Current agent meta is absolutely wonderful. It is refreshing to see so many agent variations even in the resident sleeper maps like icebox and ascent. I always wanted valorant to be like this where teams and regions have their individual identity.
Kinda agree, but after a long time with Jett as the only OPing option, its still nice to see everyone switching to Chamber and some teams even running 0 duelist comps on certain maps.
Do agree with Cypher though, but I doubt he'll see a drastic pick rate increase. Not before he receives a needed buff.
I would hope that riot like gives cypher a little more breathing room in where his cam could be placed, I feel like cypher was OP when he could find all these one way cams but I think it would be great for the game if his cam would be more stealthier. Maybe allow his cam to be invisible when not used or allow it to be placed on objects outside of the map where it is still visible.
hard nerf chamber ult and tp, make his trap 2 again, buff sage and cypher a little bit = sentinel maybe balance
controller is ok, initiator is ok but need nerf. buff yoru phoenix reyna then all duelist are completely viable (raze, jett, and neon already balance).
but yea this current meta is better than any other meta in the past