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Registered: December 15, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 8:41 PM
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She broke the most kill record in a series on lan

posted 9 months ago

bro just because they were tier 2, doesn't mean they are below the other tier one teams. ur basically saying that in all 3 regions, we will see the ascension teams there. winning ascension is already a huge accomplishment, not a lot of tier one teams rn can honestly do it, heck most of them probably cant.

posted 9 months ago

yeah, ovbiously, people r seeing it as an upgrade. juicy sure he's cracked, but if u look at yay's past, its clearly an upgrade. but of course chemistry and how well they play together is a different story and how he actually fits on his new role

posted 9 months ago

? Who won ascension, with the things that yay has achieved everyone is expecting to be a powerhouse, idk what egoist brings tho

posted 9 months ago

What happened

posted 9 months ago

i didnt really watch the video but does it include every kill? or only the ones they won for the round

posted 9 months ago

whats so funny lol

posted 9 months ago

bro what? its clearly going to be 13-10 by the way things r going rn
only lost pistol and eco and then they havent lost a round, going to be hard to lose a round especially with this momentum

posted 9 months ago

Of all time, winning first strike, redbull, lcq, attending champs. That aint mid

posted 9 months ago

roblox has fortnite, fortnite doesnt have roblox
roblox gud

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

i stopped at koi, ur talking them being like nrg in 2023 becuz of ur usage of past tense so idk where the 2024 is.

posted 9 months ago

do u have any info on when 100t will scrim openly? or will they wait till they get boostio

posted 9 months ago

i cant tell if this is a w move or l move....
ig we have to wait and c

posted 9 months ago

idk what ur trying to say, im pretty sure u mean 3 series?? also ok cool, eg only lost 4 and they won champs. like i dont c ur point, and they are more consistent than eg but eg had a higher peak. where were u when champ ended and everyone was deciding who was the best team and they said that fnc were the most consistent, but eg were the best
fnc fits yay perfectly, always near the top but failing at the end, while eg, like demon1 eventually had a much higher peak
idk if u guys know what a peak is, but winning champs is a super high peak, especially mpving it. yay was just more consistent because he was known for the whole year and was able to place high while demon1 was brand new and his first 2 international got 2 and and 1.
demon1 has rate of 100 percent o being top 3 on lans...

posted 9 months ago

Its like saying this year fnc had a higher peak than eg, no they were more consistent but eg had a higher peak.

posted 9 months ago

Bro he joins and they improve, idc how they improved but they did and its not like they just decided to improve as its alr been like a few months before using demon1
And ok cool u think they r good, good job!
And im saying that we all know prime yay couldnt win champs with eg cuz his peak isnt as good as demon1
And im not saying hes the only reason, thats impossible. Hes the main reason and probably most of the reason too. They r able to do much more with demon1 as he expands their playing field

posted 9 months ago

Thats not peak, thats overall his best. Yays peak id a 0 percent win in champs while demon1 is 100
Ur clearly mad demon1 was being toxic if the person ur least worried about is demon1
Like actually have meaning full takes. No one is gonna believe anything u say if u said demon1 is the least scariest on eg

posted 9 months ago

read bro, i said they were literally a tier 2.5 team before he joined and after demon1 came along they literally improved. and u cant be serious if u think if yay was on the team they would win champs. yay relied more on his team than demon1 did, which just shows how good demon1 is.

posted 9 months ago

Where were they before demon1, he somehow literally changed them all. Not to mention if eg had yay in champs, if u had a braincell yk they wouldnt have won, theres a reason y demon1 broke records

posted 9 months ago

Im sorry, but demon1 took a tier 2.5 into the best of the best. Yay alr had one of the biggest brain, best smoker, and one of the best duo on his team at that time. Demon1 peak is winning champs, while yays is master. I agree we shouldnt be hating on yay but if we r talking about peak, demon1 clears

posted 9 months ago

its not even that, they could have doen the animations 10x better

posted 10 months ago

Bro what, who cares
Copying is very normal

posted 10 months ago

Ngl they threw it so hard. It coulda been much better

posted 10 months ago

Can someone link the game

posted 10 months ago

I think FNS actually has good aim but isnt very consistent, ive been watching them and fns has been actually hitting clean shots while boaster usually hits the body. idk about bonecold cuz i dont really watch emea league and he didnt make it to lans.

posted 10 months ago

yeah im ngl there r a few ppl who r cracked but a lot of times make the most questionable plays ever.

posted 10 months ago

no spanish, if u saw the tex video he was speaking spanish fluently
everyone on that team speaks spanish

posted 10 months ago

Bro he had a rough start, and if u actually watched his games, u would know hes not a one trick

posted 10 months ago

Hes not bad, its just that his opponents r gud. Hes doing fine in t2 rn

posted 10 months ago

bro ik every fucking guy has tried to do it at least once

posted 10 months ago

I think one is enough. When swinging your bat, its beat to use one so its not too heavy and gives u enough heaviness to make u swing faster. 😎

posted 10 months ago

Its weird, u should be done by late teen stage as u want to find ur lover when ur an adult. Braces just makes u less attractive( not tryna be offensive). And idk, it just makes ppl look goofy if they r wearing it as adults and not to mention u stand out among other adults and thats not good in this case

posted 10 months ago

WTF????? Hella unexpected????? WTTTFFF

posted 10 months ago

?? Who cares 😂😂

posted 10 months ago

Jesus u guys have no patiences. This roster of bang asuna cryo eeiu and boostio is alr hella strong. Theres a reason y 100t were winning against drx. Sure they lost 13-3 against fut but it was their very first series together. After that they looked slightly better against scarz and much better against drx. They looked shaky after the games got into it, clearly showing their discomfort playing together especially when pressure is high

posted 10 months ago

Theres no girl around, nothing to be afraid of 😂😂
Where we running anyways

posted 10 months ago

Hes signed stupid

posted 10 months ago

Give me a better igl on the market

posted 10 months ago

Glad for stellar, hope he gets signed

posted 10 months ago

Optic r still hella big

posted 10 months ago

Acting like u have never clicked on someone 😂😂

posted 10 months ago

when you visit someones profile, their last post will be in their timezone. vlr can u please make it in the person's who is viewing it timezone so that the profile's latest post wont be in the future? Thanks <3
especially since I'm from the west which has one of the latest timezone

posted 10 months ago

Idk, maybe 2024 is after 2023 so during that time, it was the most competitive 🤦‍♂️

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Asuna and cryo bout to poppppp offff

posted 10 months ago

is it on? i cant c it

posted 10 months ago

Naw honesty i think this roster rn is fine. They just need to prac longer as they took a massive lead against drx in both games but ended up losing which clearly shows they just are only comfortable for the first part. Honestly with time, i feel like they could be a contender

posted 10 months ago

How long have they been together? And already put u a good fight against one of the best pacific team and could have won if they actually didnt throw their lead
And theres no way u saved this. Rent free 😂

posted 10 months ago
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