who read the manga, people saw the greatness of the first episode and then got their expectations way way too high. It was almost impossible to match the first episode, but people expected that and then got disappointed when the show didn't do that.

What I will say is the story is very good imo, just it because it actually spends time to develop characters and the world to get some amazing moments later on

posted about a year ago

Even as someone who was rooting for 100T in this match it was super annoying because (I hope at least) no one wants this type of thing to occur. For multiple reasons, as a just fan of the game it ruins the experience watching. It spawns this type of stuff where people try to discredit the performance 100T had because a few people in the crowd were trying to give extra knowledge.

Just in general it creates this terribly bad narrative that can sour the entire game. A few bad apples ruin the bunch as they say (or something like that). Because I would bet that players don't want this kind of stuff to happen either for these exact reasons.

I do agree that Riot should probably put some like things in place to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen. Just sad that rules to counteract such a thing would have to made at all

posted about a year ago

i tuned into his stream a little bit yesterday, and he said he isn't allowed to say the exact amount so he is saying 10k as a placeholder

posted about a year ago

TL:DR for you: ardiis on other roles is Chet and FNS decision and adiis knows he is bad on the roles so he is just going to work on it because that is what the team thinks is best, so thats what he is going to do.

posted about a year ago

bro I don't even watch tenz these are just things I have heard and as I said I am just totally fucking guessing as to that it could be a thing. not that it is a thing

posted about a year ago

I think honestly a thing that isn't talked about a lot is that Tenz is a very quiet person, so maybe (total theory as I have no info and am just taking a total shot in the dark) he is not like calling for a bunch of util and support from his teammates to get him into the spots he wants to be. While in comparison zekken is extremely vocal and probably calls for every little bit of setup from teammates that he needs to get him into his desired position.

posted about a year ago

what are you talking about??? they had no idea where the last two players were. they knew time was low so they used the fade ult to get full site info and saw no one was A, decided to rotate B. since if no one is A and time is low they are probably heading B.

They just got unlucky timing from false info and made the would be correct read off the info they had, but the actual info was different but they dont have observer xray

posted about a year ago

v1 won't drop a map all year in all of gc even at champs

posted about a year ago

Yessirskii the amount of dephh hate you spew on the regular is absurd. You just say the same things over and over all the time. Any one who watches the games can tell that yes dephh does have bad mechanics. But his calls aren't some dogshit piss poor level of things like you continue to make them out to be.
SEN is still growing as a team at this point so just shut up. Stop making pointless comparisons that only generate more hate for a player that is already facing an absurd amount of hate and pressure from people.

posted about a year ago

Leffen is my favorite valorant player for G2. He totally doesn't actually play super smash bros melee for TSM at all...

posted about a year ago

I don't think its declining in any real way. I think its was for sure looking not so great at the start, but a lot of these teams (especially in the Americas league) are starting to improve drastically and look really competitive against everyone if you actually watch the games rather than just look at the final scores.

100T towards the end of that KRU game looked like what we expected from them coming into the season. SEN put up a fight against LOUD and LEV the past two games (something no expected before). EG nearly beat FUR. And C9 just continues to look stronger than any one predicted. RRQ has been improving each week and even winning games which people did predict. T1 actually look pretty good and keep looking better. TL looks worlds better than they did at LOCK//IN. FUT look even better than I think most people expected them to be.

That type of list can keep going. It would all just be yeah the top teams will still be really good, but the other teams are catching up to them, its not going to be instant battle against these squads that were already strong (DRX,LOUD, LEV, FNATIC) but the longer these other teams are together the better the teams should become.

posted about a year ago

sayf has the best rating across all the leagues with a 1.40 while derke is in third place with a 1.27

posted about a year ago

I don't know what you are talking about, but the rule everyone was citing (like 7.3 crashes smth like that) as to why the round should have been replayed, did not actually say the round should be replayed or given to LOUD.

Does the situation suck for LOUD? Yes. Would they have won the round if the crash did not occur? Most likely. Was the situation absolutely unwinnable for SEN? No, and thats why the round was given because of how far into the round and the exact circumstances.

Even though the crash happened LOUD still could have won the round, but the other two players were already away from site just saving and even when Tuyz got killed they kept running instead of making sure the defuse didn't occur. The call was the correct one given the rulebook and exact situation. It just sucks that it happened in the first place.

posted about a year ago

one game though. i doubt he could replicate that kind of performance... and if he could?? no shot would he be OXG's assistant coach

posted about a year ago

which sexual harassment guy? if you are talking about sinatraa he is no longer with the org...

posted about a year ago

He didn't play as well as one would hope, but he still showed some of the glimmers of why he earned all his praise. And don't forget its not like OXG is a bad team by any stretch of the imagination, they are really really good actually plus the sub went absolutely ballistic.

Just wait and see the team is still relatively new, they picked up yay like two weeks ago and nerve even more recently plus they rotated around some of the roles with clear now playing smokes. I think the only direction for the team to go is up (hopefully)

posted about a year ago

almost surely when they signed him they had some idea that chamber was no longer going to be hard meta. they had to have had an inkling of an idea that ardiis would have to play other roles.
the team just has not at all sorted what roles each player is going to play other than s0m, and that is clearly hurting them

posted about a year ago

bro put down crashies and said that no one spoke english 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

no one thought he was

posted about a year ago
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