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Registered: December 15, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 8:41 PM
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that was after dephh got dropped and marved stepped in. but lock in and early split they were playing their roles and still didnt produce a lot of good results

posted 11 months ago

thats what they said last year....

posted 11 months ago

thats what they said last year....

posted 11 months ago

ur hilarious LMAO

posted 11 months ago

looking at rank to see if you belong in tier one is so dumb lmao

posted 11 months ago

holy stop riding shazham. just because he is rank one doesnt mean he is good. 3/4 of his tracker score r green.
A lot of people hate 100T and believe that bang and asuna are frauds right? Now if you are going by stats from ranked, they deserve tier 1 as bang(mains smoke) has all 4 category blue, same with asuna.
You might say, "oh hes igling, of course he cant so good"
1) ok great, he doesnt deserve tier one if you guys expect him to igl and not do good at the same time
2) johnqt is literally getting 4 blues as an igler...

posted 11 months ago

He had his chance. 2023 his acs was sub 200 its tier 2 btw…. Low average assist per round as a initiator

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

that one guy that said something funny and never came back

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

tbf, he sees its one hour and 30 minutes so that probably discouraged him

posted 11 months ago

hellOOO? its a very normal thing to do in sports LMAO
literally esports has SPORTS in its name bro
not to mention, everyone flames everyone. we flame our president for doing a terrible job even though we have no clue how much a president goes through

posted 11 months ago

bro, u can have a lot of commas and its still a run on sentence. Mg spends too much time on vlr and doesnt get education lmao.

posted 11 months ago

thats a long ass sentence

posted 11 months ago

Idk how they r hated, i fell in love with them since like they were kinda known in val. Their logo, name, and player names r way too clean. Like the dereyon guy, idk its so satisfying to look at. Not to mention i fell extra in love with sscary joined. I think their fans here r also quite wholesome, at least before making tier one, idk about now.

posted 11 months ago

Since before u had internet ig 😐
No seriously, everyone knows its coming for like the last month

posted 11 months ago

u idiot, can u not read. #8 is saying they were using chamber to entry and clearly I'm responding to him which doesn't mean I'm responding to #1. but yeah the category is also wrong, chamber's gameplay doesn't mean entrying, its just good for holding which DOESNT equal entrying and getting kills.
cant expect much from a sen fan tbh(some of them), bunch of little tenz fans running around.

posted 11 months ago

No what, u expect chamber to entry?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
No hes good for getting picks which isnt the same as entrying. They r playing sentinels so they will hold down sites even if they seem to be going to the other side. Theres a reason y teams run chamber plus duelists. πŸ˜‚

posted 11 months ago

You guys remember that
one dude who was like
ugly people shouldnt play

Raze, idk i also think he was a
eg fan but i might be wrong
seems like he left the site a while ago but that
punk better not return.
only time will tell ig
now ig the second best baiter is that
dude who we all hate

U guys remember that one

Guy that did the thing.
actually, i'm going to have to go with

posted 11 months ago

idk i saw somewhere where everyone was saying m80 was going to easily win ascension like near the beginning of 2023. but im ngl, i always have w takes. g2 overrated- predicted
all im saying my takes r like 90 percent or above good

posted 11 months ago

supporting each other


posted 11 months ago

bro said expected.... m80 was what r u on about. I really like g2(guard) and I firmly believe that they are a contender but you have to think, in 2022 their only notable thing was making it to masters 1 where they lost immediately, losing 2 series in a row. After that, they went 1-4 in stage 2 not even making it to playoffs. In lcq they did a little bit better but you have to remember that most of these teams aren't that good compared to the top contenders in 2022.
in 2023, the only real contenders were m80, the guard, and the union. I think they will be no higher than top 5 on average.

posted 11 months ago

most of them r mid

posted 11 months ago

bros owen 16 rn LMAO

posted 11 months ago

Yk im still asking about ur name, u better give me an answer buddy

posted 11 months ago

1+1=2, prove me wrong

posted 11 months ago

Bro forgot to add himself πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted 11 months ago

I mean, how did dsg lose demon1, prob got paid more and felt like he could do better especially since aspas is also going to lev, higher chances of winning on lev than loud tbh since lev core is already hella strong

posted 11 months ago

Lmao hes gonna have to wait a little while before we even see navi play

posted 11 months ago

naww, this has a hidden meaning. hes roasting all the writers that someone random can do their job LMAOOOOOo

posted 11 months ago

Omg, same. I was like new to twitchish and i opened it and saw 100t vs tsm and instantly fell in love with 100t

posted 11 months ago

Tbh, u dont really need go op a lot, especially since we r going to see less jetts and more raze/other duelists.
But ig s0m is good enough to op, awping on smokes could work once in a while. I doubt they need to op with this team tho cuz this team is hella explosive

posted 11 months ago

I feel like riot games r trying to be sexist, they create a whole tournament for women but not for males? absolutely unfair

posted 11 months ago

Naw… bro said shahzam πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted 11 months ago

Ok zaddy πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

Ok bototro πŸ—Ώ

posted 11 months ago

Okobotro πŸ—Ώ

posted 11 months ago

they literally arent the only ones, nrg and 100t r expected to cook up real gud. not to mention what eg can do with tier 2 players. g2 have a hella cracked roster.
no clue what c9 can cook up(prob nothing good because they have vanity and lost mce

posted 11 months ago

ok lmao, i have like 10-15. but tbf, some of them r when I was on vacation and just wanted to see how the community was like. I dont usually use those accounts except for my main anymore

posted 11 months ago

Idk, i dont keep with these 😐

Im just basing off of logic

posted 11 months ago

ok i dont wanna sound rude, but y didnt they use someone similar to the first annabeth. literally the book and the comic version all talk about annabeth being white, and the MOVIE
shes literally the "daughter" of a greek person LMAO

posted 11 months ago

im ngl, i kinda forgot what happened in the movie, its been years since I watched it.

posted 11 months ago

"If you guys got into Harvard, you would’ve used it to your advantage too."
bro had to flex LMAO
of course, we shoulda known he wasnt going down without one last mention

posted 11 months ago

i thought the movie was pretty good, idk y everyone hated it. If i remember correctly, they didnt make any more becuz it wasnt popular enough/not good enough)

posted 11 months ago

Tell me ur faking without telling me, bro learned how to write a paragraph in 6 days πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted 11 months ago

Highest acs too lcq 2022 if i remember correctly

posted 11 months ago

Just becuz they play Jett, doesnt mean their rifle isnt top tier πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted 11 months ago

U said never really gud duelists, what r u on

posted 11 months ago

Its like saying im avoiding girls becuz i get hella nervous and thats sexists

posted 11 months ago

Yeah? When is the last time an eu duelist got back to back aces? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ its crazy how 2 players on 100t did it already

posted 11 months ago

characterized by or showing prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
Is what way is he discriminating or stereotyping women? Theres a difference between hating on women and AVOIDING women. Although it may be frowned upon, it isnt sexist

posted 11 months ago
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