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Registered: December 15, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 8:41 PM
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Acs, ascension it was like 170 average or at least below 180

posted 11 months ago

Yet 2 of trhe best players in the world, always performing r sentinel mains
Just becuz ur role is sentinel, doesnt mean u cant have good aim

posted 11 months ago

How, u say these and dont explain πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Cope harder kid

posted 11 months ago

Mg knows them all πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted 11 months ago

Yeah is johnqt on duelist tho? And ur literally proving my point, where is dephh and sykko(who taught dephh and also went with good chemistry)
Sure his duelist skills r good, but it’s irrelevant since he isnt playing that(maybe once in a while). His main is sentinel and he hasnt been putting up good numbers.
All the people who r upfragging u r actually sen riders πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted 11 months ago

Yeah, the new player is always better, u sen fans been saying that for like 2 years.

posted 11 months ago

How, marved stepped in as igl, their igls r practically the same since johnqt is overrated πŸ˜‚

posted 11 months ago

Thats what they said with marved(decent igl + insane aim)

posted 11 months ago

If u look at acs and apr, hes below average. Rating can be good but at the same time, unreliable

posted 11 months ago

idk i feel like thats every time sen brings a new player in. its always overhyped.

posted 11 months ago

you guys can call this a bad take but I feel like johnqt won't shine and will be like in a dephh situation except better. he struggled in tier 2(low acs) which should drop in tier1 because there is more challenge. At the beginning of the year, we all said that m80 has a cracked roster. Most of their players are tier one material while other teams either have 2 max or else(except The Guard). It was expected for those two to be in the finals. I'm sure his igling is decent but his stats aren't really showing it, all of m80s achievement were really expected because of their firepower.

posted 11 months ago

bro thinks sentinel is a good org LMAO. shahzam literally found out he got dropped after reading an article LMAO

posted 11 months ago

Tell me u have a fake flair without telling me. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Ur on some shit rn πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted 11 months ago

Eh, i cant wait for him to get dropped and forced to go to tier 3 πŸ‘

posted 11 months ago

No one knows me lil bro, u cant overrated something that doesnt exist 😎

posted 11 months ago

Im p sure all his games were below a rating of one except for one game(im not 100 percent sure)
His acs is like 211 which ig is pretty good for a initator
His apr is .38 which is ig average? Altho theres some people whos apr r way higher so idk.
the main point none if his stats r impressive so idk y he is saying he is the best initator of champs 22. Like he cant really aim(low ass headshot percentage) he cant even do his jobs and set up his team well to get kills(which means getting assists)
Theres a reason y he was moved over to smokes on eg, and eventually dropped

posted 11 months ago

Cant wait to see bcj get dropped soon afterwards and force to play tier 3 with that ego

posted 11 months ago

Hes trash

posted 11 months ago

L move bru

posted 11 months ago

bro im actually gonna lose it if they pick up bcj.

posted 11 months ago

temporary part-time libraries North-West inter-library loan business unit administration assistant.

posted about a year ago

I kinda agree, u cant really entry on chamber. U guys saying that he can tp, u guys r forgetting that it takes time to put it down and he has to put it like in a safe spot, plus the radius isnt that big which means he cant move much, making it hard to entry. i think u guys r confusing aggressiveness with entrying. Chamber is good for holding aggressive angles but terrible for entrying. Once u tp, u lose all ur info or a lot of important info which is terrible for entrying

posted about a year ago

Bro got sat down πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted about a year ago

I agree and i have already said this before. 100t dont need bcj. Theres only a few people that i would really hate for 100t to pickup and one of the is bcj. I dont want our initator to say hes the best initiator coming in 2023 and is actually so mid he got benched becuz of a initiator main who didnt even qualify to champd in 2022.

posted about a year ago

Pancada overrated, just look at his stats this year. Hes only popular cuz of clutches here and there

posted about a year ago

fuck im leaving this site, is it too late tho :c
thats crazy, my 1000th post is wholesome <3

posted about a year ago

im a huge fan of bleed, my fav apac team so im really happy for them <3

posted about a year ago

theres isnt enough tier 1 teams for all of these guys. kinda sad honestly, like theres a lot tier 2 talent that has a chance to prove themselves in tier1 but there is only 30 slots

posted about a year ago

ok im ngl ur sentence gave me the vibe that u think bcj is gud, idky

posted about a year ago

no ethan only played it like twice. he is a initiator main and they clearly think ethan>bcj or else he wouldnt be playing smokes.

posted about a year ago

All my takes r valid

posted about a year ago

If hes insane, y did he get benched πŸ˜‚

posted about a year ago

cope harder kid

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

how is 100t so low
Theres a roster change

posted about a year ago

Surely its very unexpected for

TL sayf

posted about a year ago

360 noscope insane building speed and ramming cars into yo face

posted about a year ago

yall can flame me but im sure b4 marved joined sentinels, you guys would be saying sen + marved> sen+johnqt.

posted about a year ago

idk y u guys r removing bang. cryo, asuna, and bang are confirmed(inside sources)

posted about a year ago

bro waited his whole life for this

posted about a year ago

im p sure they r making team skins soon

posted about a year ago

ok, who asked though

posted about a year ago

nature super underrated

posted about a year ago

nature super underrated

posted about a year ago

Will be remembered in our hearts

posted about a year ago

nadeshot has high standards. he prob doesnt roll with how toxic demon1 is in game even tho hes chill irl.

posted about a year ago

bros already said na is done when there hasnt been movement -_-

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro doesnt know what rating is

100T - have about precisely 100 of them left after 2023 season

posted about a year ago
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