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Registered: December 15, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 8:41 PM
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Sen johnqt

posted about a year ago

Yes, their spray>>>>>

posted about a year ago

(Excluding duelist since their job is to entry which requires aim) For example sentinel. When we think of the best sentinel, we think of less and alfa. But let me ask you, best raw aimer. Alfa and less pops up. So are we thinking that they are good at their role because of their aim?

posted about a year ago

Especially since school is starting and finals later and then vacation

posted about a year ago

theres no interesting roster changes rn so yeah its kinda dead. c9 dropping mce was hella popular tho, but aspas leaving loud was expected

posted about a year ago

theres only so many things you can do with the same map and same abilities. Eventually you can't change unless u go back to your old strats and even if the meta changes, its so subtle that it looks like they doing the same strat but in a slightly different way.

posted about a year ago

wait they r brothers? that is so sweet, W brothers im ngl.

posted about a year ago

idk what ur talking about because I have never played csgo but i never said it wasnt changing. I said "constantly changing" like you said, those are some meta changes but arent very common. Im also curious how many years ago was this?

posted about a year ago

the difference is there are massive updates in val which makes the meta change while cs, its stale throughout the year. sure there might be a slight shift but overall, there wouldn't be a massive like val and it wouldnt be that noticeable to the naked eye. but #21 is still saying that since its online, you are hella limited which makes val and csgo stale as once the meta is set, it most likely isnt going to change a big update happens. But overall val isnt as stale which makes the game much more interesting. Not to mention that thats just pro play, in ranked u can play whatever agents you want which means different executes will be created.

posted about a year ago

I actually now disagree with zekken being the main duelist. Hes also really cracked at initiator while tenz hasnt bee looking too hot on initiator. Maybe 2023 was just a rough year for tenz emotionally and physically but if this isnt the case, then maybe initiator is just making him uncomfortable and he should go back to duelist(some maps chamber) and zekken is flex(secondary duelist).Zekken can play duelist at a high level but so can tenz while tenz can not really play initiator at such a high level while zekken can.
obviously something isnt working if you have people calling 2 of your smokes player the best at one point, or at least one of the best(marved and panacada) and same with your duelists(tenz and zekken) and also your initator(sacy-2022 was regarded as one of the best in his role with panacada)

posted about a year ago

yeah timing isnt creating a new meta tho, in valorant creating a new agent can change how everyone plays. In csgo, yes it can be a change that changes the meta, but overall, all ur abilities are still the same. I dont play csgo but im p sure that you have the same abilities over and over again, every game. if you are telling me the meta is constantly changing without any updates, idk what to tell you. theres a reason why people are playing the same comp on ascent.

posted about a year ago

theres a difference between irl and online. irl, you are able to do so many new things while online, its really the same thing over and over again. Online you are defined by the code, theres only so many things are able to do while irl, everyone is creating new plays and aren't limited by what they have.
theres a reason why meta irl r changing and not online doesnt really change(or rarely) without an update. How often do updates do like football get that changes how everyone plays. what about basketball?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No, they r super super rich. They literally own a stadium

posted about a year ago

Optic made a podcast(tarik was watching) and they said they messed up and shoulda been on tier1

posted about a year ago

I mean, the guy ur baiting can shoot tho.. 💀

posted about a year ago

Originally, optic were suppose to join t1 but they messed up like the guard and rg took their place right(coulda been nrg but i feel like they would have picked nrg cuz bigger clout in 2022. Its crazy how many things went eg way.

posted about a year ago

I mean… it honestly depends. If u play it right and bait ur team. Ez stats cuz thats like at least a kill per round

posted about a year ago

The orgs r getting paid by riot right? Not to mention massive orgs who has a lot of fans. Would u rather c sen vs ur-mom or sen vs 100t.

posted about a year ago

Bro csgo u just see the same gameplay over and over whereas in val, the meta is constantly changing and new plays can be made which makes it better than csgo.

posted about a year ago

L org
L writer

posted about a year ago

Lets be honest, sentinel would lose half their fans if they didnt have tenz.

posted about a year ago

@Asuna, help with this list

posted about a year ago

Yeah what about my flair, at least i have a flair 😂😂😂

posted about a year ago

Marved overrated.

posted about a year ago

I honestly hope 100t dont change. Last year, everyone was saying derrek the best initiator, bang the best smokes(or going to be) and stellar with the plays. Asuna crazy on raze. Like we all know they have potential and i hope they can find it next year.

posted about a year ago

Bro this is vlr, its pretty obvious hes doing it for attention. Also y do it here when its better to do it on a gym forum where u can relate with more people and even better, tips….

posted about a year ago

Isnt v1c toxic? Or maybe it was someone on SR. Also mitch overrated

posted about a year ago

😠 😡 👿 i have been waiting for months bruh

posted about a year ago

Eu fans r gonna be like-emea saving na(if g2 starts winning)💀💀
Wait its u, bro how did u come up with ur name

posted about a year ago

Really, i thought asuna and bang were q duo as well as bearkub and asuna or something

posted about a year ago

Jesus, they have literally been non stop duoing…. Like non stop. 100T Zander? Ik 100t prob not going to sign but damn, thats a hell lot of game together

posted about a year ago

so i can flex to my bf

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

its actually not that bad, his average is 27.1 posts per day

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

u saying its hard to stay a fan, even if the org makes bad choices, ill still be a fan.

posted about a year ago

raze>yoru on bind. not to mention they literally did not have a lot of support from the coaches.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

trust me, 100t r going to be hella strong. put asuna on duelist and cryo on chamber again.. its jover, prime 100t

posted about a year ago

shroud played against jakee in a pro match :O

posted about a year ago

❤️❤️ill invite u and we can watch together ❤️❤️

posted about a year ago

bruh i aint tryna watch one piece illegally or on netflix, ill watch it when im sitting in my $100 million dollar mansion from job(studying>>)

posted about a year ago

☹️ studying is making me go crazy rn ☹️

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

oh yeah? 4x speeeeeeeeeeed!!😡😡😡

posted about a year ago

idk if fine is the word for rating becuz ur rating can be hella high if u bait too

posted about a year ago

i mean technically u could say the winning team prob has the higher ACS or ADR .....

posted about a year ago

3x speed

posted about a year ago
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